Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council House, Plymouth

Contact: Ross Jago  Ross Jago, Senior Panel and Partnerships Adviser


No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 103 KB

To approve and sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the City Council held on 20 November 2017.


Additional documents:


Agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 20 November 2017.



Councillors will be asked to make declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda. A flowchart providing guidance on interests is attached to assist councillors.

Additional documents:


The following declarations of interest were made by councillors in accordance with the code of conduct in respect of items under consideration at the meeting -



Minute Number



Councillor Jon Taylor

54.1 and 54.2

NHS Employee


Councillor Kate Taylor


NHS Employee


Councillor Deacon


Staff nurse


Councillor Sam Leaves


NHS Employee


Councillor Michael Leaves


Care Home Owner





(a)        To receive announcements from the Lord Mayor, Chief Executive, Assistant Director for Finance or Head of Legal Services;


(b)        To receive announcements from the Leader, Cabinet Members or Committee Chairs.

Additional documents:



Lord Mayor



·         100 Great Westerners

·         Finalist in the Team Leader of the Year category - Melanie Wilson – Social Worker


·         Winner of the Mental Health Social Worker of the Year Award – Gareth Benjamin – Social Worker


·         Vera Mitchell – Volunteer – Plymouth Hospital NHS Trust

·         MBE


·         Carole Burgoyne MBE


·         Library Staff at Christmas



The Leader, Cabinet Members or Chairs of Committees 



Councillor Patrick Nicholson, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Transport, Housing and Planning



·         Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan – Public Examination




Additional documents:


There were two questions from members of the Public.


Question submitted by: Alan Ramage


Plymouth Green Book Club recently read “An Air That Kills” by Dr John Rieuwerts of Plymouth University. It states air pollution in Plymouth is greatest along arterial routes. Legal exceedances and even low levels are harmful especially to the vulnerable, including schoolchildren. What measures are being proposed to address this?


Response: Councillor Lynda Bowyer, Cabinet Member for Adult Health and Social Care


Response: (for completion by City Council officers and Cabinet Members / Chairs)

Plymouth City Council takes air quality seriously and the principles of protecting the air we breathe is contained within the Plymouth & South West Devon Joint Local Plan (JLP), a single strategic plan for the city and the neighbouring district authorities of South Hams and West Devon, that has a timeframe to 2034 and beyond and that is currently in the latter stages of development. The JLP brings together all of the city's long term strategic plans into one place and includes the city’s economic, land use planning, housing, transport and environmental policies ensuring a coordinated approach to how the city evolves. The air quality issue is embedded into the JLP as it was previously in the Plymouth Plan and the Local Development Framework before that.

Air quality monitoring is undertaken in Plymouth continuously at various sites, which meet the criteria for assessment which is prescribed by DEFRA. This includes sites where residents live and could be exposed to increased levels of pollution, such as busy transport routes. This monitoring data is used to compare against the annual air quality objectives, which are set out by Government in regulations. Where levels exceed the objective figures, a Local Authority is required to declare an Air Quality Management Area, including an action plan showing how measures will be implemented to improve air quality.

In Plymouth, an AQMA was declared in 2014 for exceedance of nitrogen dioxide, covering five distinct areas and the adjoining road networks, replacing the previously declared two individual AQMA’s. Transport emissions were identified as the primary contributor. Details of the AQMA are on the Council website.

Plymouth City Council is pleased to report that air quality improvements are being observed in the AQMA, with the majority of the results now being below the air quality objective. We are closely reviewing the situation annually and discussing the observed improvements with DEFRA with a view to revoking or amending the AQMA as soon as we are able.

Key to achieving these results has been the Council’s balanced transport strategy that seeks to support the objective of cleaner, healthier air for its residents and visitors. The strategy has a strong focus on encouraging greater sustainable transport use with more trips undertaken by bus, cycle and foot alongside reducing the need to travel and providing and enabling greater use of cleaner fuel vehicles. The numbers of people cycling in particular has seen a dramatic rise with a 51% increase between 2009-2015, which is a trend that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47.


