Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council House, Plymouth

Contact: Judith Shore  Email:


No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 125 KB

To approve and sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the City Council held on 21 November 2016.


Additional documents:


Agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 23 November 2016.



Councillors will be asked to make declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda. A flowchart providing guidance on interests is attached to assist councillors.

Additional documents:


The following declarations of interest were made by councillors in accordance with the code of conduct in respect of items under consideration at the meeting -



Minute Number



Councillor Stevens / Darcy / Mrs Beer


Employed by Devon and Cornwall Police

Disclosable Pecuniary Interest

Councillor Dann/ Tuohy / Churchill


Member of the Plymouth Community Homes Board


Councillors Taylor / Sam Leaves


Employee of NEW Devon Clinical Commissioning Group


Councillor Nicholson







(a)        To receive announcements from the Lord Mayor, Chief Executive, Assistant Director for Finance or Head of Legal Services;


(b)        To receive announcements from the Leader, Cabinet Members or Committee Chairs.

Additional documents:



Lord Mayor



·         Dementia Friendly, City of the year award;



·         Plymouth City Council- Centrica Top 100 2016 Apprenticeship Employer list;



·         Operation Triage.



The Leader, Cabinet Members or Chairs of Committees 



The Leader


·         Sustainability and Transformation Plan.




Councillor Mrs Beer, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People



·         NSPCC Helpline.




Councillor Mrs Aspinall, Chair of Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee



·         Scrutiny of closures of General Practice surgeries in the City.




Additional documents:


There were no questions from members of the public.


Council Tax Base Setting 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Cabinet Member: Councillor Darcy (Cabinet Member for Finance).


The City Council will be asked to approve the Council Tax Base setting for 2017/18.


The minute of Cabinet held on 17 January 2017 will be submitted together with the report considered at Cabinet.

Additional documents:


Councillor Darcy (Cabinet Member for Finance) proposed and Councillor Deacon seconded the Council Tax Base Setting 2017/18 (Cabinet minute 51 refers).


Agreed the Council Tax Base Setting.


Council Tax Support Scheme 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Cabinet Member: Councillor Downie (Cabinet Member for Safer and Stronger Communities).


The City Council will be asked to approve the Council Tax Support Scheme for 2017/18.


The minute of Cabinet held on 17 January 2017 will be submitted together with the report considered at Cabinet.

Additional documents:


Councillor Downie (Cabinet Member for Safer and Stronger Communities) proposed and Councillor James seconded the Council Tax Support Scheme 2017/18 (Cabinet minute 52 refers).


Agreed the Council Tax Support Scheme 2017/18.


Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry Joint Committee Capital and Revenue Budget 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Cabinet Member: Councillor Nicholson (Cabinet Member for Strategic Housing, Transport and Planning).


The City Council will be asked to approve the Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry Joint Committee’s 2017/18 Revenue Estimates and Capital Programme.


The minute of Cabinet held on 17 January 2017 will be submitted together with the report considered at Cabinet.


Additional documents:


Councillor Nicholson (Cabinet Member for Strategic Transport and Planning) proposed and Councillor Martin Leaves (Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry Joint Committee Chair) seconded the Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry Joint Committee Capital and Revenue Budget (Cabinet minute 53 refers).


Agreedthe Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry Joint Committee’s 2017/18 Revenue Estimates and Capital Programme.



Members will be asked to approve recommendations of the Constitutional Review Group.

Additional documents:


Councillor Riley (Cabinet Member for HR, Democracy, Governance and Licensing) proposed and Councillor Bowyer (Leader) seconded the report of the Constitutional Review Group on Changes to Governance Arrangements of the Council.


Agreed the recommendations contained within the report.


PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2017/2018 pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Tracey Lee (Chief Executive) will submit a report seeking approval of the Pay Policy Statement 2017/18.


Additional documents:


Councillor Riley (Cabinet Member for HR, Democracy, Governance and Licensing)proposed and Councillor Nicholson (Deputy Leader) seconded the report of the Chief Executive on the Pay Policy Statement 2017/2018.


Agreed the Pay Policy Statement 2017/18.



Decision to Opt in to the National Scheme for Auditor Appointments with Public Sector Audit Appointments as the “appointing person”.

Additional documents:


Councillor Darcy (Cabinet Member for Finance) proposed and Councillor Sam Leaves (Chair of the Audit Committee) seconded the report of the Chief Finance Officer on the National Scheme for Auditor Appointments.


Agreed the recommendations contained within the report.



