Agenda and minutes

Venue: Warspite Room, Council House

Contact: Helen Wright  Democratic Support Officer


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda.

Additional documents:


In accordance with the code of conduct, Councillor Mrs Aspinall declared a personal interest as she was a Trustee of Plymouth Area Disability Action Network (PADAN) and also a Blue Badge holder.


Chair's Urgent Business

To receive reports on business, which in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.

Additional documents:


There were no items of Chair’s urgent business.


Select Committee Review - Parking Modernisation pdf icon PDF 39 KB

Additional documents:



Councillor Ricketts (Cabinet Member for Transport and Housing Delivery), Mike Artherton (Parking and Marine Services Manager) and Lou Hayward (Assistant Director for Street Services) presented the Cabinet report and associated information which highlighted the following key points –



as part of the Council’s ongoing modernisation and improvement agenda, the report presented a number of changes to the parking service; the Parking Modernisation Plan included a package of measures and new features which covered the following -





business permits;



hotelier permits;



on-street tariffs;



Blue Badge tariffs;



parking charges;





the Plan followed on from previous work undertaken to modernise the service and was expected to generate an additional net income of £655,000 in 2017/18.


The committee heard representations from witnesses representing PADAN (Ann Pointon and Bruce Abbott) which highlighted the following key areas of concern –



exemption permit linked to Blue Badge and specific vehicle registration;




permit only for Plymouth city residents;




exemption permit costs;




disability and accessibility – spaces and technology;




case against more isolation (equality impact).


The key areas of questioning related to –



how the charge of £40 for the exemption permit had been derived and the impact on the proposed income generated if take-up was lower than forecast;




the cost of installing smart meters, accessibility of meters, the condition of car parks and the positioning of bays; and the impact of any improvement plan on the proposed generation of income;




the impact of the proposed changes resulting in increased on street congestion, due to Blue Badge holders being able to park on double yellow lines (for a maximum of three hours);




the quality of the information provided within the Equalities Impact Assessment;




whether the concessionary permits could be linked to the Blue Badge holder and not the vehicle;




the inclusion of organisations such as Access Plymouth and Age UK on the list of consultees (to be contacted as part of the consultation process).


The Chair thanked Ann Pointon and Bruce Abbott for their valuable contribution at this meeting.


(Please note: this part of the meeting was webcast)



Additional documents:


The committee agreed –



that in developing the final report and decision, the Portfolio Holder should explain and evidence -




how the charge of £40 was derived, taking into consideration benchmarking with other local authorities,  ability to pay by local badge holders and what exclusions are likely to be available;






how accessibility of meters, conditions in car parks and positions of bays will be improved and the likely impact of any improvement plan on the costs in relation to the scheme;






concessionary permits will be linked to blue badge holders and not the vehicle;





that for the consultation period add to list of consultees, Access Plymouth, Stroke Association, Carers Association, Age UK and Parkinson’s UK and any other Cabinet colleagues may suggest; 





to recommend to the Assistant Chief Executive that training for equalities impact assessments for responsible officers is refreshed.


(Please note: this part of the meeting is webcast)