Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council House, Plymouth
Contact: Jamie Sheldon Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest Cabinet Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda. A flowchart providing guidance on interests is attached to assist councillors. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes To sign and confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 7 July 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: Agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7 July 2022 were a correct record.
Questions from the Public To receive questions from the public in accordance with the Constitution.
Questions, of no longer than 50 words, can be submitted to the Democratic Support Unit, Plymouth City Council, Ballard House, Plymouth, PL1 3BJ, or email to Any questions must be received at least five clear working days before the date of the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: Q. Mr Danny Bamping - Can the Council Leader, Richard Bingley, please explain how he intends to rename Sir John Hawkins Square to Zelenskyy Square when Plymouth City Council’s Policy on Street Naming clearly states “in order to avoid causing offence, either by inclusion or exclusion, or to appear biased, a street should not be named are a living person or individual.”
A. Councillor Richard Bingley – I acknowledged that this is not my decision to be taken. It is a decision to be taken in line with the relevant procedures if and when the Council considers taking this issue forward.
Chair's Urgent Business To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair had no urgent business. |
Leader's Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Mark Shayer, Deputy Leader of the Council made the following announcements on behalf of the Leader, Councillor Richard Bingley:
Cabinet Member Updates Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Jonathan Drean, Cabinet Member for Transport presented an update to cabinet and highlighted the following key points:
Councillor Drean updated Cabinet with regard to Cattewater Harbour and highlighted the following key points:
Councillor Wakeham, Cabinet Member for Environment & Street Scene presented an update to cabinet and highlighted the following key points:
Finance and Capital Monitoring Report Month 3 Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Mark Shayer, Deputy Leader of the Council presented the report and Tracey Lee, Chief Executive highlighted the following points:
Cabinet agreed to:-
1. Note the forecast revenue monitoring at period three 2. Note the capital expenditure of the capital programme at period three 3. Note the quarter one capital programme update 4. Note the work of the cabinet working group on the commercial income 5. Note the update of the revenue budget environment 6. That the report goes forward for consideration at the next meeting of Full Council on 19 September 2022.
Modern Slavery Update PDF 185 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Rebecca Smith, Cabinet Member for Homes & Communities, presented the update.
Cabinet agreed to:-
1) Accept the new Modern Slavery Statement and Policy. |
Community Equipment Service Contract Award Report PDF 157 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Dr John Mahony, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care and Planning presented the report as well as Emma Crowther, highlighting:
Cabinet agreed to:-
1) Award the contract of Plymouth Community Equipment Services, for the period 2023 to 2026, to NRS as the highest scoring tender.