Agenda and minutes
Venue: Warspite Room, Council House
Contact: Helen Rickman, Democratic Advisor
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To Note the Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair for the Municipal Year 2021/ 2022 Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the appointment of Councillor Penberthy as Chair, and Councillor Jordan as Vice Chair for the municipal year 2021/22. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest in accordance with the code of conduct. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 17 March 2021. Additional documents: Minutes: Members agreed the minutes of 17 March 2021 subject to the following change:
Minute 15 ‘work programme’ – should read ‘Members discussed the work programme for 2021/22’. |
Chair's Urgent Business To receive reports on business which in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. Additional documents: Minutes: Under this item the Chair, Councillor Penberthy, advised Members that the order of items on the agenda was required to change to accommodate Chief Inspector Matt Longman’s availability to attend the Safer Plymouth update. |
Terms of Reference for the Scrutiny Committee PDF 102 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Members noted the terms of reference for the Performance, Finance and Customer Focus Overview and Scrutiny Panel. |
Finance Monitoring Report Month 2 PDF 253 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Nick Kelly (The Leader) and David Northey (Head of Integrated Finance) presented the Finance Monitoring Report Month 2 to Members. Members were advised that the report set out the revenue finance position of the council to the end of the financial year to the end of 2021/22, as at the end of May 2021, however it was highlighted that the financial position would fluctuate. The forecast revenue outturn after the application of Covid grants and council mitigating actions was estimated at £1.276m over budget. A full disclosure of savings targets and delivery was included in appendix A of the report.
Questions from Members related to the following key areas:
The Performance, Finance and Customer Services Overview and Scrutiny Panel noted the report and agreed to recommend that future financial reports would specifically include risks in the budget and what might cause them to happen in order to enable better scrutiny and promote transparency.
The Year Ahead - The Leader and Cabinet Member Verbal Update Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair, Councillor Penberthy, introduced The Year Ahead agenda item and advised Members that the Leader and relevant Cabinet Members with portfolios linked to the scrutiny panel’s terms of reference were present in order to help inform the work programme for the coming year by highlighting areas of focus and priority.
Councillor Kelly (The Leader), Councillors Mrs Bridgeman (Cabinet Member for Environment & Street Scene), Councillor Deacon (Cabinet Member for Customer Services, Culture, Leisure & Sport), Councillor Drean (Cabinet Member for Transport), Councillor Mrs Pengelly (Cabinet Member for Homes & Communities) and Councillor Riley (Cabinet Member for Governance, HR, IT & Community Safety) highlighted the following key areas:
From the update provided, panel Members discussed:
The Chair thanked The Leader and Cabinet Members for their update. |
Order of Business The order of business on the agenda was changed in order to facilitate good meeting management. Additional documents: |
Additional documents: Minutes: Alan Knott (Policy and Intelligence Advisor) presented the Policy Brief and highlighted the following key areas:
Members discussed:
It was agreed that –
(Members took a brief comfort break at the completion of this item)
Safer Plymouth Update - to follow PDF 161 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Chief Inspector Matt Longman (Chair of Safer Plymouth), Jackie Kings (Community Connections Strategic Manager) and Anna Moss (Technical Lead – Safer Communities) presented the Safer Plymouth Update to Members. Members were advised that Safer Plymouth was committed to becoming a trauma informed community safety partnership that focused upon reducing violence, abuse and exploitation, reducing re-offending, early intervention and prevention of harm, and building community resilience, reducing inequalities and improving lives. Priorities for the partnership for the year were formed having considered the Local Strategic Crime Assessment with domestic abuse and sexual violence (DASV) being the key priority for 2020/21 based on data rising significantly in this area.
Key areas of questioning from Members related to:
The Chair thanked Chief Inspector Matt Longman and officers for their attendance and their report.
Members noted the update. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Members discussed the inclusion of items for the draft work programme 2021/ 22 and agreed to add the following items:
Members were encouraged to email the Chair with further items to be included in the work programme. |