Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council House, Plymouth (Next to Civic Centre)
Contact: Lynn Young Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made by Councillors in accordance with the code of conduct. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2014. Minutes: Members reviewed the minutes and it was highlighted that the list of attendees should read ‘Anna Kelly’, not ‘Ann Kelly’.
Agreed that subject to the list of attendees being amended as above the minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2014 are confirmed as a correct record. |
CHAIR'S URGENT BUSINESS To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. Minutes: There were no items of Chair’s urgent business. |
MEMBERSHIP The RE Adviser will provide Members with an update on membership. Minutes: Jonathan Marshall, RE Adviser, advised members that –
SACRE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The RE Adviser will provide Members with details of the SACRE Development Plan and advise Members of the priorities for this year. Minutes: Jonathan Marshall, RE Adviser, discussed the SACRE development plan and advised members that –
Members were advised that the money that remained in the current budget would not ‘roll-over’ to the next financial year. A suggestion for spending the remainder of the budget included inviting a high calibre speaker to attend a SACRE dinner/evening meeting. |
LEARNTEACHLEAD RE PROJECT Linda Rudge, Project Director, will provide Members with an update and future plans for the LearnTeachLead RE Project. Minutes: Linda Rudge, Project Director of Learn, Teach Lead RE, provided members with a progress report.
Members were advised that –
FEEDBACK/ACTION FROM AWARENESS/TRAINING SESSION The RE Adviser and Members will discuss feedback/action points from the morning’s awareness/training session. Minutes: Jonathan Marshall, RE Advisor, discussed the morning’s awareness/training session with the members. The following issues from the session were highlighted -
PARENTAL RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL FROM RE PDF 88 KB The RE Adviser will update Members of the rights of parents to withdraw students/children from Religious Education (RE) and its wider implications. Minutes: Jonathan Marshall, RE Advisor, discussed the briefing paper and accompanying letter on the parental right of withdrawal of students/children from Religious Education (RE) and its wider implications.
Members were advised that –
LETTER FROM LORD NASH, PARLIAMENTARY UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE FOR SCHOOLS PDF 273 KB Members will discuss the letter from Lord Nash, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Schools and decide if a response from SACRE is appropriate. Minutes: Jonathan Marshall, RE Advisor, discussed the letter received from Lord Nash, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Schools.
Members were advised that –
Following a discussion, members raised the following points –
Agreed that SACRE draft a response to Lord Nash’s letter.
(Jatindra Saha left part way through this agenda item) |
UPDATE/FEEDBACK ON LOCAL AND NATIONAL RE ISSUES Members will be provided with updates on national and local SACRE issues. |
Holocaust Memorial Day 2015 Minutes: Jonathan Marshall, RE Advisor, updated members on the recent Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD).
Members were advised that –
Jonathan Marshall, RE Advisor, thanked members for their comments and agreed to pass them on to Karl Sweeney, Leadership Advisor (Health, Wellbeing and Citizenship). |
NATRE Conference Minutes: Katie Freeman advised members that the NATRE Conference had taken place on 31 January, and had been well attended by 170 teachers from around the country. Various workshops had been held, including a session on ‘assessment without levels’. |
Plymouth SACRE website Minutes: Jonathan Marshall, RE Advisor, advised members that a ‘Religious education’ section was now available on the Plymouth School Room page of the Plymouth City Council website, and contained information for teachers, SACRE members and all those interested in and committed to, providing excellent religious education in schools and across the community.
Plymouth Centre for Faiths and Cultural Diversity Minutes: Jonathan Marshall, RE Advisor, advised members that a new administrator for the Plymouth Centre for Faiths and Cultural Diversity (PCFCD) had been appointed. Jonathan took this opportunity to promote the importance of the work of the Centre, and the services they provided for schools. Jonathan advised members that he hoped that the meeting planned for 25 March would encourage more people to volunteer as faith speakers. |
DATE AND VENUE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting will be confirmed following approval of the programme of Council meetings at the Full Council meeting on 23 March 2015. Minutes: The date of the next meeting would be confirmed following confirmation of the programme of Council meetings at the Full Council Meeting on 23 March 2015. |
EXEMPT BUSINESS To consider passing a resolution under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the press and public from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that it (they) involve(s) the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Minutes: There were no items of exempt business. |