Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council House, Plymouth

Contact: Ross Jago  Ross Jago - Senior Governance Advisor


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 126 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 25 June 2018 as a correct record.

Additional documents:


Agreed the minutes of the meeting held on the 25 June 2018.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Members will be asked to declare interests in respect of items on the agenda.

Additional documents:


The following declarations of interest were made by councillors in accordance with the code of conduct in respect of items under consideration at the meeting -



Minute Number



Cllr Mrs Pengelly


Plymouth Argyle Season Ticket Holder


Cllr Mrs Bowyer


Son is a Plymouth Argyle Season Ticket Holder.


Cllr Bowyer


Son is a Plymouth Argyle Season Ticket Holder.


Cllr Carson


Son attended youth events


Cllr Jordan


Director trsutees of Plymouth youth Sailing


Cllr Stevens


Employee of Devon and Cornwall Police

Disclosable Pecuniary Interest



Political Proportionality / Appointments to Committees, Outside Bodies etc pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Following changes to the Political Proportionality of the Council the Acting Monitoring Officer will submit a report and a schedule of vacancies on committees, outside bodies etc and of changes notified to us.  


Additional documents:


Council noted the Political Proportionality and following changes to committee appointments.



Previous Member

New Member

Education and Children’s Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Panel

Philippa Davey

Councillor Gareth Derrick

Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum

Councillor Darren Winter

Councillor Pam Buchan

Independent Remuneration Panel


Jane Hopkinson






(a)        To receive announcements from the Lord Mayor, Chief Executive, Section 151 Officer or Acting Monitoring Officer;


(b)        To receive announcements from the Leader, Cabinet Members or Committee Chairs.

Additional documents:


a)   Lord Mayor


·                Plymouth City Council Star Awards


b)   The Leader, Cabinet Members or Chairs of Committees


·                The Leader


o    House of Fraser – Dingles Plymouth

o    Parliamentary Boundaries


Questions by the Public

To receive questions from and provide answers to the public in relation to matters which are about something the council is responsible for or something that directly affects people in the city, in accordance with Part B, paragraph 11 of the Constitution.


Questions, of no longer than 50 words, can be submitted to the Democratic Support Team, Plymouth City Council, Ballard House, West Hoe Road, Plymouth, PL1 3BJ, or email to Any questions must be received at least five complete working days before the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no questions from members of the public.


Adoption of Motor Neurone Disease Charter pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Additional documents:


The Lord Mayor, in accordance with article 14.1(b) of the Constitution and Council Procedure Rule 21, moved to suspend the usual procedural rules of debate to allow a variation of the order of business to enable this Motion on Notice to be brought forward on the agenda. The Deputy Lord Mayor seconded the motion and following a show of hands the motion was carried. 


Councillor Tuffin (Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care), proposed a motion regarding the Motor Neurone Disease Charter.  Councillor Mrs Bowyer seconded the motion.


Following a short debate council agreed to -


a)   Adopt the MND Charter


b)  Ask the Strategic Director for People to ensure that council services are delivered in accordance with this Charter.



For the motion (53)


Councillors Coker, Corvid, Dann, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Laing, Lowry, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Penberthy, Rennie, Singh, P Smith, Stevens, J Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent, Wheeler, Ball, Mrs Beer, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Churchill, Deacon, Downie, Drean, Fletcher, Mrs Johnson, James, Jordan, Kelly, Michael Leaves, Mrs Leaves, Dr Mahoney, Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Wigens, Mrs Bridgeman, Buchan, Derrick, , Mavin, Carson, Winter, Mrs Loveridge, Cook,  R Smith and Neil.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (0)


Absent / Did Not Vote (4)


Councillors Aspinall, Darcy, Foster and K Taylor.



Capital and Revenue Monitoring Report Quarter 1 pdf icon PDF 206 KB

The City Council will be asked to note the Capital and Revenue Monitoring Report 2018/19 Quarter One and approve a decrease in the Capital Budget.

Additional documents:




Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance) presented the report on the Capital and Revenue Monitoring Report 2018/19 quarter one.  Councillor Evans OBE (Leader) seconded the report.