Torbay Children's Services Contractual Partnership pdf icon PDF 203 KB

Cabinet Member: Councillor Bowyer (Leader).


Councillor Bowyer will submit recommendations on Torbay Children’s Services contractual arrangement.


Additional documents:


Councillor Ian Bowyer (Leader) presented the report on the Torbay Childrens’ Services Contractual Arrangement, Councillor Evans seconded the report. 


Following the vote, the Council agreed to endorse the Cabinet’s decision to enter into a formal contractual arrangement for Plymouth City Council to manage Torbay Council’s Children’s Services with effect from 1 April 2018.


For the Motion (50)

Councillors  Bowie,  Coker,  Davey,  Evans OBE,  Hendy,  Lowry,  McDonald, Morris,  Murphy,  Parker-Delaz-Ajete,  Rennie,  Smith,  Stevens,  J Taylor,  K Taylor,  Tuffin,  Tuohy,  Vincent,  Wheeler,  Ball,  Mrs Beer,  Bowyer,  Mrs Bowyer,  Churchill,  Darcy,  Deacon,  Downie,  Drean,  Fletcher,  Foster,  Fry,  James,  Jordan,  Kelly,  Martin Leaves,  Michael Leaves,  Mrs Leaves,  Dr Mahony,  Nicholson,  Mrs Pengelly,  Wigens,  Mrs Bridgeman,  Riley,  Storer,  Sparling,  Mavin,  Carson,  Winter,  Mrs Loveridge and Cook.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent/Did not vote (6)

Councillors Aspinall, Dann, Davey, Penberthy, Singh and Ricketts.


Council Tax Base Setting 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 198 KB

Cabinet Member: Councillor Darcy (Cabinet Member for Finance).


The City Council will be asked to approve the Council Tax Base setting for 2018/19.


The minute of Cabinet held on 16 January 2018 will be submitted together with the report considered at Cabinet.

Additional documents:


Councillor Ian Darcy (Cabinet Member for Finance and IT) presented the report on the Council Tax Base Setting 2018/19, Councillor Ian Bowyer (Leader) seconded the report. 


Following the vote, the Council agreed to  -


1.    approve the Council Tax Base for 2018/19 as set out in the report;

2.    approve the continuation of the current Council Tax Support Scheme for 2018/19 with an update that “The authority may use information provided by the DWP and HMRC for the purposes of Council Tax Reduction, council tax liability, billing, administration and enforcement”.


For the Motion (50)

Councillors  Bowie,  Coker,  Davey,  Evans OBE,  Hendy,  Lowry,  McDonald, Morris,  Murphy,  Parker-Delaz-Ajete,  Rennie,  Smith,  Stevens,  J Taylor,  K Taylor,  Tuffin,  Tuohy,  Vincent,  Wheeler,  Ball,  Mrs Beer,  Bowyer,  Mrs Bowyer,  Churchill,  Darcy,  Deacon,  Downie,  Drean,  Fletcher,  Foster,  Fry,  James,  Jordan,  Kelly,  Martin Leaves,  Michael Leaves,  Mrs Leaves,  Dr Mahony,  Nicholson,  Mrs Pengelly,  Wigens,  Mrs Bridgeman,  Riley,  Storer,  Sparling,  Mavin,  Carson,  Winter,  Mrs Loveridge and Cook.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent/Did not vote (6)

Councillors Aspinall, Dann, Davey, Penberthy, Singh and Ricketts.



Democratic and Community Engagement pdf icon PDF 216 KB

Cabinet Member for HR/Democracy and Governance/Licensing: Councillor John Riley.


Councillor Riley will present the recommendations of the Constitutional Review Group for approval.

Additional documents:


Councillor John Riley (Cabinet Member for HR/Democracy and Governance/Licensing) presented the report on Democratic and Community Engagement, Councillor Stevens seconded the report. 


