Issue - meetings
Declarations of Interest
Meeting: 21/03/2022 - City Council (Item 44)
Declarations of Interest
Additional documents:
Ross Jago (Head of Governance, Performance and Risk) advised that the Monitoring Officer had issued a dispensation for all Councillors, in relation to the Motion on Notice 12b.
There were no declarations of interest made by Councillors, in accordance with the code of conduct.
Councillor Patrick Nicholson raised a point of order to seek clarification as to the rationale behind issuing a dispensation for a Councillor to occupy a Council position.
Ross Jago (Head of Governance, Performance and Risk) advised that given the unusual nature of the motion before Council, the Monitoring Officer had considered that to ensure clarity for all Councillors on this issue, a dispensation would be issued so there would be no requirement to declare an interest.
Councillor Patrick Nicholson raised a point of order that this dispensation would set a precedent that whenever Councillors were nominated to Council positions, a dispensation would need to be given by the Monitoring Officer on each occasion.
Ross Jago (Head of Governance, Performance and Risk) advised that this matter had been discussed with the Monitoring Officer and it was the intention in the future to look to provide a standing dispensation for appointments to committees, cabinet and Leader. The blanket dispensation would apply which would be published at the beginning of the new municipal year, prior to the Annual General Meeting.
Councillor Nicholson raised a further point of order that given the Council had numerous Monitoring Officers over the years, this was the first time that this issue had arisen and asked the Lord Mayor and the Chief Executive to seek a second legal opinion on this process.
The Lord Mayor sought clarification as to whether information from the Monitoring Officer was required at this meeting, and if so, the meeting would be adjourned to facilitate this request.
Councillor Patrick Nicholson advised that he did not wish to delay this meeting. However, he did not accept the need for a dispensation, as he considered that it was important not to set a precedent that would mean more council tax payers money being wasted on similar actions in the future.
Tracey Lee (Chief Executive) advised that this was a very unusual situation. She was confident that she could speak on behalf of the Monitoring Officer, that a discussion on this issue would be held with the Audit and Governance Sub Committee. The Monitoring Officer had been very clear that for the purpose of this meeting a dispensation was required. Whilst this course of action had not previously been undertaken, the Council did have a new Monitoring Officer, who would be happy to discuss any concerns Councillors may have.