Following a short debate and vote Council agreed to –


  1. note the current revenue monitoring position and action plans in place to reduce/mitigate shortfalls;
  2. approve that the Capital Budget 2018 -2023 is revised to £581.1m (as shown in Table 6).


For the motion (52)

Councillors Coker, Corvid, Dann, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Laing, Lowry, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Penberthy, Rennie, Singh, P Smith, Stevens, J Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent, Wheeler, Ball, Mrs Beer, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Churchill, Deacon, Downie, Drean, Fletcher, Mrs Johnson, James, Jordan, Kelly, Michael Leaves, Mrs Leaves, Dr Mahoney, Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Wigens, Mrs Bridgeman, Buchan, Derrick, , Mavin, Carson, Winter, Mrs Loveridge, Cook,  R Smith and Neil.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent / Did Not Vote (4)

Councillors Aspinall, Darcy, Foster and K Taylor.





Appointment of Deputy Electoral Registration Officer pdf icon PDF 46 KB

The City Council will be asked to approve the appointment of the Deputy Electoral Registration Officer.

Additional documents:


Councillor P Smith (Deputy Leader) proposed and Councillors Stevens seconded a report and recommendations on the appointment of the Deputy Electoral Registration Officer.


Council agreed thattheHeadof Electoral Services be appointed as the DERO, with full powers of the ERO in her absence.



For the motion (52)

Councillors Coker, Corvid, Dann, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Laing, Lowry, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Penberthy, Rennie, Singh, P Smith, Stevens, J Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent, Wheeler, Ball, Mrs Beer, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Churchill, Deacon, Downie, Drean, Fletcher, Mrs Johnson, James, Jordan, Kelly, Michael Leaves, Mrs Leaves, Dr Mahoney, Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Wigens, Mrs Bridgeman, Buchan, Derrick, , Mavin, Carson, Winter, Mrs Loveridge, Cook,  R Smith and Neil.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent / Did Not Vote (4)

Councillors Aspinall, Darcy, Foster and K Taylor.



Scrutiny arrangements for the Local Enterprise Partnership pdf icon PDF 79 KB

The City Council will be asked to approve the establishment of a Joint Scrutiny Committee for the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership.

Additional documents:


Council Morris (Chair, Brexit Infrastructure and Legislative Change Overview and Scrutiny Committee) proposed Councillor Winter (Vice Chair, Performance, Finance and Customer Focus Overview and Scrutiny Committee) seconded a report and recommendations on Scrutiny Arrangements for the Local Enterprise Partnership.


Following a debate council agreed to –


  1. approve the implementation of a Joint Scrutiny function (Committee) for the South West Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and the Terms of Reference and Operating Procedures, as outlined in appendix 1
  2. delegate any consequential amendments to the Constitution to the Monitoring Officer, reflecting the new joint arrangements and the strategic Scrutiny of the LEP functions (as outlined in the roles, duties and responsibilities of appendix 1);


For the motion (52)

Councillors Coker, Corvid, Dann, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Laing, Lowry, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Penberthy, Rennie, Singh, P Smith, Stevens, J Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent, Wheeler, Ball, Mrs Beer, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Churchill, Deacon, Downie, Drean, Fletcher, Mrs Johnson, James, Jordan, Kelly, Michael Leaves, Mrs Leaves, Dr Mahoney, Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Wigens, Mrs Bridgeman, Buchan, Derrick, , Mavin, Carson, Winter, Mrs Loveridge, Cook,  R Smith and Neil.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent / Did Not Vote (4)

Councillors Aspinall, Darcy, Foster and K Taylor.


Constitutional Amendments pdf icon PDF 111 KB

The City Council will be asked to approve changes to the process of Delegated Executive Decisions and approve the definition of a Key Decision.

Additional documents:


Councillor Dr Mahoney (Vice Chair, Audit and Governance Committee) proposed and Councillor Stevens seconded a report and recommendations on Constitutional Amendments.