Following the vote, the Council agreed to


1.     Agree the following priorities which comprise the programme of work proposed by CRG:


a.     Providing a solid induction and good opportunities for follow-up training and development;

b.     Improving information and data flow about wards/the city;

c.     Engaging residents in different ways and responding to their concerns;

d.     Clarifying ways to connect back to the Council through officers and democratic/governance processes;

e.     Improving responsiveness from Council employees to questions and casework raised by Councillors;

f.      Appropriately devolved funds that are directed to ward priorities and complement the baseline service;

g.     Better utilising our networks to help solve problems collaboratively;

h.     Ensuring Councillors are visible and accessible to residents.


2.     Delegate to CRG responsibility for monitoring implementation of the detailed actions relating to the priorities within the programme of work outlined in recommendation 1

3.     Note the intention to approve use of the Neighbourhood Initiative Fund through the regular budget setting process.

4.     Delegate to the Monitoring Officer, via CRG, relevant amendments required to Appendix One (3) Neighbourhood Working of the Constitution.



For the Motion (50)

Councillors  Bowie,  Coker,  Davey,  Evans OBE,  Hendy,  Lowry,  McDonald, Morris,  Murphy,  Parker-Delaz-Ajete,  Rennie,  Smith,  Stevens,  J Taylor,  K Taylor,  Tuffin,  Tuohy,  Vincent,  Wheeler,  Ball,  Mrs Beer,  Bowyer,  Mrs Bowyer,  Churchill,  Darcy,  Deacon,  Downie,  Drean,  Fletcher,  Foster,  Fry,  James,  Jordan,  Kelly,  Martin Leaves,  Michael Leaves,  Mrs Leaves,  Dr Mahony,  Nicholson,  Mrs Pengelly,  Wigens,  Mrs Bridgeman,  Riley,  Storer,  Sparling,  Mavin,  Carson,  Winter,  Mrs Loveridge and Cook.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent/Did not vote (6)

Councillors Aspinall, Dann, Davey, Penberthy, Singh and Ricketts.



Remuneration of the Independent Remuneration Panel Members pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Cabinet Member for HR/Democracy and Governance/Licensing: Councillor John Riley.


Councillor Riley will present the recommendations of the Constitutional Review Group for approval.

Additional documents:


Councillor John Riley (Cabinet Member for HR/Democracy and Governance/Licensing) presented the report on Remuneration of the Independent Remuneration Panel Members, Councillor Stevens seconded the report. 


Following the vote, the Council agreed to


  1. Remunerate members of the Independent Remuneration Panel at the LGA daily rate, assuming payment for each day of formal meetings, 0.5 days preparation for members and 1 day preparation for the Chair.
  2. Note that recruitment for additional members of the Panel will be undertaken during early 2018 and that, where relevant, the opportunity to share a Panel (and therefore costs) with another Local Authority will be explored.



For the Motion (49)

Councillors  Bowie,  Coker,  Davey,  Evans OBE,  Hendy,  Lowry,  McDonald, Morris,  Murphy,  Parker-Delaz-Ajete,  Rennie,  Smith,  Stevens,  J Taylor,  K Taylor,  Tuffin,  Tuohy,  Vincent,  Wheeler,  Ball,  Mrs Beer,  Bowyer,  Mrs Bowyer,  Churchill,  Darcy,  Deacon,  Downie,  Drean,  Fletcher,  Fry,  James,  Jordan,  Kelly,  Martin Leaves,  Michael Leaves,  Mrs Leaves,  Dr Mahony,  Nicholson,  Mrs Pengelly,  Wigens,  Mrs Bridgeman,  Riley,  Storer,  Sparling,  Mavin,  Carson,  Winter,  Mrs Loveridge and Cook.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent/Did not vote (7)

Councillors Aspinall, Dann, Davey, Foster, Penberthy, Singh and Ricketts.



Pay Policy Statement 2018/2019 pdf icon PDF 164 KB

Tracey Lee (Chief Executive) will submit a report seeking approval of the Pay Policy Statement 2018/19.


Additional documents:


Councillor John Riley (Cabinet Member for HR/Democracy and Governance/Licensing) presented the report on the Pay Policy Statement 2018/19, Councillor Bridgeman seconded the report. 


