Agenda and minutes
Venue: The Guildhall, Plymouth
Contact: Jamie Sheldon Senior Governance Advisor
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To approve and sign the minutes of the meetings as a correct record -
· 13 September 2021; · 13 September 21 (EGM). Additional documents: |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: The following declarations of interest were made by councillors in accordance with the code of conduct in respect of items under consideration at the meeting -
There was also a general dispensation authorised by the Interim Monitoring Officer in respect of item 11.e – Waspi. |
Appointments to Committees, Outside Bodies etc The Assistant Chief Executive will submit a schedule of vacancies on committees, outside bodies etc and of changes notified to us.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members were advised that Councillor Salmon would be the named substitute on Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry Joint Committee.
Council noted the update. |
Announcements (a) To receive announcements from the Lord Mayor, Chief Executive, Service Director for Finance or Head of Legal Services;
(b) To receive announcements from the Leader, Cabinet Members or Committee Chairs. Additional documents: Minutes: The Lord Mayor made the following announcements to members:
The Lord Mayor proposed to suspend the rules of procedure to allow the Director of Public Health Ruth Harrell to provide an update on COVID-19 to Council and answer any questions that were submitted by Councillors to Ruth.
Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Mrs Bridgeman seconded the proposal and went to a vote.
Members voted unanimously in favour of the motion.
Ruth Harrell, Director of Public Health presented a video to Council.
Councillor Nick Kelly, Leader of the Council made the following announcements to Council:
Questions by the Public To receive questions from and provide answers to the public in relation to matters which are about something the council is responsible for or something that directly affects people in the city, in accordance with Part B, paragraph 11 of the Constitution.
Questions, of no longer than 50 words, can be submitted to the Democratic Support Unit, Plymouth City Council, Ballard House, West Hoe Road, Plymouth, PL1 3BJ, or email to Any questions must be received at least five complete working days before the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes:
Gambling Statement of Principles (Gambling Policy) Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor John Riley introduced the Gambling Statement of Principles (Gambling Policy). This was seconded by Councillor Glenn Jordan.
Council agreed to adopt the proposed Gambling Act Statement of Principles contained in Appendix B with effect from 31 January 2022.
For (52)
Councillors Allen, Mrs Aspinall, Bingley, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Mrs Bridgeman (DLM), Dr Buchan, Burden, Carlyle, Churchill, Coker, Collins, Corvid, Cresswell, Dann, Deacon, Derrick, Downie, Drean, Evans OBE, Goslin, Harrison, Haydon, Hulme, James, Mrs Johnson, Jordan, Kelly, Laing, Dr Mahony, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Nicholson, Partridge, Patel, Penberthy, Mrs Pengelly, Rennie, Riley, Salmon, Shayer, Singh, Smith, Stevens, Stoneman, Tuffin, Vincent, Wakeham, Mrs Watkin, Wheeler and Councillor Mrs Beer (LM).
Against (0)
Abstain/Not present (5) Councillor Dr Cree, Hendy, Loveridge, Lowry and Neil.
City Council meeting dates 2022 - 23 Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor John Riley introduced the City Council meeting dates 2022 – 23. This was seconded by XXXXX there was no seconder
Following debate, Council noted City Council meeting dates 2022 - 23 |
Finance and Capital Monitoring Report September 2021 Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Nick Kelly (Leader of the Council) introduced the Finance and Capital Monitoring Report September 2021. This was seconded by Councillor Patrick Nicholson.
Following debate, with contributions from Councillors Dann and Mrs Aspinall, Council agreed to:
1. Note the current revenue monitoring position;
2. Approve the revision of the Capital Budget 2021-2026 to £647.591m (as shown in Section C Table 1).
For (52)
Councillors Allen, Mrs Aspinall, Bingley, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Mrs Bridgeman (DLM), Dr Buchan, Burden, Carlyle, Churchill, Coker, Collins, Corvid, Cresswell, Dann, Deacon, Derrick, Downie, Drean, Evans OBE, Goslin, Harrison, Haydon, Hulme, James, Mrs Johnson, Jordan, Kelly, Laing, Dr Mahony, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Nicholson, Partridge, Patel, Penberthy, Mrs Pengelly, Rennie, Riley, Salmon, Shayer, Singh, Smith, Stevens, Stoneman, Tuffin, Vincent, Wakeham, Mrs Watkin, Wheeler and Councillor Mrs Beer (LM).