Following a debate council agreed –


  1. that the constitution is amended to reflect that the day on which executive decisions are usually published is Wednesday. (Part C of the Constitution Para 4.4)


  1. that the new definition of a Key Decision as outlined at appendix one is adopted;


  1. to note the Forward Plan and Call-in processes;


  1. that subject to (1&2) above, delegate to the Monitoring Officer any required consequential amendments to the constitution.


For the motion (52)

Councillors Coker, Corvid, Dann, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Laing, Lowry, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Penberthy, Rennie, Singh, P Smith, Stevens, J Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent, Wheeler, Ball, Mrs Beer, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Churchill, Deacon, Downie, Drean, Fletcher, Mrs Johnson, James, Jordan, Kelly, Michael Leaves, Mrs Leaves, Dr Mahoney, Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Wigens, Mrs Bridgeman, Buchan, Derrick, , Mavin, Carson, Winter, Mrs Loveridge, Cook,  R Smith and Neil.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent / Did Not Vote (4)

Councillors Aspinall, Darcy, Foster and K Taylor.


Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry - Remedial Works pdf icon PDF 37 KB

The Council will be asked to note the urgent non-executive decision taken by the Chief Executive in respect of Tamar Bridge remedial works.  

Additional documents:


Councillor Coker (Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure) proposed and Councillor Wheeler (Joint Chair, Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry Joint Committee) seconded a report on the emergency action undertaken by the Chief Executive in relation to the Tamar Bridge.


Council noted the report.


Motions on notice

To consider motions from councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 14 of the Constitution.

Additional documents:


Modern Day Slavery pdf icon PDF 243 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Penberthy (Cabinet Member for Housing and Co-operative Development), proposed a motion regarding the Modern Day Slavery.  Councillor Tuffin (Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care) seconded the motion.


Following a debate council agreed to -


1.    ask all Service Directors, Scrutiny Panels and Cabinet Members to examine the work of the Council for which they have responsibility or oversight to ensure that the Council works to eliminate modern slavery from Plymouth.

2.    adopt the Co-operative Party’s Charter against Modern Slavery to ensure our procurement practices don’t’ support modern slavery.



For the motion (53)


Lord Mayor,  Councillors Coker, Corvid, Dann, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Laing, Lowry, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Penberthy, Rennie, Singh, P Smith, Stevens, J Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent, Wheeler, Ball, Mrs Beer, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Churchill, Deacon, Downie, Drean, Fletcher, Mrs Johnson, James, Jordan, Kelly, Michael Leaves, Mrs Leaves, Dr Mahoney, Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Wigens, Mrs Bridgeman, Buchan, Derrick, , Mavin, Carson, Winter, Mrs Loveridge, Cook,  R Smith and Neil.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (0)


Absent / Did Not Vote (4)

Councillors Aspinall, Darcy, Foster and K Taylor.



Devon & Cornwall and Dorset Police Merger pdf icon PDF 283 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Haydon (Cabinet Member for Customer Focus and Community Saftey), proposed a motion regarding the Devon & Cornwall and Dorset police Merger.  Councillor Bowyer seconded the motion.


Following a debate council agreed to -


1.    Express its severe reservations to the Chief Constables and Police and Crime commissioners of the Devon and Cornwall and Dorset police forces about the proposed  merger of Devon and Cornwall Police with Dorset Police, specifically the proposal’s failure to adequately address:

a.     essential practice of providing key stakeholders with full details of the proposed merger until the engagement period has concluded. This raises considerable alarm about the lack of transparency and failure to disclose key facts that would enable informed feedback from stakeholders;

b.    opportunities to formally consult with key stakeholders such as Local Authorities on a process that directly impacts local areas and local communities;

c.     financial modelling sufficient to justify the proposal, or to demonstrate value for money to citizens;

d.    discrepancies in how additional income will be generated and allocated as a result of the merger, with specific reference to funding the proposed additional 430 police officers or staff;

e.    whether any increase in revenue to the proposed merged force will be reinvested back into the city’s policing offer;

f.      whether policing resources will be committed to meet the specific needs of urban areas such as Plymouth, given its status in the force area, and how Plymouth’s policing model will be affected;

g.     whether the merger will result in further reductions in neighbourhood policing, specifically Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and neighbourhood beat managers (NBMs);

h.    whether the city will remain a Basic Command Unit within the new force, and what commitments are made to the visibility of senior police staff and the Police and Crime Commissioner in the city within a greatly enlarged force area;

i.      the impact assessment of the merger, specifically with respect to equalities and diversity, and as a result of any potential rise in council tax payments on the city’s most vulnerable residents;

j.      the failure to reference any intention to improve the condition and use of the police estate in Plymouth in line with the ambitions of a modern police force.