To consider motions from councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 14 of the Constitution.

Additional documents:


Protecting the Public pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor P Davey proposed the motion and Councillor Penberthy seconded the motion on Protecting the Public.  Following a vote, the motion was carried and Council agreed that -


·         Council notes the concerns expressed by Dame Glenys Stacey, the head of Her Majesty’s Inspector of Prisons, regarding Community Rehabilitation Companies and the National Probation Service;


·         Council is extremely concerned by the findings of two investigations into the brutal murder of Tanis Bhandari and the lack of sharing of licence conditions with the Police;


·         Council is deeply concerned by the lack of action by the Ministry of Justice and other agencies to rectify a national issue regarding licences which is likely to lead to further offences being committed, which could be prevented;


·         Council has a responsibility to ensure the safety of the public in Plymouth and to ensure action is taken to reduce risk wherever possible.


The City Council therefore agrees to –


1.    make representations to the Ministry of Justice regarding our concerns;


2.    ask local MPs and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall to similarly lobby the Ministry of Justice in respect of our concerns;


3.    ask the Cabinet Member for Safer and Stronger Communities to take our concerns to Safer Plymouth, to work with community safety partners to ensure their working practices are reviewed in light of the findings.


(Councillor Nicholson abstained from voting on this item)


Saving Plymouth's Libraries - #SavePlymLibraries pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor J Taylor proposed and Councillor Morris seconded a motion on the libraries service.


The Leader proposed and Councillor Jordan seconded amendments to the motion.


Following a vote, the amended motion was carried, and it was agreed that -


·         Plymouth City Council reconfirms its commitment to the letter and the spirit of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964, that each authority must run a “comprehensive and efficient” public library service for all persons”.  This is “comprehensive and efficient” for the user and not for the Council.


·         Plymouth’s libraries are vital for children who want to learn to read, adults who can't afford to buy books, people who use the computers and printers to find a job, do research, family history and to access online services. They provide book groups, children's events, and a host of other activities, organised both by the libraries and other groups. They are staffed by helpful professionals, and are valuable free, public spaces in a world that charges for everything.

Plymouth City Council notes that:

1.    the Place and Corporate Scrutiny Committee isto establish a Select Committee Review to report and make recommendations to Cabinet by Wednesday 19th July 2017, based on the information used to create the Plan for Libraries 2017-20, any other information that the Review gathers, and the results of the current consultation;


2.    any final decision on whether to close or re-provide any library service resulting from the Plan for Libraries consultation is to be referred to Council for consideration as to whether to endorse it.


Holocaust Memorial Day - Friday 27 January 2017 pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Downie proposed an amended motion on the Holocaust Memorial Day, 27 January 2017 and Councillor P Davey seconded the amended motion. Following a vote, the motion was carried and council agreed that –


Council recognises that the aftermath of the Holocaust and of subsequent genocides continues to raise challenging questions for individuals, communities and nations. Council reaffirms its belief that we must make sure that everyone especially future generations understand the causes of the Holocaust and reflects upon its consequences and lessons for today.


Council notes that:-


·      Holocaust Memorial Day was established in the UK in 2001. It remembers and honours all the victims and survivors of the Holocaust under Nazi persecution and in the subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Kosovo, in regions like Darfur and Nineveh and in the cities of Aleppo, Srebrenica and Halabja;


·      six million Jewish men, women and children perished in ghettos, mass-shootings, and concentration and extermination camps before any survivors were liberated by allied troops in 1945. Nearly half a million Gypsies and Travellers were also registered, sterilised and then deported to concentration camps by the Nazis in an event they call the Porajmos (the ‘devouring’);


·      similar fates befell gay men, lesbians and disabled people;


·      Jews first made their home in our City over 250 years ago. Today Brock House, which provides sheltered accommodation, and our historically significant Ashkenazi synagogue, stand as a lasting testament to the outstanding contribution Plymouth Hebrew Community have made to the political, social, cultural and economic life of our City;


·      over a thousand events will be taking place around the UK on Holocaust Memorial Day. In our City an informal event was held on the day at Mount Edgcumbe attended by the Lord Mayor;


·      Council recognises the significance of Holocaust Memorial Day as an opportunity for us all to remember the victims of the Holocaust and subsequent genocides. It also gives us the chance to pay tribute to those who survived and to ensure we remain aware of what can happen if prejudice, discrimination and hatred go unchallenged.


