Agenda and minutes
Venue: Warspite Room, Council House
Contact: Amelia Boulter, Democratic Support Officer
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest Councillors will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Mrs Aspinall declared a personal interest in respect of minute number 24, she sits on a GP International Recruitment Panel. |
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 25 July 2018. Additional documents: Minutes: Agreed the minutes of the meeting 25 July 2018. |
Chair's Urgent Business To receive reports on business which in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items of Chair’s urgent business. |
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust CQC Report PDF 207 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Julie Morgan (Head of Audit, Assurance and Effectiveness) and Kevin Baber (Chief Operating Officer) from University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust were present for this item and referred to the report that was included in the agenda.
In response to questions raised, it was reported that -
The Committee noted the University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust CQC Action Plan and congratulated the hospital on being outstanding for caring. It was also agreed that the Committee –
1. to receive a progress update on actions against the CQC Action Plan at the next meeting on 25 October 2018.
2. to receive an update on the University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust Workforce Plan. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Kevin Baber (Chief Operating Officer) from University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust was present for the item and referred to the report that was included in the agenda.
In response to questions raised, it was reported that -
The Committee noted the update and the Chair requested that any future Never Events are shared with Chair and Vice-Chair. |
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust Winter Plan Presentation Additional documents: Minutes: Kevin Baber (Chief Operating Officer) and Amanda Nash (Head of Communications) from University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust and Jo Beer (Interim Director of Integrated Urgent Care) from University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust and Livewell SW were present for this item and referred the presentation attached
In response to questions raised, it was reported that –
The Committee agreed -
1. to request that South Western Ambulance Service attend scrutiny to provide an update on the NHS111 service.
2. to assist with wider communications to sign post people where appropriate when the Cumberland Centre reaches it capacity in treating patients and closes early as a result. |
Flu Vaccinations for Front Line Staff PDF 788 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Amanda Nash, Head of Communications (University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust) reported that they encourage their staff to have a flu vaccination but this was not mandatory. Last year the uptake increased from 58% to 68% and this year’s target was 75%. Their key message for staff: protect yourself, protect your patients and protect your families.
Sarah Lees, Public Health Consultant reported that the offer to Plymouth City Council (PCC) staff focussed on areas of high absence, business continuity and employees working with vulnerable clients. They were providing a mixed offer to PCC staff by running clinics at Prince Rock and offering the voucher system in which staff can book their own appointment at Boots. They were also providing presentations and toolkits in care homes and to domiciliary care staff on the importance of immunisation and infection control. A similar offer had been made to schools.
In response to questions raised, it was reported that:
(a) they had not targeted university students, however they would have the same communications encouraging people in high risk groups to have a flu vaccination;
(b) they would welcome the support from Councillors in getting the message out to a wider audience and to also share with Councillors the link to access the voucher to get a flu vaccination.
The Committee noted the report from the University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust and verbal update from Public Health and agreed that -
1. a short briefing is provided to Councillors to assist with the flu vaccination campaign and link on how to access the voucher to get immunised.
2. the Committee receives an update in March 2019 on the uptake of the flu vaccinations for the past 2 years including the impact on sickness and absence. |
STP Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy PDF 710 KB Additional documents: Minutes: David McAuley and Michelle Green (NEW Devon CCG), Jo Turl (NHS South Devon and Torbay CCG), Sarah Lees (Public Health Consultant) and Carole Burgoyne MBE (Plymouth City Council) were present for this item. It was reported that the strategy had been developed by commissioners working alongside the Mental Care Partnership and the Engagement Committee and feedback so far primarily focusses on needing to be clearer on prevention, people supporting themselves and children and young people.
Following a discussion, the committee would like to see the following included within the STP Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy -
(a) more emphasis on transition from children to adult services;
(b) enhanced support to families and schools and ensuring that everyone has access to good robust services when needed;
(c) CAMHS services and support provided to veterans;
(d) mental health to be taken just as seriously as other illnesses;
(e) people to be treated as a whole person.
The Committee noted the STP Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and agreed to set up a Joint Select Committee with Education and Children’s Social Care to explore mental services for children and adults within Plymouth. |
Tracking Resolutions PDF 23 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the tracking resolutions and requested that the Democratic Advisor chase the outstanding recommendation. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the work programme and requested that the following items are scheduled onto the work programme:
· Loneliness;
· Workforce Development Strategy (November);
· Sexual health services – are there any issues in accessing sexual health services in Plymouth? Briefing paper to be circulated to the Committee;
· Joint Mental Health Select Committee (new year);
· University Hospital Plymouth NHS Trust CQC Action Plan Progress Update (October). |