Agenda and minutes

Contact: Lynn Young Tel 01752 304163  Email:

No. Item




The Chair welcomed all parties and asked everyone to introduce themselves.  Apologies were noted.



Minutes and actions arising from last meeting - 26 May 2016 pdf icon PDF 129 KB


Agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 26 May 2016.


With regard to outstanding actions –






Gary Wallace agreed to send relevant information and ToR to SP for their consideration and also for Rob Sowden to continue as he progresses the new plan.

Actioned by Rob Sowden


Rob Sowden will meet with relevant board members to explore these options further and include the next iteration of the plan on a page and strategic assessment which will be considered at the next board meeting.  Board members are requested to prioritise Rob’s requirements in relation to this task.



Rob Sowden will ask Police team working on the OLCP’s re the timescales for the final version of the cyber, fraud and organised crime one and the provisional timescales for the others.

Actioned - Cyber fraud.  Outstanding - final version of OLCP to be sent to members


Jo Robison to present PCC crime plan to next meeting (including draft versions if ready).

To be actioned at this meeting by Matt Garrett


Bronwyn Prosser, Jo Robinson, Katy Shorten and Craig McArdle (Assistant Director for Strategic Co-operative Commissioning) to meet including relevant partners and stakeholders to discuss current OPCC CSP grant spending plan.

To be actioned at this meeting by Katy Shorten


Action - the Democratic Support Officer to produce an action log to monitor actions agreed at meetings.


Agreement on Governance Structure


Matt Garrett (Head of Housing Services, PCC) discussed the contents of the report – ‘Safer Plymouth – links to the broader Plymouth Plan partnership structure – a proposed way forward – Sept 2016’.  


Following a discuss members were advised that –


·         Matt Garrett had met with Jo Robison (OPCC) to discuss ways in which Safer Plymouth could be re-positioned in the city;

·         there was a certain degree of flexibility with which Safer Plymouth (SP) could be delivered, even though the existence of a Community Safety Partnership (CSP) was a statutory requirement;

·         in April 2016 a way forward was agreed for SP (focussing on a systems leadership approach);

·         the Plymouth Plan was the single strategic plan for the city and provided an opportunity to reform and rationalise the partnership landscape in order to respond to the policies set out for the city;

·         it was important to ensure that SP is embedded within the four System Design Groups.


The Chair advised members that the current membership and focus of the Health & Wellbeing Board was health-led, and the majority of the budget was spent on health issues.  If SP became a sub-group of the Health & Wellbeing Board consideration would need to be given to requesting that the Chair of SP becomes a statutory member of the Board, which could ensure that the priorities of SP are addressed.


Members agreed the four recommendations contained in the report as below –



it is recommended that Safer Plymouth adopt the Plan on a Page format (example attached as Appendix Two);



it is recommended that Safer Plymouth agree to the development of a new Safer Plymouth Performance Framework format to monitor progress (Format suggested attached as Appendix Three);



that Safer Plymouth identifies three to four areas for focused detailed work each year, using the areas proposed for 2016/17 as examples for discussion;



if Safer Plymouth agrees the above recommendations, the proposed governance arrangements should be presented to the Health and Well Being Board for sign off on 20th October 2016.



Safer Plymouth Priorities


Matt Garrett (Head of Housing Services, PCC) advised members of the necessity to streamline the priorities for Safer Plymouth and focus on particular areas - domestic abuse (including sexual violence), hate crime and emerging areas of threat, risk and harm, such as modern slavery, cyber-crime, Prevent agenda and Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE).  The draft ‘Plan on a Page’ summarised this focused approach. 


The relationship between Safer Plymouth and the various sub-groups needed to be investigated and more effective working relationships established.


Performance Framework


Rob Sowden (Performance and Research Officer, PCC), discussed the proposed new Safer Plymouth performance framework. 


The proposed framework included –


·         Outcomes from the Plymouth Plan (Victims and Offenders, Communities and Issues);

·         Areas to be monitored [from the Safer Plymouth Community Safety Strategic Assessment 2015/16];

·         Performance Indicators (bi-annual for all indicators and quarterly if the area is one of the three or four focus areas);


Following a discussion amongst members, the following issues were raised –


·         NHS England had new indicators relating to sexual abuse;

·         Victim Support no longer offered a specific project for victims of anti-social behaviour, although this could change in the near future pending the result of a bid for National Lottery funding for a three year project;

·         there was occasionally a discrepancy in crime data – a difference in the figures for the number of crimes that were reported and those that were supported;



The Chair advised members that this framework was a work in progress and more work needed to be done.


Finance update


Katy Shorten (Strategic Commissioning Manager, PCC), circulated a document detailing the funding for commissioned services linked to Safer Plymouth, which specified the funding from OPCC, NHS England and Plymouth City Council.  Members were advised that this was the initial current situation and more funds could be forthcoming.


The two services provided with the largest sums are Plymouth Domestic Abuse Service (PDAS) and the Drugs and Alcohol Contract.  Other projects attracting smaller sums included Sexual Assault Therapeutic Services, CSE Coordination and the REACH Project.  Several anti-social behaviour initiatives were also supported.


Matt Garrett (Head of Housing Services, PCC) advised members that the OPCC were not concerned how their money was spent, but positive outcomes were required and needed to be evidenced – these positive outcomes needed to be made known to the Health & Wellbeing Board.


The Chair reminded members of the requirement both to be more proactive on the allocation of the funding and ensuring that the appropriate services were being commissioned.


Response to the OPCC plan from Safer Plymouth


Matt Garrett (Head of Housing Services, PCC), advised members that Fiona Scapens (Regeneration Manager, Housing Services, PCC) was attending a meeting today to discuss the draft Police and Crime Plan.  The feedback received so far from Safer Plymouth members had been positive.  The deadline for any additional comments was 8 September.


Members were reminded of the main priorities and highlights in the plan which included -


·         Keeping People Safe

·         Finding better ways to link policing back to the local community

·         Providing support for prioritising people who are risk of harm

·         Focus on joint working

·         Focus on anti social behaviour


A set of robust and meaningful strategic indicators needed to be developed which could help the OPCC to identify progress and also understand any gaps in the service and emerging problems over the four year period.


Lyn Gooding (OPCC) reminded Matt Garrett that it was important to highlight that the response is a joint response from Safer Plymouth and Integrated Commissioning.


The Chair reminded members that -


·         it was important to focus on the three Safer Plymouth priorities of Threat, Risk and Harm;

·         due to the proposed formal link of Safer Plymouth to the Health and Wellbeing Board it was necessary to review the current ToRs;


Action - Matt Garrett to review the current ToRs for Safer Plymouth.


Dates of future meetings


Members were advised that dates of future meetings would be circulated once agreed.