Following the vote, the Council agreed to


  1. Approve the pay policy statement for 2018/19.



For the Motion (27)

Councillors  Ball,  Mrs Beer,  Bowyer,  Mrs Bowyer,  Churchill,  Darcy,  Deacon,  Downie,  Drean,  Fletcher, Foster,  Fry,  James,  Jordan,  Kelly,  Martin Leaves,  Mrs Leaves,  Dr Mahony,  Nicholson,  Mrs Pengelly,  Wigens,  Mrs Bridgeman,  Riley,  Storer, Carson, Mrs Loveridge and Cook.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (28)

Lord Mayor,  Councillors Aspinall,  Bowie,  Coker, Dann, Davey, Davey,  Evans OBE,  Hendy,  Lowry,  McDonald, Morris,  Murphy,  Parker-Delaz-Ajete,  Penberthy,  Rennie,  Singh Smith,  Stevens,  J Taylor,  K Taylor,  Tuffin,  Tuohy,  Vincent,  Wheeler, Sparling,  Mavin and Winter.


Absent/Did not vote (2)

Councillors Ricketts and Michael Leaves




Organisational Design pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Tracey Lee (Chief Executive) will submit a report on Organisation Design.

Additional documents:


The Lord Mayor moved, in accordance with article 14.1(b) of the Constitution and Council Procedure Rule 21, to suspend the usual procedural rules of debate to allow the Chief Executive to present her report to Council.  The motion was seconded by the Deputy Lord Mayor, put to the vote and carried.


For the Motion (55)

Councillors  Ball,  Mrs Beer,  Bowyer,  Mrs Bowyer,  Churchill,  Darcy,  Deacon,  Downie,  Drean,  Fletcher, Foster,  Fry,  James,  Jordan,  Kelly,  Martin Leaves, Michael Leaves,  Mrs Leaves,  Dr Mahony,  Nicholson,  Mrs Pengelly,  Wigens,  Mrs Bridgeman,  Riley,  Storer, Carson,  Mrs Loveridge, Cook,  Aspinall, Bowie, Coker, Dann Davey, Davey,  Evans OBE,  Hendy,  Lowry,  McDonald, Morris,  Murphy,  Parker-Delaz-Ajete Penberthy,  Rennie,  Singh Smith,  Stevens,  J Taylor,  K Taylor,  Tuffin,  Tuohy,  Vincent,  Wheeler, Sparling,  Mavin Winter


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent/Did not vote (1)

Councillors Ricketts


Following the re-instatement of standing orders Councillor Ian Bowyer moved and Councillor Evans seconded the report. Following the vote, Council agreed to-


1.    approve the proposals for changes to the Plymouth City Council Senior Leadership Team.

2.    note the outline timetable implementing the changes to Chief Officer positions.

3.    authorise the Chief Officer Appointments Panel to consider any further responses from any collective and individual consultation undertaken; approve the role profiles of the new positions; agree how the roles will be selected and make appointments to roles as appropriate.   

4.    The Council’s constitution is amended to reflect the changes to the Chief Officer structure and any changes to the designation or operation of Statutory Roles.


For the Motion (55)

Councillors  Ball,  Mrs Beer,  Bowyer,  Mrs Bowyer,  Churchill,  Darcy,  Deacon,  Downie,  Drean,  Fletcher, Foster,  Fry,  James,  Jordan,  Kelly,  Martin Leaves, Michael Leaves,  Mrs Leaves,  Dr Mahony,  Nicholson,  Mrs Pengelly,  Wigens,  Mrs Bridgeman,  Riley,  Storer, Carson,  Mrs Loveridge, Cook,  Aspinall, Bowie, Coker, Dann Davey, Davey,  Evans OBE,  Hendy,  Lowry,  McDonald, Morris,  Murphy,  Parker-Delaz-Ajete Penberthy,  Rennie,  Singh Smith,  Stevens,  J Taylor,  K Taylor,  Tuffin,  Tuohy,  Vincent,  Wheeler, Sparling,  Mavin Winter


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent/Did not vote (1)

Councillors Ricketts




To consider motions from councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 14 of the Constitution.

