Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Council House, Plymouth

Contact: Ross Jago  Head of Governance, Performance and Risk

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 213 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 16 September 2024 as a correct record.


The minutes of the meeting held on 16 September 2024 were agreed as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest


The following declarations of interest were made by councillors in accordance with the code of conduct in respect of items under consideration at the meeting -



Item  Number



Councillor Taylor


Employer mentioned


Councillor P. Nicholson


President of Gables Farm Dogs & Cats Home.




Appointments to Committees, Outside Bodies etc

The Assistant Chief Executive will submit a schedule of vacancies on committees, outside bodies etc and of changes notified to us.  



The Council agreed to note the changes to committees and outside bodies for November 2024.


Questions by the Public pdf icon PDF 41 KB

To receive questions from and provide answers to the public in relation to matters which are about something the council is responsible for or something that directly affects people in the city, in accordance with Part B, paragraph 11 of the Constitution.


Questions, of no longer than 50 words, can be submitted to the Democratic Support Unit, Plymouth City Council, Ballard House, West Hoe Road, Plymouth, PL1 3BJ, or email to Any questions must be received at least five complete working days before the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were two questions from members of the public.



(a)        To receive announcements from the Lord Mayor, Chief Executive, Service Director for Finance or Head of Legal Services;


(b)        To receive announcements from the Leader, Cabinet Members or Committee Chairs.


The Lord Mayor made the following announcements:


a)    Jane Elliott Toncic had won the 2024 National Safeguarding Adults Board ‘Lifetime Award’, recognising Jane’s long standing and significant contribution in support of the people and communities of Plymouth;


b)    Two of the city’s most prominent new developments have been shortlisted for three awards in the national RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence; 

                                I.            InterCity Place had been shortlisted in the Health and Wellbeing category;

                             II.            Melville Phase 1, in the Royal William Yard, had been shortlisted in the Heritage and Culture category and Successful Economy category. 

                          III.            The Council's Net Zero Team’s innovative “Climate Decision Tool” was also announced as a finalist. 


c)    At a recent ceremony, the Local Council Road Innovation group presented a special life-time achievement award to Councillor Mark Coker. He had demonstrated unwavering dedication, leadership, and a relentless commitment to improving our community's infrastructure. His innovative approaches and tireless efforts not only enhanced the safety and efficiency of our roads but set a benchmark for excellence in public service. The award was a testament to his contributions to the community and supporting others in the Local Government Family.


Councillor Evans OBE (Leader of the Council) made the following announcements:


d)    19 November had marked 1000 days since the start of the War in Ukraine;


e)    The Ukrainian Flag had been raised outside the Guildhall and the Ukrainian Consulate Assembly for Citizens had been hosted as a show of commitment and support;


f)     The Homes England Board was to be hosted 27 November 2024 and was an opportunity to show the ambition for growth and regeneration in the city;


g)    There had been numerous successes during the previous 205 days in respect to the completion of growth and investment projects across the city. More than £120 Million had been committed, including:

                          I.        £23 Million in port facilities at Millbay;

                         II.        £25 million into the Community Diagnostics Hub in the City Centre;

                        III.        £18 million had been handed over to the Derriford district centre;

                       IV.        All £25 Million seed capital for the Freeport project had been committed

                        V.        £7 Million pound had been committed for innovation bonds at Oeansgate;

                       VI.        Planning permission had been secured and procurement completed on the £8 million Beaumont Way development;

                      VII.        Demolition had commenced on Tavistock place to enable future cultural investment;

                    VIII.        £10 million Waterfront Regeneration Scheme had commenced at Tinside;

                      IX.        Contracts had been awarded for the Mount Batton Centre Improvement Scheme.


h)     The City Centre Company had voted to renew its business improvement district plans following a ballot of all business the previous week. The ballot yielded a 91% majority in favour of the plans and represented a major endorsement for the Council’s plans for the City Centre;


i)     The draft Port Strategy had been completed and would be brought before City Council in 2025. The Port Strategy was integral to the facilitation of growth as Plymouth possessed the greatest marine employment within the UK: 20,100 Jobs and £1.2  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.


Medium Term Financial Strategy 2024/25 - 2028/29 pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Additional documents:


The report was introduced by Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance) and seconded by Councillor Evans OBE (Leader of the Council).


After contributions from Councillors P. Nicholson, McLay, Wood, Dann and Finn, the Council agreed to:


1.     Approve the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


For (39)

Councillors Allen, Allison, Aspinall, Bannerman, Blight, Briars-Delve, Coker, Cuddihee, Cresswell, Dann, Dingle, Evans OBE, Freeman, Gilmour, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Holloway, Krizanac, Laing, Lawson, Lowry, McCarty, McNamara, Moore, Morton, Murphy, Ney, Noblerose, Raynsford, Reilly, Simpson, M. Smith, Sproston, Steel, Stephens, Stevens and Taylor.


