Agenda and minutes
Venue: Warspite Room, Council House. View directions
Contact: Helen Rickman/ Jamie Sheldon Email: Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome and introductions To welcome/introduce members of the Partnership, and note apologies received. Minutes: The Chair welcomed all parties and asked everyone to introduce themselves. Apologies were noted as above.
The Chair announced with sadness the recent passing of Mel Joyner who was a valued member of Safer Plymouth and on behalf of this committee passes on his condolences to the family.
Minutes of the last meeting PDF 111 KB To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2018 Minutes: Agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 06 March 2018. Under this item the Chair referred to the action points from the previous meeting the following actions to remain on the list
Action Point - For the Chair, Candice Sainsbury, Matt Garrett, Rachel Silcock and Laura Griffiths to meet separately to discuss multi agency training and potential funding. – Action updated - The workforce development survey has been completed and the report to be presented at the next Exec meeting. DISCHARGED
Action Point - For the Chair, Matt Garrett, Craig Downham, Councillor Bowie and Councillor Downie to meet to discuss the Purple Flag Accreditation and if it should be a Safer Plymouth Sub Group or should sit elsewhere. – With the change in administration this action has been updated. Officers have been discussing the accreditation and an update will be given at the next Safer Plymouth meeting.
Action Point - For a briefing paper to be submitted from Safer Plymouth to One Plymouth regarding the Welcoming City Theme group, focusing upon delivery and the marketing strategy/ communications – carry over to next meeting, Darin Halifax to complete.
Action point – for the Plymouth Report to be included on the agenda for the next scheduled Safer Plymouth meeting. – Action updated - Plymouth report to be circulated to members to ensure everyone has seen it.
Board Representations Minutes: The Chair asked for the board to discuss whether the representation on Safer Plymouth Partnership is the correct representation? The board discussed whether we are represented amongst the local communities and some of the minorities.
Action – Candice Sainsbury (Policy and Intelligence Manager) to be asked if resource from her team could undertake an Equality Impact assessment and work with the board to form a collaborative piece of work – Candice to consider what this might look like and present to the next meeting.
Anna Moss (Harbour) to present the Communication Plan. Additional documents: Minutes: Anna Moss (Harbour Centre) presented the Communication Plan to the board, this was include in the main agenda pack.
Members agreed the plan.
Action – Anna Moss to take lead with Candice Sainsbury and Tracey Watkinson to look at developing a website.
Action – Anna Moss to make contact with the University to see if students can assist with the website.
Action – Jake James to meet with Anna Moss to prioritise activities on the External Communication plan
Commissioning Update - to follow PDF 744 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Laura Griffiths (Commissioning Officer) gave the board an update on commissioning; the report was included in the supplementary pack.
Members noted the update.
Together for Childhood Shelley Shaw (NSPCC) to present this item. Minutes: Shelley Shaw (NSPCC) presented this item to the board and gave an overview of Together for Childhood and the specific aspects of the Plymouth Site.
Members noted this item.
Action – Tracey Watkinson and Shelley Shaw to have a formal feed into the MACSE group
Cyber Crime Fraud OCLP PDF 1 MB Alex Fry (PCC) to introduce this item.
Additional documents: Minutes: Alex Fry (Trading Standards Manager) provided the board with an update on Cyber Crime Fraud OCLP, the report was included in the main agenda pack.
Members noted the update. |
Prevent Case Study Candice Sainsbury (PCC) to introduce this item. Minutes: This item was not discussed.
Action point – for the Case Study for Prevent to be included on the agenda for the next scheduled Safer Plymouth meeting.
Theme Lead 60 Second Updates Minutes: The Chair invited theme leads to give a short update on their respective areas:
Craig McWhinnie – we will be pushing forward mapping of services with domestic abuse, lots of additional work to be done now. There is a potential to commission a piece of work around MARAC.
Tracey Watkinson – we have recognised a better grasp of online safety, we have previously relied on a peninsula group but we have pulled it back to our CSE group. We have Just drafted a Plymouth locally responded strategy, we had an overarching Peninsula strategy but we have pulled it down to a local strategy.
Jane Elliot Toncic –The Modern Slavery Group is still operational and representation has been extended and it is believed this will continue to grow.
Rebecca Cheshire – substance misuse – The target message is about prevention and early intervention, the board agreed to broaden this out to look at drug related violence and care.
Craig Downham – had been unable to meet with Darin Halifax about welcoming City and One Plymouth. The community cohesion bid was a DCLG pot of money but DCLG pulled the funding opportunity.
Rob Mooney – The portable bus that had Fire marshals, Street Pastors, Police Officers and Taxi Marshals and was moved to Derry’s cross at 21 may 2018. Taxi Marshals dealt with 692 people on the Saturday.