Agenda and minutes
Venue: Warspite Room, Council House. View directions
Contact: Jamie Sheldon, Democratic Support Officer
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Councillors will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made by Members in accordance with the code of conduct.
The Committee agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 13 February 2019.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 13 February 2019. |
Chair's Urgent Business To receive reports on business which in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items of Chair’s urgent business.
Corporate Plan 2018-22 Quarter 3 PDF 75 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Andrew Loton (Senior Performance Advisor) presented the Corporate Plan 2018-22 - Quarter Three 2018/19 update to the Committee -
(a) The report provided members with analysis of quarter three (October to December 2019) performance against the Council’s key performance indicators (KPIs), providing a detailed performance update against the Corporate Plan priorities.
(b) The report formed part of the Council’s Performance Framework and was a key part of our aim to achieve a ‘golden thread’ from the Corporate Plan and its KPIs, through to service level business plans, and ultimately to individual objectives.
(c) A summary page was presented for each of the three Corporate Plan themes to visually display how Plymouth City Council have performed against our priorities. The RAG-rating on these pages was used to show whether we have done better, worse or had a slight decline from the previous quarter or year (coloured arrows), and whether Plymouth City Council had done better, worse or got close to the target (coloured hexagons). Some indicators do not have a target (for example, due to being a new indicator) and will therefore had no target RAG-rating (blue hexagons). Similarly, some of our indicators were new and did not have any previous data to compare performance to; these had no trend RAG-rating in the summary pages.
Members noted the Corporate Plan Quarter Three Performance Report and considered the implications for delivery of the Council’s priorities.
Customer Services (Complaints/Improvement to Delivery of Services) PDF 226 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Sally Haydon (Cabinet Member for Customer Focus and Community Safety) and Helen Cocks (Customer Liaison Manager) presented the Customer Services (Complaints/Improvement to Delivery of Services) report to the Committee –
Provided the Committee with an update on customer feedback, the work undertaken by Customer Services in relation to complaints and the improvement to the delivery of services. The report provided an analysis of the feedback received from Customers using the Customer Feedback Policy and digital process in the year to date 2018/19. It also provided details of the interventions and improvements made as a result of customer feedback.
Members –
1. Noted the analysis of customer feedback data
2. Noted the interventions and improvements made as a result of complaints
3. Endorsed the continued use of digital processes for managing customer feedback to enable trend analysis, lessons learned and action to be taken to support continuous improvement of the customer experience. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Haydon (Cabinet Member for Customer Service and Community Safety), Matt Garrett (Service Director for Community Connections), Jackie Kings (Community Connections Strategic Manager) and Chief Supt Tamasine Mathews (Devon and Cornwall Police) provided the committee an update on Safer Plymouth - (a) This report is to provide Performance, Finance and Customer Focus OSC with an update on the Community Safety Partnership, Safer Plymouth.
(b) The report outlined the current formation and governance of Safer Plymouth, including theme groups and priorities.
(c) It included a commissioning update and the most recent crime stats to give members an understanding on current issues and trends.
(d) Safer Plymouth was the Community Safety Partnership for Plymouth. It sets the strategic direction for the partnership work between agencies in Plymouth. Following recommendations made to Safer Plymouth in September 2016, the Board aligned its Governance structure with the Health and Wellbeing Board
(e) Integrated commissioning received funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner which was channelled through the Western Planning and Delivery Unit (Plymouth City Council and NEW Devon CCG integrated commissioning team) as a grant for spending on local crime prevention and reduction initiatives.
(f) For 2018-19 Plymouth was awarded a total of £400,568 for the year. This was a standstill position on the previous year’s award. All commissioning decisions were informed and influenced by the strategic leadership of Safer Plymouth.
Members noted the report. |
Customer Experience Programme Update Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Haydon (Cabinet Member for Customer Service and Community Safety), Andy Ralphs (Strategic Director of Customer and Corporate Services), Pete Honeywell (Transformation Architecture Manager) presented the Customer Experience Programme Update -
(a) The committee received further updates since the beginning of the Customer Experience Programme. Since then considerable work has been done in formulating what is a complex and wide ranging set of changes proposed.
(b) The details of the programme described in the report were the result of lengthy discussions with officers and Members over the last few months seeking to form a consensus on how to describe the programme clearly and simply.
(c) Work was now underway to validate and further refine this language with staff reference groups and welcomed a similar input from Scrutiny.
(d) It was noted that, subject to the validation currently being sought, the programme will move into a planning phase, where the detail of how the changes will be implemented and the outcomes sought, including the financial outcomes will be specified. These will be brought back to the panel for further review in the next municipal year.
(e) The priorities for the first year of the programme were proposed as follows:
(f) updated the committee on the progress made to formulate the changes to be delivered through the Customer Experience Programme.
Members noted the update.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted its work programme for 2018/19 and agreed to schedule the following item for the next municipal year –
1. Customer Services (Complaints/Improvement to Delivery of Services) update
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the progress of its decisions.