Against (0)
Abstain/Not present (5)
Councillor Dr Cree, Hendy, Loveridge, Lowry and Neil.
Appointment of the Monitoring Officer (Head of Legal Services) Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Nick Kelly (Leader of the Council) introduced the Appointment of the Monitoring Officer (Head of Legal Services) report. This was seconded by Councillor Mrs Aspinall.
Following debate, Council agreed that Emma Jackman was confirmed as the Council’s Monitoring Officer with effect from the date she commences employment with the Council.
For (52)
Councillors Allen, Mrs Aspinall, Bingley, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Mrs Bridgeman (DLM), Dr Buchan, Burden, Carlyle, Churchill, Coker, Collins, Corvid, Cresswell, Dann, Deacon, Derrick, Downie, Drean, Evans OBE, Goslin, Harrison, Haydon, Hulme, James, Mrs Johnson, Jordan, Kelly, Laing, Dr Mahony, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Nicholson, Partridge, Patel, Penberthy, Mrs Pengelly, Rennie, Riley, Salmon, Shayer, Singh, Smith, Stevens, Stoneman, Tuffin, Vincent, Wakeham, Mrs Watkin, Wheeler and Councillor Mrs Beer (LM).
Against (0)
Abstain/Not present (5)
Councillor Dr Cree, Hendy, Loveridge, Lowry and Neil.
Motions on notice To consider motions from councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 14 of the Constitution. Additional documents: |
Addressing the Ecological Crisis in line with the Climate Crisis Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Dann introduced the cross party motion on notice on addressing the Ecological Crisis in line with the Climate Crisis. This was seconded by Councillor Mrs Bridgeman.
Following a discussion, with contributions from Councillor Wheeler, Smith, Bingley, Penberthy and Mrs Aspinall.
For (52)
Councillors Allen, Mrs Aspinall, Bingley, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Mrs Bridgeman (DLM), Dr Buchan, Burden, Carlyle, Churchill, Coker, Collins, Corvid, Cresswell, Dann, Deacon, Derrick, Downie, Drean, Evans OBE, Goslin, Harrison, Haydon, Hulme, James, Mrs Johnson, Jordan, Kelly, Laing, Dr Mahony, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Nicholson, Partridge, Patel, Penberthy, Mrs Pengelly, Rennie, Riley, Salmon, Shayer, Singh, Smith, Stevens, Stoneman, Tuffin, Vincent, Wakeham, Mrs Watkin, Wheeler and Councillor Mrs Beer (LM).
Against (0)
Abstain/Not present (5)
Councillor Dr Cree, Hendy, Loveridge, Lowry and Neil.
Ocean Recovery Declaration - 'Motion for the Ocean' Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Dr Buchan introduced the motion on Ocean Recovery Declaration – ‘Motion for the Ocean’. This was seconded by Councillor Evans OBE.
An amendment to the motion was moved by Councillor Kelly (The Leader), and seconded by Councillor Mrs Bridgeman (Deputy Lord Mayor).
