Issue - meetings

Returning to Work Safely - Presentation

Meeting: 02/03/2022 - Housing and Community Services Scrutiny Panel (Item 39)

Returning to Work Safely - Presentation

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Councillor Riley (Cabinet Member for Governance, IT, HR and Community Safety) and Andy Ralphs (Strategic Director for Customer and Corporate Services) presented the Returning to Work Safely presentation and highlighted the following key points:



from 21 February 2022 the Government had removed legal restrictions in relation to Covid and moved to a new state of alert;



per 100,00, Plymouth had 391 cases of Covid whereas the England average was 321 – there were currently 80 patients in local hospitals;



there were subtle changes around council buildings including changes to social distancing to 1 metre which allowed for additional office capacity, the installation of C02 monitors as well as ventilation around buildings. From 1 April 2022 more staff were expecting to return to council offices on a flexible working basis;



staff were being moved from Windsor House to Ballard House and Crownhill Court;



investment had been agreed for the Council’s depots and Council House to make improvements, and the business case for Midland House was due to be considered by the Leader shortly;



financial savings of £900k would be realised from 2024/25 with other venues being used for collaboration space on a cost effective basis; 



employees had fed back through wellbeing surveys that they like the flexible working approach but some needed the support of an office; the direction of travel for working was supported by the peer review team;



it was expected that flexible working would encourage the council’s green initiatives – staff due to travel into work were encouraged to promote green travel.


Members discussed:



what engagement had taken place with service users, specifically parents, carers and children, regarding Midland House? It was responded that engagement had taken place through the service and their knowledge of service users’ needs however further engagement would take place. There was confidence that the move would allow for improvements to be made. The Chair’s suggestion of including the Education and Children’s Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee in discussion relating to the move, specifically with regards to the impact upon parents, carers and children was noted;



had consideration been given to encourage members of staff returning back to the office to use green methods of transport in light of the climate emergency?  It was responded that the Council had a green travel plan however it was acknowledged that changing behaviours could be complex but would be managed carefully;



the Council’s accommodation strategy was envisaged pre-covid; were officers confident that office requirements were at the appropriate level, would anticipated savings be achieved, and how much had trade unions and staff been engaged with? It was responded that trade unions and staff had been consulted and it was expected that 60% of staff would work flexibly, 20% would work from home and 20% would work in the office; contingencies were in place to give flexibility;



what options for catering facilities were being offered to staff working in the office? It was responded  that this had not yet been decided however there was an offer from  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39