2.    write to both Police and Crime Commissioners and Chief Constables requesting that they review their arrangements for consultation, endorsing the view set out in 1(a-j) above, to allow Plymouth City Council and other key stakeholders to review a business case that fully addresses all the above concerns prior to its submission to the Home Office.

3.    write to the Home Secretary expressing its severe reservations about the proposed merger between Devon and Cornwall Police with Dorset Police, while highlighting the request to both Police and Crime Commissioners and Chief Constables to review their arrangements for consultation to allow key stakeholders to review a business case that fully addresses our concerns prior to its submission to the Home Office.

4.    irrespective of the outcome of the police merger proposal, endorse the following Policing asks for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35.


Delivery of the Plymouth Road Junction improvements pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Nicholson proposed a motion regarding the Delivery of the Plymouth Road Junction improvements.  Councillor Mrs Beer seconded the motion.


After a short debate Councillor Coker proposed that the motion was put to the vote. Councillor Coker seconded the motion.  Following a vote the motion was carried. 


For the motion (28)

Councillors Buchan, Coker, Corvid, Dann, Derrick, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Laing, Lowry, Mavin, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Penberthy, Rennie, Singh, P Smith, Stevens, J Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent, Winter, Wheeler and Neil.


Against the motion (24)

Councillors Ball, Mrs Beer, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Churchill, Deacon, Downie, Drean, Fletcher, Mrs Johnson, James, Jordan, Kelly, Michael Leaves, Mrs Leaves, Dr Mahoney, Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Wigens, Mrs Bridgeman, Carson, Mrs Loveridge, Cook and  R Smith.


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent / Did Not Vote (4)

Councillors Aspinall, Darcy, Foster and K Taylor.



Following Councillor Nicholson’s summation the motion was put to the vote and was lost.


For the motion (24)

Councillors Ball, Mrs Beer, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Churchill, Deacon, Downie, Drean, Fletcher, Mrs Johnson, James, Jordan, Kelly, Michael Leaves, Mrs Leaves, Dr Mahoney, Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Wigens, Mrs Bridgeman, Carson, Mrs Loveridge, Cook and  R Smith.


Against the motion (28)

Councillors Buchan, Coker, Corvid, Dann, Derrick, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Laing, Lowry, Mavin, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Penberthy, Rennie, Singh, P Smith, Stevens, J Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent, Winter, Wheeler and Neil.


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent / Did Not Vote (4)

Councillors Aspinall, Darcy, Foster and K Taylor.


Cuts to Youth Services pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor J Taylor (Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Transformation), proposed a motion regarding the Cuts to Youth Services.  Councillor McDonald (Cabinet Member for Children and Young People) seconded the motion.


Following a debate council agreed to instruct the Director of Children’s Services to write to the relevant government minister(s) formally asking the Government to:


1.      Devolve a proportion of the funding allocated to the NCS to local government so that councils can increase spending on year-round provision for young people in the community.


2.      Consider the introduction of new legislation requiring local authorities to provide a statutory minimum level of support for young people so that in future frontline youth services are better protected from Government cuts.


For the motion (28)

Councillors Buchan, Coker, Corvid, Dann, Derrick, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Laing, Lowry, Mavin, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Penberthy, Rennie, Singh, P Smith, Stevens, J Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent, Winter, Wheeler and Neil.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (25)

Lord Mayor, Councillors Ball, Mrs Beer, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Churchill, Deacon, Downie, Drean, Fletcher, Mrs Johnson, James, Jordan, Kelly, Michael Leaves, Mrs Leaves, Dr Mahoney, Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Wigens, Mrs Bridgeman, Carson, Mrs Loveridge, Cook and  R Smith.



