Agenda and minutes
Venue: Warspite Room, Council House
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Chair's Urgent Business To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be bought forward for urgent consideration. Minutes: There was no urgent business from the chair. |
Exempt Business To consider passing a resolution under Section 100(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972 to exclude the press and public from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Minutes: Agreed that under Section 100(4) of the local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Chief Officer Resourcing Update Additional documents:
Minutes: Giles Perritt, Assistant Chief Executive updated members following the decision to appoint to the role of Head of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer and Plymouth City Council initiating the formal offer process.
The Panel had been presented with salary benchmarks from similar local authorities with a Monitoring Officer role and agreed unanimously to the recommendations set out in the report. |
Recruitment to the role of Director of Children's Services Additional documents:
Minutes: Members interviewed two candidates for the post of Director of Children’s Services. After interviewing candidates and reviewing information from the selection process, Members, having considered each candidate, felt that neither candidate had been of the required standards for such a pivotal role with Plymouth City Council, therefore no appointment would be made.