Against (2)

Councillors Poyser and McLay.


Abstain (12)

Councillors Mrs Beer, Mrs Bridgeman, Darcy, Finn,  Lugger, P. Nicholson, S. Nicholson, Tofan, Ricketts, R. Smith, Ms Watkin and Wood.


Absent/ Did Not Vote (1)

Councillor Tuohy.




Capital Monitoring Report September 2024 (Quarter 2) pdf icon PDF 219 KB


The report was introduced by Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance) and seconded by Councillor Evans OBE (Leader of the Council).


That Council agreed:


1.    To note the revised Capital Budget 2024-2029 £372.669m as shown in Table 1.

2.    To note the Prudential Indicators Q2 2024/25.


For (39)

Councillors Allen, Allison, Aspinall, Bannerman, Blight, Briars-Delve, Coker, Cuddihee, Cresswell, Dann, Dingle, Evans OBE, Freeman, Gilmour, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Holloway, Krizanac, Laing, Lawson, Lowry, McCarty, McNamara, Moore, Morton, Murphy, Ney, Noble, Penrose, Raynsford, Reilly, Simpson, M. Smith, Sproston, Steel, Stephens, Stevens and Taylor.


Against (0)


Abstain (14)

Councillors Mrs Beer, Mrs Bridgeman, Darcy, Finn,  Lugger, McLay, P. Nicholson, S. Nicholson, Poyser, Ricketts, R. Smith, Tofan, Ms Watkin and Wood.


Absent/ Did Not Vote (1)

Councillor Tuohy.




Urgent Decisions pdf icon PDF 204 KB

As set out in section 4.5 of Part C and section 14 of Part F of the Constitution, urgent decisions are required to be reported to the next ordinary Council meeting after they were taken. This report sets out the urgent decisions taken since the meeting of Council on 16 September 2024.

Additional documents:


The item was Introduced by Councillor Tuohy (the Lord Mayor) and seconded by Councillor Murphy (the Deputy Lord Mayor).


The Council noted the report.


Motions on notice

To consider motions from councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 14 of the Constitution.


Achieving Value For Money From Council Assets pdf icon PDF 57 KB


The motion was introduced by Councillor P. Nicholson and seconded by Councillor Ricketts.


Contributions were received from Councillor Briars-Delve, Lowry, Mrs Beer and Mrs. Bridgeman.


Councillor Laing, seconded by Councillor Stephens, proposed a closure motion to refer the item to the Scrutiny Management Board.


The council agreed to refer the motion to committee.


For (46)

Councillors Allen, Allison, Aspinall, Bannerman, Mrs Beer, Blight, Briars-Delve, Mrs Bridgeman, Coker, Cuddihee, Cresswell, Dann, Dingle, Evans OBE, Freeman, Gilmour, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Holloway, Krizanac, Laing, Lawson, Lowry, McCarty, McLay, McNamara, Moore, Morton, Murphy, Ney, P. Nicholson, S. Nicholson, Noble, Penrose, Poyser, Raynsford, Reilly, Ricketts, Simpson, M. Smith, Sproston, Steel, Stephens, Stevens and Taylor


Against (7)

Councillors Darcy, Finn, Lugger, R. Smith, Tofan, Ms Watkin and Wood.


Abstain 0


Absent/ Did Not Vote (1)

Councillor Tuohy.










White Ribbon Day pdf icon PDF 75 KB


The motion was Introduced by Councillor Haydon (Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Libraries, Events, Cemeteries and Crematoria) and seconded by Councillor M. Smith.


Contributions were received from Councillors Mrs Beer, Reilly and R. Smith.


The Council agreed to:


1.    Ask Cabinet to include the Primary Prevention of violence against women and girls when agreeing new and updated policies and strategies across all departments, alongside responses to gender-based violence.

2.    Ask the Leader to write to Jess Phillips MP, Minister for Safeguarding & VAWG to request an increase in government investment and statutory sources of funding for specialist organisations working on Primary Prevention initiatives aimed at addressing the underlying factors contributing to violence against women in the workplace


For (53)

Councillors Allen, Allison, Aspinall, Bannerman, Mrs Beer, Blight, Briars-Delve, Mrs Bridgeman, Coker, Cuddihee, Cresswell, Dann, Darcy, Dingle, Evans OBE, Finn, Freeman, Gilmour, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Holloway, Krizanac, Laing, Lawson, Lowry, Lugger, McCarty, McLay, McNamara, Moore, Morton, Murphy, Ney, P. Nicholson, S. Nicholson, Noble, Penrose, Poyser, Raynsford, Reilly, Ricketts, Simpson, M. Smith, R. Smith, Sproston, Steel, Stephens, Stevens, Taylor, Tofan, Ms Watkin and Wood.