Absent / Did Not Vote (4)

Councillors Aspinall, Darcy, Foster and K Taylor.



Clean our Patch pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Additional documents:


The Lord Mayor, in accordance with article 14.1(b) of the Constitution and Council Procedure Rule 21, moved to suspend the usual procedural rules of debate to allow order of business was varied to enable this Motion on Notice to be brought forward on the agenda. The Deputy Lord Mayor seconded the motion and following a show of hands the motion was carried. 


Councillor Stevens (Chair of Planning Committee), proposed a motion regarding Clean Our Patch.  Councillor Corvid seconded the motion.


Following a debate council agreed to

Congratulate Clean Our Patch, a vibrant community group dedicated to keeping Plymouth tidy and making our city a nicer place for everyone to enjoy. Starting from a small number of people in Keyham, Clean Our Patch is increasing in number and regularly organises community litter in Devonport, Mutley, Greenbank, Mount Wise, Plympton and further afield. As resources from the Government continue to decrease, Plymouth City Council will continue to do what we can, but the emergence of local voluntary groups is a welcome addition to help in very localised efforts.

Working closely with Councillors and residents, Clean Our Patch represents the very best in community spirit and deserves the ongoing support of Plymouth City Council. We pledge to continue to work alongside this dedicated and expanding group and others like them to support their efforts in making Plymouth’s neighbourhoods areas we can be proud of and raising awareness of how we can all help keep our city clean and tidy.


For the motion (53)


Lord Mayor,  Councillors Coker, Corvid, Dann, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Laing, Lowry, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Penberthy, Rennie, Singh, P Smith, Stevens, J Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent, Wheeler, Ball, Mrs Beer, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Churchill, Deacon, Downie, Drean, Fletcher, Mrs Johnson, James, Jordan, Kelly, Michael Leaves, Mrs Leaves, Dr Mahoney, Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Wigens, Mrs Bridgeman, Buchan, Derrick, , Mavin, Carson, Winter, Mrs Loveridge, Cook,  R Smith and Neil.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (0)



Absent / Did Not Vote (4)

Councillors Aspinall, Darcy, Foster and K Taylor.






Woolwell to The George Road widening scheme pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Nicholson proposed a motion regarding the Woolwell to The George Road Widening Scheme.   Councillor Deacon seconded the motion.


Following a short debate the motion Councillor Nicholson withdrew the motion.


Support for the introduction of safe standing in football grounds pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Winter (Vice Chair, Performance, Finance and Customer Focus Overview and Scrutiny Committee), proposed a motion regarding Safe Standing at Football Grounds.  Councillor Morris (Chair, Brexit, Infrastructure and Legislative Change Overview and Scrutiny Committee) seconded the motion.


Following a debate council agreed to ask the Leader of the Council to-

1.    Write to the board of Plymouth Argyle FC supporting its aspiration to introduce a safe standing section in its Home Park redevelopment plans.

2.    Write to the Secretary of State for the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, highlighting this council’s support for legislative change to allow football clubs in England to introduce safe standing in stadiums.


For the motion (38)

Councillors Coker, Corvid, Dann, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Laing, Lowry, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Penberthy, Rennie, Singh, P Smith, Stevens, J Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent, Wheeler, Mrs Bowyer, Churchill, Deacon, Downie, Drean, James, Jordan, Buchan, Derrick, Mavin, Carson, Winter, Mrs Loveridge, Cook and Neil.


Against the motion (1)

Councillor Michael Leaves


Abstentions (12)

Lord Mayor, Councillors Ball, Mrs Beer, Bowyer, Fletcher, Mrs Johnson, Kelly, Mrs Leaves, Dr Mahoney, Nicholson, R Smith and Mrs Bridgeman.


Absent / Did Not Vote (6)

Councillors Aspinall, Darcy, Foster, K Taylor, Mrs Pengelly and Wigens.


Conservative Attempts to Stop People Voting pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Stevens (Chair of Planning Committee), proposed a motion regarding Conservative Attempts to Stop People Voting.  Councillor Wheeler (Joint Chair of Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry Joint Committee) seconded the motion.


