Agenda and minutes
Venue: Warspite Room, Council House
Contact: Jake Metcalfe Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
To note the appointments of the Chair and Vice-Chair for the Municipal Year 2023 - 2024 To note the appointment of Councillor Zoe Reilly as the Chair and Councillor Charlotte Carlyle as the Vice-Chair for the Municipal Year 2023 – 2024. Minutes: The Committee noted the appointments of Councillor Zoe Reilly as Chair and Councillor Charlotte Carlyle as Vice-Chair for the municipal year 2023/24.
Declarations of Interest Councillors will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect to items on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 15 february 2023. Minutes: The Committee agreed the minutes of the meeting that took place on 15 February subject to an amendment to the attendance. |
Chair's Urgent Business To receive reports on business which in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. Minutes: There were no items of urgent business.
Education and Children's Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee Terms of Reference Minutes: The Committee agreed to note the Terms of Reference. |
Children's Social Care - Improvement Plan Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Jemima Laing (Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care, Culture, Events and Communications) introduced the item to the Committee and made the following key points:
Sharon Muldoon (Director for Children’s Services) presented the report to the Committee and highlighted the following key points:
Unregistered Arrangements Minutes: Councillor Laing (Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care, Culture, Events and Communications) introduced the report to the Committee and highlighted the following key points:
Karen Blake (Head of Service for Permanence and Fostering) presented the report to the Committee and highlighted the following key points:
Contextual Safeguarding, Exploitation and Extra-Familial Harm Minutes: Councillor Laing (Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care, Culture, Events and Communications) introduced the report to the Committee and Martine Aquilina (Head of Service) presented the report to the Committee and highlighted the following key points:
In response to questions raised it was reported that:
Performance Scorecard and Risk Register Additional documents:
Minutes: Ross Jago (Head of Governance, Performance and Risk) presented the report to the Committee and highlighted the following key points:
In response to questions raised it was reported that:
Paul Stephens (Senior Performance Advisor) presented the Performance Scorecard to the Committee and in response to questions it was reported that:
Finance Monitoring Report Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Laing (Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care, Culture, Events and Communications) introduced the report to the Committee and Matt Fulton (Lead Accountancy Manager) presented the report, highlighting the following key points:
In response to questions raised it was reported that:
The Committee agreed to note the report.
Minutes: The Committee agreed to add the following to the work programme:
· Not in Education, Employment or Training Strategy and Seeking Employment, Education or Training Strategy; · COVID legacy for children in education · Cost of Living – Education
Minutes: The Committee agreed to note the action log. |