Agenda and minutes
Contact: Helen Rickman Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made by members in accordance with the code of conduct. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2019. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2019 were agreed as an accurate record. |
Chair's Urgent Business To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. Minutes: There were no items of Chair’s Urgent Business. |
Worldviews Perspective - Ruth Flanagan Minutes: Ruth Flanagan (University of Exeter) provided a presentation to the committee. The committee undertook a series of small group exercises.
Members thanked Ruth for a thought provoking and very interesting presentation and that the teaching of religious education had significantly improved over the years. It also highlighted the excellent Prevent Duty training offered to schools. Further information can be found on the Teach RE website -
It was agreed that the Worldviews Perspective presentation to be circulated to all members. |
Plymouth RE Hub and Learn Teach Read - Verbal Update Minutes: The Chair, on behalf of Katie Freeman, provided an update on the Plymouth RE Hub and Learn Teach Read. It was reported that:
Plymouth RE hub continues to be active in the city and many members enjoyed the LTLRE conference in Cornwall. They were able to draw upon the expertise of many hub leaders and national leads in RE. There were a variety of seminars for both primary and secondary colleagues that delegates could choose from for their own CPD.
The hub met last half term and 35 people attended. They looked at the new agreed syllabus and some example planning units that teachers could try. The feedback on the new agreed syllabus is excellent although some primary colleagues have needed some support with planning and subject knowledge. The spring term hub conference will aim to meet some of these needs.
The question was asked of the committee whether a questionnaire should be commissioned in the summer to ascertain the effectiveness of the syllabus.
It was agreed to commission a questionnaire on the RE syllabus in the summer via the RE Hub. |
Local and National Developments - Verbal Update Minutes: Heather Ogburn (Senior Leadership Advisor) provided a local update. It was reported that a majority of schools had taken away the agreed syllabus and a majority of the schools attended the training. The decision that SACRE took to fund every copy for every school had made a considerable positive difference. |
Deep Dives in RE for Ofsted - Verbal Update Minutes: This item deferred to the next meeting. |
Collective Worship - Verbal Update Minutes: Heather Ogburn (Senior Leadership Advisor) reported that Katie Freeman has the Collective Worship document and that, following a working party to update it, would be resending advice given to schools on behalf of SACRE. Heather Ogburn asked for SACRE members to volunteer to support this working party by contacting Helen Rickman.
A discussion took place on representation from secondary schools on SACRE and Heather Ogburn reported that this was on-going and schools had been asked to put forward representatives. |
WIRE (Widening Inclusivity in Religious Education) Award Additional documents:
Minutes: A discussion took place on the WIRE Award and the value of the award for schools.
It was agreed that Heather Ogburn to email Katie Freeman to ascertain what she would like to share with the committee in terms of the report and circulate the response to the committee. |
Update from Members - Verbal Update Minutes: Under this item members were asked for any updates. The following updates were provided:
· Margaret Thompson highlighted that she had received an email inviting her to a Holocaust day event. Unfortunately she was unable to attend but brought to member’s attention that the book was available on kindle if others could not attend the meeting.
· Councillor Drean had been in discussions regarding a Roman Catholic representative on the board and was expecting someone in attendance at the meeting today. Councillor Drean would follow this up.
· Claire Linden requested members to collect tokens in the Plymouth Herald to support worthy charitable groups in the city. Plymouth Centre for Faiths and Cultural Diversity are one of 94 charities nominated and if successful would receive a sum of money. |
Holocaust Memorial Day 2020 - Verbal Update Minutes: Heather Ogburn (Senior Leadership Advisor) provided an update on the Holocaust Memorial Day 2020. It was reported that the Plymouth Centre for Faiths and Cultural Diversity, with Jonathan Marshall, were in the process of pulling together a programme of events for Monday 27 January 2020, which would include:
An early morning formal gathering commencing at 9.15 am to 10.20 am, in the Council House Reception room, with invited guests, followed by, weather permitting, a short walk to the Holocaust memorial tree and plaque in the Peace/Sensory Garden on the Hoe.
Two talks would then follow at the synagogue from 11 am to around 12 - 12.30 pm:
“Standing together with Solly Irving – lessons from the holocaust.” Jonathan Marshall and; “Plymouth’s historic synagogue - a brief introduction” – Jerry Sibley, the Custodian
After lunch at 2 pm until 4 pm in the Council House reception room or other venue (tbc) and open to the public, there will be a display from some local organisations who represent groups affected by the holocaust, subsequent genocides and those working to promote respect and understanding of those with different beliefs, faith and culture.
SACRE would be very welcome to be part of this. There will also be a space for groups to offer short presentation/talks etc.
More to be confirmed and any members from SCARE that would like to take part email to Helen Rickman.
Members discussed:
(a) whether SACRE funding could be used for this event? It was highlighted that they would need to evidence this against learning;
(b) whether there was a theme for schools? They believe the theme is, ‘stand together with victims of identity based violence, but would find out and email SCARE members.
It was agreed that:
1. Any members that would like to take part in the event to email Helen Rickman,
2. Invitations to this event to be sent to all SACRE members.
3. Email SACRE members to confirm the theme for schools. |
Date and venue of next meeting The next meeting will be held at 1pm in the Council House on 23 March 2020. Minutes: Members were advised that the next meeting of SACRE was scheduled to take place in the Council House on 23 March 2020. |