Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council House, Plymouth

Contact: Democratic Support  Email:

No. Item


To Note the Appointment of the Chair and Vice Chair

The Committee will be asked to note the appointment of the Chair and Vice Chair for the municipal year 2019/20.


The Committee noted the appointment of Councillor Rennie as Chair and Councillor Hendy as Vice-Chair for the forthcoming municipal year 2019/20.


The Chair welcomed Councillor Hendy as the new Vice-Chair of the Committee.


Declarations of Interest

Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda.


There were no declarations of interest made by Councillors, in accordance with the code of conduct.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 83 KB


To confirm the minutes of the following meetings held on –



Licensing Committee

4 December 2018





Licensing Sub Committee

4 December 2018





Licensing Sub Committee

22 January 2019





Licensing Sub Committee

1 May 2019


Additional documents:


The Committee agreed the following minutes -



Licensing Sub Committee -





4 December 2018



22 January 2019



1 May 2019





Licensing Committee -





4 December 2018



Chair's Urgent Business

To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.


The Chair advised that under delegated decisions and in consultation with the Shadow Cabinet Member for Customer, Culture and Leisure (Councillor Jordan), Vintage Ice Cream had been appointed as the Hoe ice cream vendor.







Delegated Decisions for Applications for the Grant/Variation of Premises Licences pdf icon PDF 121 KB


Fred Prout (Senior Licensing Officer) presented the delegated decisions for applications for the grant/variations of premises licences report.


Members were advised that between 1 November 2018 and 30 April 2019, there had been 13 applications that had been mediated out by officers, which had negated the need for these applications to be submitted to the Committee for consideration.


The Committee noted the report and thanked Fred Prout for attending the meeting.


Licensing Activity Report 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 167 KB


Rachel Hind (Service Manager) presented the licensing activity report for 2018/19 which highlighted the following key areas –



between 1 April 2018 and 31 March 2019 there had been 2316 licensing applications which covered some of the following areas alcohol and entertainment, gambling, sex establishment, scrap metal etc;




under the Licensing Act 2003, 463 (including167 suspensions) licensing applications, transfers and variations had been processed together with 129 new personal licences; the Licensing Sub Committee considered nine applications/variations during the same period (1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019):




the Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) for North Hill had been reviewed by the Police as there had been a possibility that an extension was required for this area; following monitoring of the area, the Police concluded that the proposed extension was not required and was therefore withdrawn;




with regard to flyposting and promotional material, all evening and night time economy premises who held music events, had been written to, advising them of the updated licensing policy and the Council’s expectations regarding their duties for advertising events;




Licensing Officers and Trading Standards officers had carried out a joint mystery shopper exercise in November 2018; 67% of public houses failed to challenge the mystery shopper or failed to stop them playing a gaming machine after challenging their age for the sale of alcohol;




the licensing team were members of Safer Plymouth, and Evening and Night Time Economy Group and the Alcohol Harm Reduction sub group;




the Group had been successful in its application for the Purple Flag Award (the award was given to cities/towns which surpassed the standards of excellence in managing its evening and night time economy;


the assessors had commented that the Group’s application was one of the best they had received and had further been nominated for another two awards (Wellbeing Movement and the Jim Ratchford award in outstanding contribution to safety and diversity within the night time economy).


David Moore (Licensing Sergeant) presented the Police licensing report (April 2018 to April 2019) which highlighted the following key areas –



there had been a decrease in the number of applications for new premises licences and a slight increase in Temporary Event Notices during this period;




the Police Alcohol Licensing department worked in partnership with Best Bar None and this positive working relationship was highlighted when Plymouth’s Best Bar None scheme received the Best National Scheme award for an unprecedented second year in a row;




with the national increase in knife crime, the Police had worked with door supervisor companies, Best Bar None and Pubwatch to identify an effective and reasonable priced metal detector, that could be used at venues; the detectors had been used successfully to deter knives from being carried and would be rolled out across many of the late night venues in the City;




a trial had been carried out whereby taxi marshalls had been used in Derry’s Cross and Union Street, at the weekends during the summer  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19.