Agenda and minutes

Contact: Katey Johns, Tel 01752 307815  Email:

No. Item



·         Charlotte Coker, DDC CRC – replacing Anne Proctor




·         Kelechi Nnoaham – Director of Public Health


Peter Aley, Head of Safer Communities, welcomed all parties and asked everyone to introduce themselves.


Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair of Safer Plymouth Partnership pdf icon PDF 32 KB


Only one expression of interest in the position of Chair had been received and it was therefore agreed that Councillor Chris Penberthy is appointed Chair of Safer Plymouth Partnership for the 2015/16 municipal year.


In the absence of any expressions of interest in the position of Vice-Chair it was agreed to roll the item forward to the next meeting.

The Chair commented on the new format of the agenda which had been separated into three sections –


·         Items to discuss

·         Items to note

·         Briefings (for discussion only by exception)


It was hoped that this new format would help keep meetings focussed by concentrating on the main discussion issues featured on the agenda whilst still allowing opportunity to keep members informed and up-to-date on other matters.


Notes from Previous Meeting - 23 January 2015* pdf icon PDF 171 KB


Agreed the notes of the meeting held on 23 January 2015.


Safer Plymouth's/City's Response to consultation on the Police and Crime Commissioner's plans for refreshing the Police and Crime Plan* pdf icon PDF 270 KB

Additional documents:


Ian Ansell commented that, whilst feedback was always welcomed, the refresh was not intended to be a complete re-write of the Plan which would be submitted to the next meeting of the Police and Crime Panel for consideration.


Points of discussion included –


·         problems with the 101 service and whether it should continue to be the route for victim support.  The Board was advised that scrutiny of the 101 service had been undertaken by the Police and Crime Panel and progress on the action plan subsequently produced was due to be considered at the next meeting.  It was, however, pointed out that once initial contact had been made victims would be directly referred to Victim Support Services and wouldn’t have to continue to use 101 as a point of contact;

·         that the Plan still read as ‘one size fits all’ whereas it should be more Plymouth focussed.  The danger being that the majority of positives relating to rural crime performance could mask the negatives relating to Plymouth.


The report was noted.


Rotherham Report


A link to the Rotherham Report – an independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Rotherham – had been circulated with the agenda in order to inform a discussion around what lessons could be learned in Plymouth.  It was pointed out that the report had been considered in detail at the last meeting of the Safeguarding Children’s Board, from which an 11-point action plan had been produced, one of which was the establishment of a sub-group to monitor and implement the action plan to be Chaired by Charlie Pittman. 


Members were advised that numerous agencies across the City were looking at their processes as a result of the report and, whilst it was important to link in with what was being done, care should be taken to avoid duplication.  It was suggested that in the first instance it should be established what was being done and by whom. 


Agreed that –




Charlie Pittman, Chair of the Safeguarding Children’s Board sub-group be invited to attend the next meeting;




the focus of the agenda for the second half of the System’s Leadership away-day should be changed from hate crime to child sexual exploitation.




Performance Report (standing item)* pdf icon PDF 315 KB


The Board welcomed Rob Sowden who was in attendance to present the latest position in relation to performance targets as at the end of 2014/15. 


Points of discussion included –


·         Reducing Anti-Social Behaviour and whether there needed to be a change in how performance was measured.  It was reported that this was already being looked at with the proposed new measure being more about the whole journey travelled rather than just being seen;

·         overall performance comparison with the family group and whether lessons could be learned from Torbay whose position had improved more than ours;

·         SARC funding.  It was reported that NHS England were looking to publish user specifications for individual SARCs within the next few months.  Current service providers would be invited to comment on the different user specifications which would then be costed.  Further information would be brought back to the Board to keep members informed;

·         the Early Intervention and Prevention Strategy 2012-15 for Children, Young People and Families, particularly those interventions that would have a positive effect in preventing and protecting young people from becoming involved in crime and risk-taking behaviour.  Members were advised that a fresh approach was being taken on this and that there was a multi-agency approach and early help framework piece of work being undertaken across a number of partnerships;






Rob Sowden and Sarah Hopkins look at what lessons could be learned from Torbay;




Ian Ansell bring back an update in respect of SARC services;




Judith Hardwood provide an update on the early intervention measures being adopted in regard to reducing children re-offending.




Proposed Performance Measures/Outcomes for Safer Plymouth for 2015/16* pdf icon PDF 44 KB




In light of the review of performance indicators being undertaken by the Council and its partners, the Board considered a number of performance measures proposed for 2015/16, notwithstanding that additional performance measures may be presented at a later date.


Indicator Name

Performance Measure



Close the Gap between the 10 neighbourhoods with the highest crime rates and the city average per 1,000 population

Aim:  To reduce the gap between the city rate/1000 and the rate for the 10 priority neighbourhoods using the 2013/14 out-turn as a baseline


Agreed to retain existing 10 but to review before 16/17 taking a risk register approach

Violence related Indicator

Aim:  The ENTE and Alcohol harm reduction group will be looking to identify a new indicator that looks to link in with the Families with a future outcome


Further proposals to be brought back identifying control measures and activity types which would enable the Board to track progress


Number of professionals in receipt of DASH training

Aim:  To track the numbers of people in the city who have been in receipt of DASH training.  The training fits in with the city’s aim to raise awareness of domestic abuse but also to raise awareness of services available to victims of domestic abuse


Needs to reflect impact of training and how the impact of the training can be measured

Increase in referrals to Domestic Abuse services

Aim:  To obtain further evidence of the increased awareness of domestic abuse and available services.  Any target increase will be negotiated with the service provider as part of their contract.  It is proposed that this indicator will be supplemented by the monitoring of first time referrals to PDAS


Further consideration to be given to how sexual crime within DA is dealt with and the effects of DA on young people in the household.  A proper risk assessment approach is required and clarity on what expectations are.  Refer to Violence Related Harm Group.

