Agenda and minutes
Contact: Helen Rickman Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nomination of Chair and Vice Chair SACRE will appoint a Chair and Vice Chair for the forthcoming year from Groups B and D. Minutes: Agreed that Groups B and D would take on the roles of Chair and Vice Chair for the next two year period.
Following a discussion, it was agreed that –
Declarations of Interest Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made by members in accordance with the code of conduct. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 25 March 2019. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 25 March 2019 were agreed as an accurate record subject to the inclusion of Mrs Helena Mitchell’s apologies. |
Matters arising from previous minutes Minutes: There were no matters arising from the previous minutes. |
Chair's Urgent Business To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. Minutes: There were no items of Chair’s Urgent Business. |
Minutes: Heather Ogburn (Senior Leadership Adviser) advised that the SACRE Constitution was attached to the agenda in order for members to consider if it needed to be updated.
Members discussed:
It was agreed that the discussions above would be taken on board and an update would be provided at the next meeting.
SACRE Membership - Verbal Update Minutes: Heather Ogburn (Senior Leadership Advisor) advised Members to consider SACRE’s current membership as several groups were often poorly represented at meetings.
Members discussed the following:
It was agreed that efforts would be made to fill current SACRE vacancies based on the suggestions raised by Members. |
Annual Report 2018/19 Minutes: Heather Ogburn (Senior Leadership Advisor) presented the Annual Report 2018/19 to Members.
Members discussed the following:
The Annual Report 2018/19 included reference to the Agreed Syllabus Conference led by RE Today. The Chair and Heather Ogburn (Senior Leadership Advisor) provided a brief overview of the conference as follows:
Members agreed:
1. the Annual Report 2018/19 with the addition of information to section 2.2.1; 2. that the NASACRE member logon information would be emailed to Members. |
Plymouth RE Hub and Learn Teach Read - Verbal Update Minutes: The Chair advised Members that Catherine Taylor attended the RE Hub and led a group in reflective story telling; Members were advised that it demonstrated how stories could be told in different ways. It was praised as a positive session that could be used to help tell stories in religious studies.
The RE Hub was planning to meet six times in the academic year; SACRE Members were welcome to attend the hub meetings.
It was agreed that dates of the hub meetings would be provided to the SACRE secretary in order to send around to Members. |
Local and National Developments - Verbal Updates Minutes: Ed Pawson provided Members with a presentation upon the current issues in RE focusing upon:
It was highlighted to Members that:
Members considered that the reduction in take-up for RE could be down to a lack of teaching expertise and pupils not realising the connection between RE and civil society and the people that live within it. It was discussed that the support for, and quality of teaching needed to improve.
Members noted the update and agreed to invite Ruth Flanagan (University of Exeter - Lecturer in Education, Race Equality Resource Officer) to the next SACRE meeting to provide Members with an overview of how she uses a worldviews perspective to train teachers.
Under this item the Chair thanked Ed Pawson for his work in supporting the organisation of the Plymouth Agreed Syllabus and for sharing several documents that he had prepared for the Devon launch. |
The RE Commission Minutes: This item was discussed in minute 10. |
OFSTED and RE Minutes: This item was discussed in minute 10. |
AREIAC and NASACRE Membership Minutes: This item was discussed in minute 10. |
Proposals for Holocaust Memorial Day 2020 - Verbal Update Minutes: Katie Freeman (Chair) advised Members that 2020 would mark the 75th Anniversary of the end of the Holocaust; in commemoration of the anniversary the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust were running a national project for faith groups, schools, charities and community groups to make their own Memorial Flames. In total 75 flames would be selected (each flame would commemorate a year since the end of the Holocaust) and would form a national exhibition that would be launched at the UK Ceremony for HMD 2020. Other artworks that were not selected in the exhibition would be displayed as part of local HMD commemorations.
The Chair highlighted that she had signed up to take part in the project and asked members if this was something that SACRE could organise for schools to take part in.
Members discussed:
It was agreed that the Chair would contact schools regarding the Memorial Flames project and a venue for the exhibition space would be explored.
Collective Worship - Verbal Update Minutes: Members discussed the issue of collective worship in schools and referred to a document originally produced by SACRE’s previous RE Advisor, Jonathan Marshall.
It was agreed that this document would be attached to the agenda for the next meeting for discussion.
Under this item the Chair highlighted the WIRE Award (Widening Inclusivity in Religious Education) to Members - the award recognised excellence in RE in schools and the criteria for the award was as follows:
It was agreed that this would be added an agenda item for the next meeting.
Agreed Syllabus Update - Verbal Update Minutes: This was discussed in Minute 8 above. |
Update from Members - Verbal Update Minutes: Under this item Councillor Mrs Aspinall (Vice Chair) brought to Members attention an issue that a family member had experienced in a Plymouth school. Members were advised that her nephew had sadly passed away and her nephew’s daughter was offered bereavement counselling; someone had made a comment that the girl’s father had ‘gone to Heaven’. This caused upset to the family as they were practising Jehovah Witnesses therefore the comment wasn’t aligned with their belief.
Members discussed:
Heather responded that she had contacted the school and a parent support advisor was due to respond with details of the incident; it was agreed that Councillor Mrs Aspinall would be kept updated. |
Date and venue of next meeting The next meeting will be held on Monday 11 November 2019 at 1.30pm in the Council House. Minutes: Members were advised that the next meeting of SACRE was scheduled to take place in the Council House on 11 November 2019, 1pm. |