Additional documents:


NHS and Adult Social Care Crisis pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Ian Tuffin proposed a motion on the NHS and Adult Social Care Crisis, Councillor Mrs Aspinall seconded the motion. Following a debate the motion was put to the vote. Council agreed –


1.    to request that the Chief Executive Mrs Tracey Lee, write to the Prime Minister the Rt Hon Theresa May MP,  Secretary of State for Health and Adult Social Care the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP and the Leader of Her Majesty’s opposition the Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn MP,  within 10 working days with the following requests: -


a.     That as a priority, they fully seek and support strategies from medical professionals that will reduce overcrowding in our emergency departments.

b.    That there is an immediate, significant and adequate increase in Social Care Funding to Support Plymouth City Council and other local authorities to provide patients who are fit to be discharged from acute beds to the provision they need

c.     Finally we request that the main parties convene as a matter of urgency a cross party group to consider a short, medium and long-term solution to funding the NHS and Local Authorities.

d.    We consider this a more appropriate method than the proposed green paper consultation exercise.


For the Motion (55)

Councillors  Ball,  Mrs Beer,  Bowyer,  Mrs Bowyer,  Churchill,  Darcy,  Deacon,  Downie,  Drean,  Fletcher, Foster,  Fry,  James,  Jordan,  Kelly,  Martin Leaves, Michael Leaves,  Mrs Leaves,  Dr Mahony,  Nicholson,  Mrs Pengelly,  Wigens,  Mrs Bridgeman,  Riley,  Storer, Carson,  Mrs Loveridge, Cook,  Aspinall, Bowie, Coker, Dann Davey, Davey,  Evans OBE,  Hendy,  Lowry,  McDonald, Morris,  Murphy,  Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Penberthy,  Rennie,  Singh Smith,  Stevens,  J Taylor,  K Taylor,  Tuffin,  Tuohy,  Vincent,  Wheeler, Sparling,  Mavin and Winter


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent/Did not vote (1)

Councillors Ricketts





Access to NHS Dentists pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Sue McDonald proposed an amended motion on Access to NHS Dentists; the motion was seconded by Councillor Stevens.


Following the debate and vote council agreed –


1.    that the Director of Public Health writes to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care with the request to rapidly improve access to NHS Dentists thereby offering a service that offers an increase in early intervention and prevention

2.    the director of public health writes to NHS England, who are the commissioner of dental services, to request urgent local action to improve access to NHS Dentists.


For the Motion (54)

Councillors  Ball,  Mrs Beer,  Bowyer,  Mrs Bowyer,  Churchill,  Darcy,  Deacon,  Downie,  Drean,  Fletcher, Foster,  Fry,  James,  Jordan,  Kelly,  Martin Leaves, Michael Leaves,  Mrs Leaves,  Dr Mahony,  Nicholson,  Mrs Pengelly,  Wigens,  Mrs Bridgeman,  Riley,  Storer, Carson,  Mrs Loveridge, Cook,  Aspinall, Bowie, Coker, Dann Davey, Davey,  Evans OBE,  Hendy,  Lowry,  McDonald, Morris,  Murphy,  Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Penberthy,  Rennie,  Singh, Smith,  Stevens,  J Taylor,  K Taylor,  Tuffin,  Tuohy,  Vincent,  Wheeler, Mavin and Winter.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (1)

Lord Mayor


Absent/Did not vote (1)

Councillors Ricketts and Sparling. 




Additional documents:


Councillor Winter proposed a motion on Plastic Free Plymouth, the motion was seconded by Councillor Evans.


Councillor Bowyer proposed an amendment to the motion seconded by Councillor Jordan.  Following the vote the amendment was carried.


For the Motion (49)

Councillors  Ball,  Mrs Beer,  Bowyer,  Mrs Bowyer,  Churchill,  Darcy,  Deacon,  Downie,  Drean,  Fletcher, Foster,  Fry,  James,  Jordan,  Kelly,  Martin Leaves, Michael Leaves,  Mrs Leaves,  Dr Mahony,  Nicholson,  Mrs Pengelly,  Wigens,  Mrs Bridgeman,  Riley,  Storer, Carson,  Mrs Loveridge, Cook,  Bowie, Coker, Dann, Davey,  Evans OBE,  Hendy,  Lowry, Morris,  Murphy,  Parker-Delaz-Ajete,  Penberthy,  Rennie,  Singh Smith,  Stevens,  J Taylor,  K Taylor,  Tuffin,  Tuohy,  Wheeler and Winter


Against the motion (4)

Councillors Davey, McDonald, Vincent and Mavin.