Following a debate council agreed to –

1.    Support The Salvation Army, AGE UK, The Royal National Institute of Blind People, Stonewall, The National Union of Students and numerous other groups in opposing the Conservative Government’s plans to make voting in British elections more difficult by requiring photo identification at Polling Stations.

·         In 2017, only 28 allegations of identity fraud were made out of nearly 45 million votes being cast, representing a potential problem of 0.00006222% if all the allegations were true. To date only one successful prosecution has been seen. As introducing these plans for General Elections is estimated at around £20 million, we believe £700,000 to address each allegation is somewhat excessive. This appears to be a calculated Conservative attempt to put barriers in the way of ordinary people wanting to vote for the representatives of their choice. Around 3.5 million adults (7.5% of voters) have no photo identification and 11 million have no passport or driving licence.

·         In pilots of the plans in five Council areas, 350 voters were turned away because they did not have sufficient identification documentation. There is no way of knowing how many others didn’t bother to go because they knew or assumed they would not be allowed to vote.

·         Voting in elections should be actively encouraged, not made more difficult as the Conservative Government wants, particularly for those from minorities and poorer parts of the UK.

2.    To this end we ask the Audit and Governance Committee to examine what these plans mean for Plymouth voters, and what steps can be taken to increase, not decrease, the number of voters taking part in our elections.


For the motion (28)

Councillors Buchan, Coker, Corvid, Dann, Derrick, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Laing, Lowry, Mavin, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Penberthy, Rennie, Singh, P Smith, Stevens, J Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent, Winter, Wheeler and Neil.


Against the motion (23)

Councillors Ball, Mrs Beer, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Churchill, Deacon, Downie, Drean, Fletcher, Mrs Johnson, James, Jordan, Kelly, Michael Leaves, Mrs Leaves, Dr Mahoney, Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Wigens, Mrs Bridgeman, Carson, Mrs Loveridge, Cook and  R Smith.


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent / Did Not Vote (5)

Councillors Aspinall, Darcy, Foster, Wigens and K Taylor.



Questions by Councillors

Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the constitution.

Additional documents:







Cllr Bowyer

Cllr Evans OBE

The content of the question was ruled out of order by the Lord Mayor.


Cllr Carson

Cllr P Smith

Trade Union subsidies.



Cllr Deacon

Cllr P Smith

“There but not there” Charity and WW1 commemoration.



Cllr Kelly

Cllr Lowry

Woolwell to the George Road widening scheme.



Cllr Kelly

Cllr Dann

Alternative weekly collections.



Cllr Ball

Cllr Coker

Roads Schemes and impacts on local business.



Cllr beer

Cllr McDonald

School commitment to Operation Encompass.



Cllr James

Cllr Dann

Update on Cot Hill Bridge.



Cllr R Smith

Cllr Lowry

CCTV at Oreston quay.



Cllr Johnson

Cllr Dann

Greenspace at Hartley Vale.



Cllr Churchill

Cllr Dann

Bamboo replacements for single use plastic cups.



Cllr Laing

Cllr Coker

Residents parking schemes.



Cllr Kelly

Cllr Dann

Street Service Staff deployment.



Cllr Jordan

Cllr Penberthy

Traveller temporary stopping places.



Cllr Beer

Cllr J Taylor

Number of home schooled children in Plymouth.



Cllr Nicholson

Cllr Dann

Cot Hill bridge.



Cllr Ball

Cllr Dann

Trees and television reception.



Cllr S Leaves

Cllr Dann

Planning for impact of phasing out of diesel and petrol vehicles.



Cllr Dr Mahoney

Cllr Dann

Grass cutting.



Cllr Jordan

Cllr Penberthy

Changes in the law in relation to trespass.



Cllr Beer

Cllr Evans OBE

Response to a resident’s letter.


Cllr Dr Mahoney

Cllr Haydon

Travellers incursion onto central park.



Cllr Johnson

Cllr Penberthy

Council Tax suspension for families affected by Barne Barton fire.



Cllr Beer

Cllr Dann

Vegetation obscuring highway signage.



Cllr Dr Mahoney

Cllr Dann

Central Park play area.