Issue - meetings

Questions by Members

Meeting: 14/06/2021 - City Council (Item 14)

Questions by Councillors

Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the constitution.

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Councillor Dann

Councillor Mrs Bridgeman

A commitment to reopen the airport and PCC leading on the climate change? Councillor Nicholson reported that Councillor Mrs Bridgeman not responsible for the airport. 

Response: There are clean green technologies in aviation now as well as drone technology.

Supplementary Question:  The conservatives closed the airport.  There is a need to drastically reduce carbon in the city.  How do persuade cabinet colleagues to re-open airport?

Response:  All discussed within the manifesto regardless of history.


Councillor Stevens

Councillor Mrs Pengelly

Lat52 flats and the safety of the building, emergency work and the concern for residents.  Can you assure that local councillors are briefed in good time and in a language we can understand?


Response:  Apologies that you have not received the information and I will ensure that this is addressed.


Supplementary question:   A briefing scheduled later this month and residents need the information now and not in a couple of weeks. 


Response:  Will get back to you as quickly as possible.


Councillor Churchill

Councillor Mrs Bridgeman

South Hams undertaking the bin collection at Sherford and PCC taxpayers are being refuses bin collections from South Hams and PCC – what is going on?


Response: Please forward this as case work and this is not acceptable.


Councillor Hulme

Councillor Mrs Bridgeman

Timeframe for when Weston Mill tip to be open 7 days? 


Response:  Waiting for staff to comeback and priority has been grass cutting.


Councillor Singh

Councillor Mrs Bridgeman

The renaming of Sir John Hawkins Square and the road sign not been replaced.  If there was an emergency tomorrow who would be responsible? 


Response:  Forward this question to me and I will address this.


Supplementary question:  Road name missing and no name attached if someone dying on a road who would be accountable?


Response:  I do not have a response at this time.


Councillor Haydon

Councillor Deacon

Update on how many people we have helped so far on the EU settlement scheme.  This scheme ends on 30 June?



Response:  Will have to get back to you with a response.


Supplementary question:  Could he please explain to these citizens where they need to go for help?  But understand that Councillor Deacon is new in post.


Councillor Dr Buchan

Councillor Mrs Bridgeman

When would the schedule be published regarding the neighbourhood sweep?


Response:  They were still working on the schedules for back lane cleaning and will answer this in an email.


Supplementary question:  Can you clarify in Honicknowle Ward actions have not been seen and timescale that residents and councillors to check?


Response: They are looking to update the website and to make more user friendly.


Councillor Dann

Councillor Mrs Bridgeman

Grass maintenance digital map, grass to cut and where to be cut taken to scrutiny in March.  Were you aware this was publicly available? 


Response:  When I first undertook this role I checked the website, there was no clear detail and this will be addressed and website  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14