Agenda and minutes
Venue: Warspite Room, Council House
Contact: Amelia Boulter, Democratic Support Officer
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest Councillors will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: The following declaration of interest was made by Councillor Tuohy in respect of minute 31, Health and Wellbeing Hubs, is a Board Member of The Wolseley Trust/Jan Cutting Living Centre. |
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 31 July 2019. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 31 July 2019 were agreed. |
Chair's Urgent Business To receive reports on business which in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items of Chair’s urgent business. |
Mapping of Corporate Plan to Scrutiny Committees Additional documents: Minutes: The Mapping of the Corporate Plan to Scrutiny Committees would be a standing item in the agenda. For information and to be used as a reference against the Committee’s terms of reference. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Elaine Fitzsimmons (NHS Devon CCG) and David Brown (University Hospital Plymouth NHS Trust) were present for this meeting and referred to the presentation in the agenda pack.
In response to questions raised, it was reported that:
Health and Wellbeing Hubs PDF 577 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Kate Taylor (Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care) and Rachel Silcock (Strategic Commissioning Manager) were present for this item and referred to the report in the agenda. Councillor Kate Taylor thanked everyone involved in the development of the health and wellbeing hubs and to the staff and volunteers that were a credit to their communities.
In response to questions raised, it was reported that:
Agreed that:
1. A small group of this committee to review the programme with officers and agree a wider communication to elected members and to clarify the situation on external funding opportunities available.
2. The Committee notes and supports the delivery of this exciting programme of Wellbeing Hubs.
3. The Committee to review the performance of the Health and Wellbeing Hubs at a suitable time. |
Director of Public Health Annual Report PDF 116 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Kate Taylor (Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care), Ruth Harrell (Director of Public Health), Claire Turbutt (Advanced Public Health Specialist) were present for the item and referred to the report in the agenda.
In response to questions raised, it was reported that:
The Committee agreed: 1. To note the content (including recommendations) of the Director of Public Health Annual Report. 2. To commit to considering what each partner organisation could contribute to these recommendations. 3. To consider our response, if any, to the national picture. The Committee supported meetings taking place to address the fair funding for the city.
(Councillor Nicholson left during this item). |
Brexit - Verbal Update Additional documents: Minutes: Jo Watson (NHS Devon CCG), Ruth Harrell (Director of Public Health) and Anna Coles (Director of Integrated Commissioning) were present for this item and provided a verbal update to the Committee. It was highlighted that:
In response to questions raised, it was reported that:
The Committee noted the verbal update on Brexit and requested a summary of the points raised to be circulated to members.
Plymouth Integrated Fund Finance Report - Month 5 2019/20 PDF 114 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Ben Chilcott (NHS Devon CCG) and Helen Foote (Plymouth City Council) were present for this item and referred to the report in the agenda. It was reported that:
In response to questions raised, it was reported that:
The Committee noted the Plymouth Integrated Fund Finance Report – Month 5 2019/10 and to review the Long Term Plan at a future meeting. |
Devon Integrated Care System Performance Quarter One 2019/20 PDF 840 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair deferred this item but requested that any questions the committee had in relation to the Devon Integrated Care System Performance Quarter One 2019/20 report be sent to Rob Sowden. Officers put forward a suggestion that when the Committee next receive the Winter Plan that the report should include performance. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the work programme and requested that the following items to be scheduled:
· Alliance Contract/Action Plan – how this item will be scrutinised; · Marmot principles/review together; · Food Justice – Cllr Mrs Bowyer to email the group to find a member; · Mental health take place towards the end of the year; · Long Term Plan |