The amendment was proposed as follows: Ocean Recovery Declaration – ‘Motion for the Ocean’ Plymouth City Council is leading the way in connecting people to the ocean through the development of the UK’s first National Marine Park, in Plymouth Sound, champions of sustainable fishing industry and advocates for good marine management. In 2019 we unanimously declared a climate emergency. This Council recognises the role of the ocean in climate regulation. 2021 is the first year of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. The UK has just hosted COP26 in Glasgow and in the summer the G7 came to Cornwall. The UK Government has publicly declared its ambition to be a global leader in marine conservation. All eyes are on the ocean. There is national and global recognition that the world ocean is in crisis. The impact of the climate crisis on the ocean is profound, including in our local waters. Raised atmospheric carbon dissolves in the seawater and causes ocean acidification, dissolving the shells, reefs and other hard parts of marine animals. The heating of the climate causes ocean heating too, which makes some parts of the ocean intolerable for life and is changing what lives and is caught locally. It also increases the volume of the ocean, causing sea level rise, added to by ice melt at the poles. Thanks to a more turbulent climate, increased storminess and sea level rise is a serious threat to all coastal communities, economies and infrastructure in the world, including Plymouth. Marine microplastics have been found in all marine environments and in the bodies of many species, including humans. Fish stocks collapse from permitted and illegal overfishing. Poor water quality impacts seafood and prevents safe bathing. And yet the ocean is a place of incredible importance for people, providing food, energy, connections from one nation to another, and regulating the climate system which is so threatened by human activity. We must play our part in securing the sustainability and health of the ocean. Plymouth Sound is at the heart of our economy, and the health, wellbeing and prosperity of our community. Urgent action is needed to recover the health of our ocean to enable it to deliver the full range of benefits, including capturing and storing carbon through coastal salt marshes and seagrass beds, regulating our climate, supporting a sustainable and equitable blue economy, with equitable access to clean, safe recreation and nature experience for happy, healthy communities. Action is needed at all levels, from national and local government, down to individuals developing their ocean literacy (understanding of the relationship between people and the ocean), and individual and collective marine citizenship (promoting and demanding a relationship with the ocean that is healthy for people and nature). |
Opposing Routine Discharges of Raw Sewage in Plymouth's rivers and marine habitats Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Dann introduced the motion on Opposing Routine Discharges of Raw Sewage in Plymouth’s rivers and marine habitats. This was seconded by Councillor Evans OBE.
Following a debate with contributions from Councillors Dr Buchan, Drean, Smith, Kelly, Nicholson, Mrs Aspinall and Evans OBE the motion was carried.
Votes for (51) Councillors
Votes against (0)
Abstain (0)
(Absent/ did not vote (6) Councillors Hendy, Neil, Loveridge, Lowry, Wakeham and the Lord Mayor
Traffic Speed on the A38 Parkway Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Mrs Johnson introduced the Traffic Speed on the A38 Parkway motion. This was seconded by Councillor Churchill.
Following a debate with contributions from Councillors Drean, Nicholson, Ian Bowyer, Coker, Kelly, Haydon, Bingley, Singh Corvid and Laing the motion was carried.
Votes for (27)
Councillors Allen, Mrs Aspinall, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Dr Buchan, Churchill, Coker, Corvid, Dr Cree, Cresswell, Dann, Derrick, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Mrs Johnson, Laing, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Penberthy, Rennie, Stevens, Tuffin, Vincent, Ms Watkin and Wheeler.
Abstain (24)
Councillors Mrs Bridgeman, Bingley, Burden, Carlyle, Collins, Deacon, Downie, Drean, Harrison, Hulme, James, Jordan, Kelly, Dr Mahony, Nicholson, Partridge, Patel, Mrs Pengelly, Riley, Salmon, Shayer, Singh, Smith and Stoneman.
Absent/ did not vote (6) Councillors Hendy, Loveridge, Lowry, Neil, Wakeham, the Lord Mayor.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Laing introduced the Waspi motion on notice. This was seconded by Councillor Cresswell.
Following a debate with contributions from Councillors Tuffin, Dr Mahony and Singh the motion was carried.
For (49)
Councillors Allen, Mrs Aspinall, Bingley, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Mrs Bridgeman (DLM), Dr Buchan, Burden, Carlyle, Churchill, Coker, Collins, Corvid, Cresswell, Dann, Deacon, Derrick, Downie, Drean, Evans OBE, Goslin, Harrison, Haydon, Hulme, Mrs Johnson, Jordan, Kelly, Laing, Dr Mahony, Morris, McDonald, Murphy, Nicholson, Partridge, Patel, Penberthy, Mrs Pengelly, Rennie, Riley, Salmon, Shayer, Singh, Smith, Stevens, Stoneman, Tuffin, Vincent, Wheeler and Councillor Mrs Beer (LM).
Against (0)
Abstain/Not present (8) Councillor Dr Cree, Hendy, James, Loveridge, Lowry, Neil, Mrs Watkin and Wakeham
Questions by Councillors Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the constitution. Additional documents: Minutes: