Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council House, Plymouth

Contact: Jamie Sheldon  Email:


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Cabinet Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda.  A flowchart providing guidance on interests is attached to assist councillors.

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There were no declarations of interest received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 155 KB

To sign and confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 08 March 2022.

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Cabinet agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 08 March 2022 be signed as a correct record.



Questions from the Public

To receive questions from the public in accordance with the Constitution.


Questions, of no longer than 50 words, can be submitted to the Democratic Support Unit, Plymouth City Council, Ballard House, Plymouth, PL1 3BJ, or email to Any questions must be received at least five clear working days before the date of the meeting.


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There were no questions from the public.


Chair's Urgent Business

To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.


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There were no items of Chair’s Urgent Business.


Leader's Announcements

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The Leader made the following announcements –


(a)  Had been a busy few weeks since we formed our new administration and hoped that we could use these meetings to give short updates on our priorities: Homes, Jobs, Education and Health.


(b)  Emerging projects to support the creation of High Value Jobs.


(c)   Congratulated Professor Paul Fieldsen-Danks and his amazing team at the College of Art on becoming the City’s 3rd university. They WOULD now be known as Arts University Plymouth. This is huge news for the city and further cements the city’s reputation as a national centre for cultural excellence but it will also bolster our FE offer.


(d)  It was essential for us to deliver to have strong relationships with the private sector.


(e)  had already briefed the city’s private sector leaders at the Plymouth Growth Board about the administration’s commitment to high value.


(f)    Was pleased to report that on 26th May, we formally submitted our Full Business Case to Government along completing the 5 necessary legal landowners agreements that will enable our 3 tax sites at South Yard, Sherford and Langage. This meant that we were hopeful of our Freeport proposal being presented to Parliament before the summer recess and then becoming live in the Autumn.


(g)  This had been a huge endeavour and I would particularly like to thank our partners: Devon County Council, South Hams District Council, Princess Yachts, Babcock, the Sherford Consortium, Langage Energy Park, Devonport Naval Base and Plymouth University.


(h)  The Freeport was all about high value jobs and this administration would be driving Plymouth’s unique capabilities in new green technologies and autonomy. You would see this through our support of the Freeport, Smart Sound and Ocean Futures. The Global Marine sector was estimated to be worth 3trillion by 2030 and Plymouth could and should have its share of that growth.


(i)    pleased to update Cabinet that Plymouth City Council had entered into a formal partnership with ABP and Brittany Ferries to bring forward significant new investment at Millbay Docks. We were hugely ambitious for the port and there are many opportunities:


1.    To be establish Millbay as a national player in trade and exporting

2.    To  enable green shipping with shore power as part of a transition to a net zero port

3.    To increase our capacity as a cruise port and to achieve pre-eminence in the SW

4.    To introduce new routes and expand the tourism season

5.    To celebrate the role of Brittany Ferries in the City as part of their 50th anniversary


(Under the item Councillor Jonathan Drean (Cabinet Member for Transport) declared an interest as his wife is employed by Britanny Ferries)


Cabinet Member Updates

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Councillor Shayer (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Economy made the following announcements:


(a)  I had the opportunity to see this first hand at a recent visit to Turnchapel Wharfs. The quality of the working being undertaken is truly stunning with cutting edge autonomous vehicle being assembled and tested here in Plymouth. These were some of the best paid jobs in Plymouth and we must do everything we can to support this growth.


(b)As part of the visit I visited the Mayflower Autonomous Ship control room to see the ship mid Atlantic. Since then the ship has completed its transatlantic voyage of 5618km and arrived in the US. I want to pay tribute to Brett Phaneuf and his amazing team for this epic adventure which has showcased Plymouths engineering prowess around the world.


(c)  As a newly appointed Board member I also wanted to highlight 2 amazing new partnerships at Plymouth Science Park between focussing on 3D printing. The Health Tech Innovation Hub focussed on medical applications and the Advanced Digital Manufacturing and Innovation centre focussed on industrial applications. Surgeons were using these facilities to print prosthetics for various applications including dentistry. And Babcock were looking at how ship parts can be 3d printed for redundant parts of those needed very quickly at sea. Over the coming 12 months I will be pushing this and similar opportunities to support our agenda for higher value jobs.


(d)wanted to highlight how we were using Sail GP this year to target investors and raise the profile of Plymouth across the globe. The series would reach 40m people this year in 185 countries making it one of the fast growing global sports events in the world. We were hosting a number of investment dinners and visits over the weekend targeting a number of marine businesses and investors.


Councillor Charlotte Carlyle (Cabinet Member for Education, Skills, Children and Young People) made the following announcements: -


(e)The government had set out its’ ambition in the published SEND and AP Green Paper. – Plymouth Education, Participation and Skills (EPS) were organising a response from our SEND Strategic Group to the Green Paper.


(f)   Welcomed key proposals set out in Green Paper as they are broadly in line with our current work on the Inclusion Transformation Programme - Undertaken in Plymouth with active engagement of schools and stakeholders.


(g)  Continued to work with DfE to chart our steps in response to Schools White Paper – A main priority to have sustainable improvement in education. The number of Good and Outstanding Schools had increased from 72% to 78% as of May 2022.


(h) Following 14 months of work to review the Children’s Social Care system, Josh MacAlister’s independent review report was published in late May 2022. Key areas covered:

·        A revolution in family help to support much earlier intervention

·        A just and decisive child protection system

·        Unlocking the potential of family networks, in terms of support and care arrangements to support children to remain  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Cabinet Appointments 2022 - 23

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Councillor Richard Bingley (Leader) introduced the Cabinet Appointments 2022 – 23


Following approval at the Annual General Meeting of the Council on 20 May 2022, Cabinet are recommended to confirm the appointments contained within the report for the 2022/23 municipal year.


Cabinet agreed to:


1.    confirm the appointments contained within the report for the 2022/23 municipal year.



Director of Public Health Annual Report 2021 pdf icon PDF 148 KB

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Dr Ruth Harrell (Director of Public Health) will introduce the Director of Public Health Annual Report 2021.


The Director of Public Health Annual Report covered the pandemic years. It summarised the pandemic itself and highlighted some of the impacts of Covid-19, both direct and indirect, and with a focus on mental health and wellbeing. It also highlighted some of the lived experiences of people in the city. Finally it highlighted the focus for Thrive Plymouth this year; to listen, connect and heal.


Cabinet noted the report; in particular, the potential impacts of Covid-19 on people’s health and wellbeing, which have already been discussed at the Health and Wellbeing Board, with various mitigations in place.


Provisional Capital and Revenue Outturn Report 2021 - 22 pdf icon PDF 260 KB

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Moving to item 10, Councillor Mark Shayer (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Economy) and Brendan Arnold (Service Director for Finance) introduced the Provisional Capital and Revenue Outturn Report 2021 – 22 -


This report outlined the Provisional Outturn position of the Council for the year ending 31st March 2022. Full details of the Provisional Outturn position for each directorate is set out in the body of the report.


Cabinet agreed to:


1.    Note the Provisional Revenue Outturn position for the year to 31 March 2022 and


2.    Note the Provisional Capital Outturn position for that year including the Capital Financing Requirement of £75.275m


is a statutory requirement to provide an outturn report and is provisional as it is subject to external audit.


3.    Agree that the Provisional Revenue Outturn position includes the setting aside of monies in the sum of £0.349m into a Change Contingency To be carried forward to financial year 2022/23


To fund Invest to Save initiatives in 2022/23 to assist in balancing future budget requirements.


4.    Note that the Provisional Revenue Outturn position includes the setting aside of monies to support the 2022/23 Revenue Budget as agreed by Council on 28 February 2022 to agree the

a. Carry forward of general resources in the sum of £2.845m to financial year 2022/23

b. Carry forward of Covid grants in the sum of £4.890 m to 2022/23.

c. Carry forward of the remaining balance of £1.708m set aside at closure of the accounts for 2020/21 to assist in preparing for budget settlements in later years.


These arrangements were approved by Full Council at the meeting on 28 February 2022to balance the 2022/23 Revenue Budget.


5.    Recommend the Report to City Council 20 June 2022



Response to the Budget Amendment at Council 28 February 2022

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Councillor Mark Shayer (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Economy) and Brendan Arnold (Service Director for Finance) introduced the Response to the Budget Amendment at Council 28 February 2022 -



To clarify decisions and actions required to deal with the consequences of the Budget Amendment



Cabinet agreed to:


1. Note the Report


2. Approve a post lockdown review of all parking charges, to include the potential reinstatement of the charges removed in 2021 (see Appendix 3); and delegate the outcome of the review to the to the Portfolio Holder for Finance in consultation with the Strategic Director for Place and the Section 151 Officer to be reported at the next Cabinet meeting.


The recommendation is required in order to offset the budget pressure of £300,000 introduced at Council on 28 February


3. Approve the creation of the Council Advisory Group on the Community Improvement Fund referred to in Appendix


4. Approve the creation of a cross-party working group to investigate the use of the current £16m commercial rental income.


These recommendations are needed to keep the 2022/23 Budget in balance and to avoid increasing the budget shortfall for future years.


Corporate Plan Performance Report, Q4 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 157 KB

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Councillor Mark Shayer (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Economy) introduced the Corporate Plan Performance Report, Q4 2021-22.


This is the Corporate Plan Performance report that details how the Council is performing against its priority performance indicators that were agreed at the inception of the Corporate Plan.


It provides an analysis of performance as at the end of March 2022 against the Council’s key performance indicators (KPIs), providing a detailed performance update against the Corporate Plan priorities.


Cabinet noted the Corporate Plan Quarter Four Performance Report.


Facilities Management (Hard Services) Term Services Contracts pdf icon PDF 258 KB

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Councillor Mark Shayer (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Economy) introduced the Facilities Management (Hard Services) Term Services Contracts report.


The current Facilities Management (Hard Services) term services contracts expire in February 2023.


Plymouth City Council outsources repairs, maintenance and compliance of its property assets to specialist maintenance term contractors.


In order to safeguard continuity and protect ‘business as usual’ it is required that Plymouth City Council undertake a new procurement and tender process for Facilities Management (Hard Services) term services contracts.



Cabinet agreed to:


1.    Approve the business case, which includes the Options Appraisal for Facilities Management and its conclusion that Option 2: Outsource delivery to multiple term contractors is the best option.


2.    Authorise the undertaking of a new procurement and tender process for Facilities Management (Hard Services) contracts. This will be achieved through term service contracts delivered by outsourced multiple term contractors.


3.    Delegate authority for the award of contracts to the Strategic Director for Customer and Corporate Services where they would otherwise not have the authority to do so.


Renewal of Armed Forces Covenant pdf icon PDF 152 KB

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Councillor Mark Shayer (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Economy) introduced the Renewal of Armed Forces Covenant report.



The purpose of this report is to request Cabinet approval of the renewal of the Armed Forces Covenant by Plymouth City Council and to delegate to the Leader of the Council authority to effect signing.



Cabinet agreed to:


1.    Approves the renewal proposal so that the Council can demonstrate its individual commitment, not only to serving members of the armed forces, but to veterans, reservists and their families.