Number of vulnerable victims assessed as appropriate for support by the ASB Victim Champion Service

Aim:  To track the number of people who do engage with the service.  What defines engagement is to be determined by the Community Safety Team



% of vulnerable ASB victims whose quality of life score has improved by using an Outcome/

Empowerment Star tool

















Service User Satisfaction







Aim:  To look at what impact the vulnerable victim service has directly on clients who use the service by measuring ‘distance travelled’ from point of entry into the service.  To map the client’s overall distance travelled, the service will focus on some or all of the following –



·         Health and wellbeing

·         Safety

·         Support networks

·         Housing

·         Finances

·         Legal Issues

·         Children

·         Confidence and self-esteem


People who have used the service will at point of exit be asked to feedback on the impact that the service has had.  As a new indicator 2015/16 will be used as a baseline setting year


Serious Acquisitive Crime (monitor levels only)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Collaborative Enforcement Pilot (standing item)* pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Written update on progress and proposed ‘reporting framework’.


Robin Carton was in attendance to provide an update with regard to the Collaborative Enforcement Pilot.  Members were reminded of the principles of collaborative enforcement, namely –


·         Don’t walk by

·         Shared problems and shared solutions

·         A readily recognisable Plymouth enforcement presence

·         Structured information gathering and sharing

·         Shared intelligence and analysis

·         Joint tasking based on evidence

·         Joint priorities

·         Coterminous boundaries


It was reported that those involved had been surprised at the speed of its success and whilst some issues had been identified this had been expected and the cause and solution were being explored.  One such problem had been around data recording and sharing.


Discussion took place around the governance arrangements, how the pilot ward had been selected and whether there was scope for challenge/change.  Members were advised that the project fell under the responsibility of the Director for Public Health and he had  meetings scheduled with both the Chair and Andrew Boulting where any concerns could be raised.


The report was noted.


Transforming Rehabilitation - Verbal Update


The Board heard from Charlotte Coker who provided a progress update in respect of Transforming Rehabilitation.  Members were advised that –


·         mobilisation was still under way and there was no finalised structure of what the CRC in Devon and Cornwall was going to look like;

·         The new IT platform had not yet materialised and it wasn’t expected to be ready until June 2016 at the earliest;

·         work-streams across the package area were being developed with a view to harmonising services and commissioning opportunities were also being explored;

·         Inspection report had just been published;

·         some issues around how new cases were moved had been identified;

·         as there were only two middle-tier managers, there were often difficulties encountered around how they engaged with relevant groups.


Georgia Webb requested that a copy of the Inspection report.


The verbal update was noted.


Neighbourhood Watch - Engagement Issues - Verbal Update

Rolled forward from last meeting (23.1.2015).


The Board was advised that concerns raised at a previous meeting by Lorraine Robison, around falling membership numbers, was due to be scrutinised at the next meeting of the Police and Crime Panel.  Anyone was welcome to attend and observe proceedings or, alternatively, could watch the meeting online via the webcast.


The verbal update was noted.



Victim Services - Gone 'Live' - Verbal Update from OPCC


Members were advised that a written report was expected at the next Police and Crime Panel meeting covering the first two months of operation.  The launch and operation to date had gone well with far fewer problems being encountered than anticipated.  One of the problems that had come out was in relation to Domestic Violence where there had been a real issue around getting service providers to focus on need rather than risk.  Volunteers were coming on board and, through monitoring of the website, it was evident that it had been getting an increasing number of ‘hits’.


The verbal update noted.


Domestic Abuse - Update on Current Provision* pdf icon PDF 93 KB


Members noted the report providing an update on the current provision in relation to Domestic Abuse.


Report on Substance Misuse and Mental Health - Briefing from Gary Wallace* pdf icon PDF 62 KB


Members noted the report on Substance Misuse and Mental Health.


Chief Constable's Letter on Mental Health/S136 and P&CC's Supporting Letter* pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Additional documents:


Members noted the content of the Chief Constable’s letter on Mental Health / S136, along with the Police and Crime Commissioner’s supporting letter.


IOM/Turnaround* pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Options for developing a cost efficient model building upon existing arrangements for managing Prolific and other Priority Offenders (TurnAround Programme) Across Devon/Cornwall and Dorset

Additional documents:


Members noted the content of DCI Paul Powley’s presentation and the Chair’s response on behalf of the Safer Plymouth Partnership.


Dates of Future Meetings

All meetings will commence at 10 am.  Venues to be confirmed –


·         Thursday 23 July 2015

·         Thursday 22 September 2015

·         Thursday 21 January 2016

·         Thursday 14 April 2016 (Provisional)


·         Thursday 23 July 2015

·         Thursday 22 September 2015

·         Thursday 21 January 2016

·         Thursday 14 April 2016 (Provisional)


All meetings to commence at 10 am.