Agenda and minutes

Venue: Warspite Room, Council House. View directions

Contact: Jamie Sheldon  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda.


There were no declarations in accordance with the code of conduct.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 57 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 July 2018.


Members agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 11 July 2018.


Under this item Members discussed the responses received from statistical neighbours regarding the budget allocated to their SACREs:


·         Rotherham - £5,000

·         Isle of Wight - £4,000, however £3,000 is to purchase the services of the lead officer

·         Medway - £15,000

·         Portsmouth - £10,000

·         Bournemouth - £2,000

·         Plymouth – approximately £11,000



Chair's Urgent Business

To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.


There were no items of Chair’s Urgent Business.


Welcome to new Members

The Chair will welcome new members to the forum.



The Chair welcomed Mr Jono Madeley and Emma Butler (Group B) to SACRE.




Student Voice


Heather Ogburn (Senior Leader Advisor) informed Members that the Student Voice should be a standing item on future SACRE agendas and that it was hoped that students would be able to attend meetings in order to speak to Members.


Religion and World Views


Ed Pawson provided Members with an update on Religion and World Views:  the way forward. A national plan for RE.


Members were advised that the report had been published and set out a national plan for RE comprising of 11 recommendations


Members discussed:


·         That religion and world views was to broad a term

·         Adding the term world views could be beneficial for those with an ethical and moral framework but no not follow a religious belief system

·         What constitutes a world view and who would make the decision as to what it was?

·         Taking away the word ‘education’ or ‘studies’ changes the nature of the subject;

·         It was considered that the teaching of this subject would be diluted due to the increase in areas to cover or would alternatively need more teaching time.


Members were encouraged to read the full report which was published on the internet.


Update regarding the Agreed Syllabus Group


Heather Ogburn (Senior Leadership Advisor) presented the update on the Agreed Syllabus Group and highlighted to Members that volunteers were still required.



The following Members agreed to form the Agreed Syllabus Group: Dr Catherine Bowness, Emma Butler, Dr Judith Beckman, Katie Freeman and Ben Kerr. Other Members wishing to join the group to contact Helen Rickman, Democratic Advisor.





Response from the NASACRE Survey


Ed Pawson advised Members that there was no response from the NASACRE survey.



For the ‘Response from the NASACRE Survey’ to be moved to the next SACRE meeting.


Jayesh session


This item was not discussed as Jayesh was not in attendance.



This item to be added to a future agenda.


Budget update


Heather Ogburn (Senior Leadership Adviser) provided Members with an update on the budget. Members were advised that there was approximately £6000 SACRE budget left to spend.


Any Other Business


Under this item Members were given an update on work undertaken by Heather Ogburn and Jono Madeley regarding Compassionate Plymouth.


Members discussed:


·         How the work of Jeremiah’s Journey linked in with Compassionate Plymouth

·         The important work undertaken by Silverline to support older people

·         9 priorities developed by Plymouth’s Youth Council to support staff and students with death and dying – what teaching and learning opportunities are there to support these priorities?

·         St Luke’s Elmer the Elephant programme

·         The Council’s loneliness agenda and the importance of cross generational working

·         St Luke’s Compassionate Friend Training



For the Compassionate Friend information to be emailed to SACRE Members.


Under this item the Chair expressed his thanks to Helen Rickman and Jamie Sheldon for their support to SACRE throughout the year.


Date and venue of next meeting

The next meeting will be held at 25 March 2019.


Members were advised that the next meeting of SACRE was scheduled to take place on 25 March 2019, 1pm.