Against (0)


Abstain (0)


Absent/ Did Not Vote (1)

Councillor Tuohy.



(A 45 minute break was called at the termination of this motion)

(Councillor Holloway exited the meeting at end of this item)


Capital Funding for the Plymouth Airport Site pdf icon PDF 54 KB


The motion was Introduced by Councillor Lugger (Leader of the Opposition) and seconded by Councillor Darcy.


A closure motion was introduced by Councillor Evans OBE (Leader of the Council) to refer the motion to the Scrutiny Management Board. This was seconded by Councillor Dann.


The Council agreed to refer the motion to committee.


For (47)

Councillors Allen, Allison, Aspinall, Bannerman, Blight, Briars-Delve, Coker, Cuddihee, Cresswell, Dann, Darcy, Dingle, Evans OBE, Finn, Freeman, Gilmour, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Krizanac, Laing, Lawson, Lowry, Lugger, McCarty, McLay, McNamara, Moore, Morton, Murphy, Ney, Noble, Penrose, Poyser, Raynsford, Reilly, Simpson, M. Smith, R. Smith, Sproston, Steel, Stephens, Stevens, Taylor, Tofan, Ms Watkin and Wood.


Against (4)

Councillors Mrs Beer, S. Nicholson, P. Nicholson and Ricketts.


Abstain (1)

Councillor Mrs Bridgeman.


Absent/ Did Not Vote (2)

Councillors Holloway and Tuohy.





Gables Farm Dogs & Cats Home pdf icon PDF 55 KB


The motion was introduced by Councillor Steel and seconded by Councillor Taylor.


Contributions were received from Councillors Mrs. Beer and P. Nicholson.


The Council agreed to the motion.


For (52)

Councillors Allen, Allison, Aspinall, Bannerman, Mrs Beer, Blight, Briars-Delve, Mrs Bridgeman, Coker, Cuddihee, Cresswell, Dann, Darcy, Dingle, Evans OBE, Finn, Freeman, Gilmour, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Krizanac, Laing, Lawson, Lowry, Lugger, McCarty, McLay, McNamara, Moore, Morton, Murphy, Ney, P. Nicholson, S. Nicholson, Noble, Penrose, Poyser, Raynsford, Reilly, Ricketts, Simpson, M. Smith, R. Smith, Sproston, Steel, Stephens, Stevens, Taylor, Tofan, Ms Watkin and Wood.


Against (0)


Abstain (0)


Absent (2)

Councillors Holloway and Tuohy.


(Councillor Mrs Bridgeman exited the meeting at the conclusion of this item)


Urging Plymouth City Council to support the Climate and Nature Bill  pdf icon PDF 82 KB


The motion was introduced by Councillor McLay (Leader of the Green Group) and seconded by Councillor Poyser.


Amendment proposed by Councillor Briars-Delve and seconded by Councillor Raynsford.


After contributions speaking to the amendment from Councillors McLay and Darcy, the amendment was passed.


For (48)

Councillors Allen, Allison, Aspinall, Bannerman, Mrs Beer, Blight, Briars-Delve, Coker, Cuddihee, Cresswell, Dann, Darcy, Dingle, Evans OBE, Finn, Freeman, Gilmour, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Krizanac, Laing, Lawson, Lowry, Lugger, McCarty, McLay, McNamara, Moore, Morton, Murphy, Ney, Noble, Penrose, Poyser, Raynsford, Reilly, Simpson, M. Smith, R. Smith, Sproston, Steel, Stephens, Stevens, Taylor, Tofan, Ms Watkin and Wood.


Against (0)


Abstain (3)

Councillors P. Nicholson, S. Nicholson, and Ricketts.


Absent/ Did Not Vote (3)

Councillors Mrs Bridgeman, Holloway and Tuohy.


The Council agreed to:


1.     Support the Climate and Nature Bill;

2.     Inform local residents, and inform local press/media, of the motion;

3.     Ask the Leader to write to Luke Pollard MP, Rebecca Smith MP and Fred Thomas MP, to inform them that the motion had been passed, urging them to sign up to support the Bill, and requesting that they vote for the Bill at its second reading on 24 January 2025;

4.     Ask the Leader to write to Zero Hour, the organisers of the cross-party campaign for the Bill, expressing official support.