This Council agreed to -


1.    ensure the future commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day by making it an official event in the Civic Calendar;


2.    work with the Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) to ensure that schools are supported and encouraged to educate our young people from every background about the Holocaust and the important lessons to be learned for today;


3.    work with partners to promote Plymouth as a welcoming and inclusive city which takes a stand against anti-Semitism, racism, xenophobia and hate crimes.


Impact of the Funding Crisis in the NHS and Adult Social Care on Plymouth's Health Economy and Derriford Hospital pdf icon PDF 165 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Tuffin proposed and Councillor McDonald seconded a motion on the funding of Health and Adult Social Care Services.


Councillor Mrs Bowyer proposed an amendment to the motion and Councillor Darcy seconded the amendment.


Following a vote, the amended motion was carried, and it was agreed –


·         Plymouth City Council notes the ongoing national debate about NHS funding, funding for Council provision of Adult Social Care and the impact that this crisis has on the people of Plymouth.


·         The Care Quality Commission inspection into A&E services at Derriford Hospital in November 2016 found that, due to a lack of finances within the hospital, the business plan to expand and redesign the emergency department had been put on hold, and that there was "a consistent failure to meet the four hour performance  standard", and that frequent crowding was becoming "normalised". It also reported that patients' needs were not always being met, particularly in respect of mental health patients and those patients being held in the central 'corridor' area;


·         we note the closure of GP surgeries in parts of Plymouth;


·         we also note that increases in Council Tax and the Social Care precept raise proportionately less money in Plymouth than elsewhere, as we have a large percentage of our housing in lower Council Tax bands. This means that there is an increasing burden on people in Plymouth because of an unfair shift from national to local taxation to fund Adult Social Care.


The Council therefore -


1.    Instructs the Chief Executive to –


a.     write to our three MPs, asking them to address the unfair funding that Plymouth City Council receives and raises for Adult Social Care;


b.    in conjunction with all three Group Leaders, writes to the Prime Minister to convey this Councils serious concern over the current model for funding social care. In doing so, the letter should convey the view of this Council that only an urgent and fundamental review will deliver a long term sustainable solution which allows this Council to meet the forecast level of demand for care delivery services


2.    Instructs the Council Scrutiny Review Committees to investigate the impact of our Adult Social Care provision and funding, and cuts to GP services in Plymouth, on increased usage levels and waiting times at Derriford Hospital Accident and Emergency Department.



Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the constitution.

Additional documents:






Councillor Evans

Councillor Ian Bowyer

Invitation to President Trump for the Mayflower 400 celebrations.



Councillor Parker Delaz-Ajete

Councillor Downie

Plans to support United Nations anti-racism day.


Councillor Winters

Councillor Ricketts

Works completed to remedy highway flooding.


Councillor Coker

Councillor Michael Leaves

Replacement of waste bins with dual purpose bins.


Councillor Rennie

Councillor Ricketts

Notte Street highway crossing and consultation.


Councillor Evans

Councillor Ricketts

List of roads and pavements for repairs.


Councillor Smith

Councillor Michael Leaves

Parks survey and play parks.


Councillor Jon Taylor

Councillor Michael Leaves

Support for damaged play park.


Councillor Deacon

Councillor Michael Leaves

Grass cutting.


Councillor Carson

Councillor Beer

Child tooth extractions.


Councillor Coker

Councillor Michael Leaves

Replacement of waste bins.


Councillor James

Councillor Beer

Mental health support service for children.


Councillor Drean

Councillor Ricketts

Veterans Housing.


Councillor Morris

Councillor Ian Bowyer

Invitation to President Trump for the Mayflower 400 celebrations.



Councillor Evans

Councillor Ricketts

Environmental Health Officers.


Councillor Aspinall

Councillor Beer

NSPCC Helpline - 08088005000


Councillor McDonald

Councillor Beer

Children Services Budget.


Councillor Vincent

Councillor Michael Leaves

Grass cutting.


Councillor Lowry

Councillor Ian Bowyer

Cabinet member’s budgets.


Councillor Rennie

Councillor Downie

Invitation to President Trump.


Councillor Stevens

Councillor Ian Bowyer

Invitation to President Trump.


Councillor Coker

Councillor Ricketts

Outstanding road defects.


Councillor Kelly

Councillor Ian Bowyer

President Trump.


Councillor Vincent

Councillor Michael Leaves

Christmas trees collections.


Councillor Dann

Councillor Beer

Invitation to scrutiny.


Please note that questions, answers, supplementary questions and supplementary answers have been summarised.