Agenda and minutes

Venue: Warspite Room, Council House, Plymouth, PL1 2AA

Contact: Helen Rickman/ Jamie Sheldon  Email: Email:

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions


The Chair welcomed all parties and asked everyone to introduce themselves.  Apologies were noted as above.


Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 136 KB


Agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2017. Under this item the Chair referred to the action points from the previous meeting and confirmed that they had been completed.


Draft Commissioning Plan 18/19 pdf icon PDF 160 KB


Rachel Silcock (Strategic Commissioning Manager, PCC) introduced the Draft Commissioning Plan 2018/19 and highlighted that approximately £20,000 had not yet been allocated.  The Chair added that business plans had been completed by each of the Theme Leads incorporating intentions and priorities.


Under this item Theme Updates were also discussed:


·         ‘Prevent’ – the multi-agency partnership plan was currently being revised; there was a focus on building relationships with the vulnerable community in the city, the visibility of the prevent agenda as well as training for front line professionals. The priority was to highlight the conversation around the prevent agenda as well as broadening the scope to include safeguarding, CSE and Modern Slavery. Multi agency training was discussed as well as the opportunity of feeding into wellbeing hubs to raise awareness;


·         ‘CSE’ – there was good partnership and multi-agency working regarding this theme however more work was required to support the wider community in recognising and reporting safeguarding issues. The importance of receiving effective data on the child was discussed, and how this would help to target the focus of awareness campaigns and to help prevent young people being exploited. Priorities included working with young people to understand how to effectively communicate with them, gang exploitation and Operation Bullfinch. Members discussed the trusted relationships fund which linked to early prevention.


·         ‘Harm’ – it was expected that there may be a small capital bid for a mobile operating base to be located in the city centre to be used by street pastors, police officers, the ambulance service and other agencies. The Purple Flag Accreditation, a nationally recognised accreditation regarding excellence of provision in the ENTE, was also discussed. Members highlighted resource implications and the benefit this would have for the city, specifically regarding Mayflower 2020;


·         ‘welcoming city’ – a bid was being worked on, ready for submission to the DCLG Connecting Communities Fund for projects to be run around the city, especially linked to left behind communities. It was expected that approximately £300,000 was required to run community events and projects and encourage communities to set up their own action groups.  It was considered that some areas of the city had higher frequencies of hate crime and negative attitudes towards people of difference. The DCLG had temporarily suspended the bid process however it was hoped that it would be open again in the summer. The School Empathy Pilot was also discussed whereby a project had been set up to encourage children to value difference; take up for the project was slow and there was concern that this wouldn’t be rolled out to all schools.


·         ‘Discrimination and Hate Crime’ – funding to encourage third party reporting centres was in place; partnership work was due to start in April 2018. It was considered that the marketing of these reporting centres was required in order to highlight their existence. Members discussed the need to go back to One Plymouth regarding marketing communications and the need to assess the welcoming city strap line.


·         ‘County lines’ – delivery  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44.


Events and Awareness Raising


Anna Moss (Harbour Centre) advised Members that she was currently in the process of writing a communication plan for Plymouth detailing events in the city planned by different providers and was due to create an events calendar. Members were asked to consider how the plan should look and what did Safer Plymouth want it to contain?


Members highlighted the importance of the necessity for a broader communication plan specifying priorities and the focus audience as well as including an events calendar and a stakeholder list.


Action – for theme leads to engage with Anna Moss in order to discuss the priorities for each theme as well as awareness raising and development opportunities.


Action - Anna to bring back an early draft version of the draft communication plan to the exec sub group scheduled for 27 April 2018.




Theme Updates


Please refer to minute 44 where Theme Updates were discussed.


Transforming Justice


Anne Proctor (Office of Police and Crime Commissioner) presented the Transforming Justice item. It was highlighted that offending and reoffending were priorities for the project, specifically low level offenders without significant criminal histories, who it was hoped could be diverted away from the criminal justice system. The project was subject to a control trial and research by Cambridge University however a similar scheme carried out in the Midlands had positive results.


Members noted the update.



Plymouth Report


This item was not discussed.


Action point – for the Plymouth Report to be included on the agenda for the next scheduled Safer Plymouth meeting.


Case Study for Prevent


This item was not discussed.


Action point – for the Case Study for Prevent to be included on the agenda for the next scheduled Safer Plymouth meeting.


Exempt Business

To consider passing a resolution under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the press and public from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that it (they) involve(s) the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Agreed that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Recommendations from the Strategic Crime Assessment and Priorities for Coming Year


Members discussed the recommendations from the Strategic Crime Assessment and Priorities for the coming year which were published alongside the main agenda pack.  


Members noted the report.