For (47)

Councillors Allen, Allison, Aspinall, Bannerman, Blight, Briars-Delve, Coker, Cuddihee, Cresswell, Dann, Darcy, Dingle, Evans OBE, Finn, Freeman, Gilmour, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Krizanac, Laing, Lawson, Lowry, Lugger, McCarty, McLay, McNamara, Moore, Morton, Murphy, Ney, Noble, Penrose, Poyser, Raynsford, Reilly, Simpson, M. Smith, R. Smith, Sproston, Steel, Stephens, Stevens, Taylor, Tofan, Ms Watkin and Wood.


Against (0)


Abstain (4)

Councillors Mrs Beer, P. Nicholson, S. Nicholson, and Ricketts


Absent/ Did Not Vote (3)

Councillors Mrs Bridgeman, Holloway and Tuohy.


(A five minute recess was called during this item from 17:15 to 17:20)


(Councillor Mrs Bridgeman left the meeting at 17:15)


(Councillor S. Nicholson left the meeting at the conclusion of this item at 17:30)


Proposed Post Office Closure   pdf icon PDF 123 KB


The motion was introduced by Councillor Penrose and seconded by Councillor Aspinall.


The Council agreed to


1.     Ask the Leader the Council to write to Nigel Railton, Post Office Limited’s Interim Chair, expressing the Council’s dismay and request that the decision to close Mutley Plain Post Office is reversed.


For (50)

Councillors Allen, Allison, Aspinall, Bannerman, Mrs Beer, Blight, Briars-Delve, Coker, Cuddihee, Cresswell, Dann, Darcy, Dingle, Evans OBE, Finn, Freeman, Gilmour, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Krizanac, Laing, Lawson, Lowry, Lugger, McCarty, McLay, McNamara, Moore, Morton, Murphy, Ney, P. Nicholson, Noble, Penrose, Poyser, Raynsford, Reilly, Ricketts, Simpson, M. Smith, R. Smith, Sproston, Steel, Stephens, Stevens, Taylor, Tofan, Ms Watkin and Wood.


Against (0)


Abstain (0)


Absent/ Did Not Vote (4)

Councillors Mrs Bridgeman, Holloway, S. Nicholson and Tuohy.



Questions by Councillors

Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the constitution.









4,000 public buildings were sold to developers every year. Had the best prices been achieved for the disposal of land within Plymouth and would it be possible to have a register for disposals?

Response: There was a register maintained.

Supplementary: The Registry Office was sold for £295,000. Was this the best value that could have been achieved?

Response: This was related to knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing. Whereas £900,000 was the sale price, the particular property that was sold was sitting idle for seven years.




Regarding bus services and local transport infrastructure, a recent announcement from the secretary of transport publicised a tranche of funding. What was the initial funding proposal in reference to the PCC and residents?

Response:  £4.5 million was granted for the 25/26 municipal year. This would be looked into by the Bus Champion (Councillor Sproston) and Ward Councillors. Final clarification was being awaited upon as funding was allocated in three tranches.




Did the Cabinet Member for Safety support the recent establishment of Uber into the City?

Response: Yes. Support would be given to any operator that applied in the City.




There had been recent reforms to Children’s social care. Was it possible to outline how these would affect Plymouth?

Response: The change was welcomed by the Council. A three year transformation plan had been put in place with clear plans for residential children’s home. The recent reforms would assist in managing the ongoing precarious budget deficit within Children’s Services.




Would a review of the bus shelter installation be presented in a report to the relevant scrutiny committee?

Response: Yes, if requested by scrutiny.




The Department for Education had produced a report which indicated suspension rates had doubled in school. What actions were Children’s Services taking to address this?

Response: This issue had been discussed in detail. Collaboration with schools had taken place to avoid exclusions when possible. Robust escalation procedures had been produced. Offers for schools regarding vaping and substance abuse campaigns had taken place. The SEND strategy was ongoing and “inclusion” was the fundamental theme of these strategies.

Free primary school breakfast clubs had begun to be established which would generate “gentle and right start to the school day”




In regards to the Community Infrastructure Levy, Should £750,000 have been spent on electric buses?

Response: Yes.

Supplementary: Would the ongoing funding be an ongoing concern for the Council, in reference to subsiding the rolling stock?

Response: A substantial amount of money had been brought in and net-zero had been a prime concern cross-party. Electric buses had proved immensely popular and were better for the environment.




Grant Thornton Auditor’s Annual Report of South Gloucestershire outlined usable reserves as a proportion of net cost of services across 38 comparators. Councillor Lowry had stated PCC reserves were 200% of revenue which did not equate to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49.