Agenda and minutes
Venue: Warspite Room, Council House. View directions
Contact: Jamie Sheldon Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this Agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made by Members in accordance with the code of conduct. |
Minutes - To Follow To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2021. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2021 were agreed as an accurate record. |
Tracking Resolutions - To Follow Additional documents: Minutes: The Service Director for Finance provided an update on minute 11 ‘Counter Fraud Services Annual Report 2020/21’ which read:
Minute 11 - The Audit and Governance Committee agreed to recommend that Ken Johnson (Counter Fraud Services Manager) meets with the relevant Cabinet Member to discuss the report, specifically with regards to how fraud awareness should be publicised.
Members were advised that a meeting was to be scheduled with the Leader within the next few weeks to discuss the management of fraud risk within the organisation. Officers were also exploring ways to produce metrics around fraud risk with the aim of providing this to the committee in the future.
Members noted the update.
Chair's Urgent Business To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair advised Members that there was one item of Chair’s Urgent Business in relation to Plympton St Mary Ward’s Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations Review 2021/2022 – the papers were circulated prior to the meeting and would be discussed at 24 January 2022 Full Council meeting.
The Assistant Chief Executive advised that whilst there was a degree of consultation set out in the papers, it was hoped that, depending of the outcomes of the committee’s discussion on their terms of reference scheduled later in the agenda, that there would be a formal setting to discuss the oversight of the electoral function. It was considered that if this committee had any concerns prior to the Council meeting of 24 January 2021, then Tracey Lee, as the Council’s Electoral Registration Officer, would aim to address them.
Under this item the creation and potential workings of the Audit and Governance Committee’s sub group was discussed. It was queried if issues that were raised at the sub group could be then be raised at the Audit and Governance Committee, and also if the sub group could be asked to consider specific items of business; it was confirmed by the Head of Governance, Performance and Risk that the Audit and Governance Committee would be the parent committee and recommendations would be required to go through the main committee and specific items could also be referred for consideration.
Members noted the update.
Appointment of External Auditor Additional documents: Minutes: The Service Director for Finance presented the Appointment of External Auditor report to the Committee and advised that there was a national system of procurement for external auditor appointments; this was a system that the Council previously joined and that 2022/23 was the last year of the previously agreed 5 year arrangement. There were three choices available to the committee, namely:
The Council was required to join the national scheme by 11 March 2022 – Council’s would then receive notification as to who had won the lot in the area and would then be given an opportunity to suggest an alternative.
Members discussed:
The Audit and Governance Committee agreed to recommend to Council that Plymouth accepts Public Sector Audit Appointments’ (PSAA) invitation to opt into the sector-led option for the appointment of external auditors to principal local government and police bodies for five financial years from 1 April 2023.
(The Local Audit (Appointing Persons) Regulations 2015 require the decision to opt in to the national scheme to be made by a meeting of the Council).
Audit and Governance Committee Terms of Reference Additional documents: Minutes: Ross Jago (Head of Governance, Performance and Risk) presented the Audit and Governance Committee Terms of Reference report. A working group had been convened to consider issues raised by committee members and the group had produced several recommendations for discussion by the committee.
Members discussed:
The Audit and Governance Committee agreed:
Additional documents: Minutes: Members noted the work programme for 2021/22. |