Abstentions (1)

Councillor Aspinall


Absent/Did not vote (3)

Lord Mayor, Councillors Ricketts and Sparling.


Following a debate and vote on the amended motion, Council agreed to support a plastic free Plymouth by -


1.    Publishing a strategy that demonstrates how the Council will reduce the use and internal consumption of unnecessary single use plastics, and how we will engage with partners to deliver the desired outcomes across the wider city by 2020. 

2.    Appoint an Elected Member as Green Champion to lead a Council led Plastic Free Plymouth taskforce that involves local businesses and organisations in place by June 2018. This will work alongside the existing staff working group to drive the strategy forward and as far as reasonably practicable start phasing out its use of unnecessary single use plastic products in all Council buildings and at all Council events by June 2020.


For the Motion (55)

Lord Mayor, Councillors  Ball,  Mrs Beer,  Bowyer,  Mrs Bowyer,  Churchill,  Darcy,  Deacon,  Downie,  Drean,  Fletcher, Foster,  Fry,  James,  Jordan,  Kelly,  Martin Leaves, Michael Leaves,  Mrs Leaves,  Dr Mahony,  Nicholson,  Mrs Pengelly,  Wigens,  Mrs Bridgeman,  Riley,  Storer, Carson,  Mrs Loveridge, Cook,  Aspinall, Bowie, Coker, Dann, Davey, Davey,  Evans OBE,  Hendy,  Lowry,  McDonald, Morris,  Murphy,  Parker-Delaz-Ajete Penberthy,  Rennie,  Singh Smith,  Stevens,  J Taylor,  K Taylor,  Tuffin,  Tuohy,  Vincent,  Wheeler,  Mavin and Winter


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (0)


Absent/Did not vote (2)

Councillors Ricketts and Sparling



Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the constitution.

Additional documents:






Councillor Carson

Councillor Michael Leaves


Waste collection.



Councillor Parker

Councillor Mrs Beer

Sexual harassment in Schools.



Councillor Penberthy

Councillor Ian Bowyer

Numbers of active applications on the housing waiting list.


Councillor Darcy

Councillor Nicholson

Living Streets process.  


Councillor Jon Taylor

Councillor Mrs Beer

Underperforming schools in the City.


Councillor Morris

Councillor Ian Bowyer

Impact of the collapse of Carillion. Councillor Bowyer agreed to publish a report regarding the impact on Plymouth.  


Councillor James

Councillor Mrs Bowyer

Deaths in Care Homes.


Councillor Loveridge

Councillor Nicholson

Update on improvements to Children’s Play Areas.


Councillor Dann

Councillor Michael Leaves

Update on Trees requiring work. A written response would be provided to Councillor Dann.



Councillor Stevens

Councillor Ian Bowyer

A request for sharing of emails between the Chief Executive and Leader.



Councillor S Davey

Councillor Ian Bowyer

Controlled Park Zones in Stoke. Councillor Bowyer would provide an update.



Councillor Morris

Councillor Michael Leaves

Winter works scheme.


Councillor Tuohy

Councillor Nicholson

A written response would be provided to Councillor Tuohy why Laurel Road was chosen for improvements under Winter Works.



Councillor Sam Davey

Councillor Downie

Rats and public protection service.


Councillor Evans

Councillor Downie

To ascertain when the Cabinet Downie raised the issue of underfunding with Cabinet. Councillor Downie would write to Councillor Evans.


Councillor Lowry

Councillor Michael Leaves

Waste collection in Honicknowle.


Councillor Rennie

Councillor Ian Bowyer

Requested names of officers who have shared emails with Cabinet Members.



Councillor Hendy

Councillor Leaves

Data regarding recycling and fly tipping.