Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Council House

Contact: Rosie Brookshaw-Williams  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To confirm the minutes of the Licensing Committee meeting held on


·         8 October 2024


To confirm the minutes of the Licensing Sub Committee meeting hold on


·         4 November 2024.

Additional documents:


The Committee agreed the minutes of the Licensing Committee meeting held on 08 October 2024 and the Licensing Sub Committee held on 04 November 2024 as a true and accurate record.



Chair's Urgent Business

To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.


There were no items of Chair’s urgent business.  


Annual Street Trading Report 2025 / 2026 pdf icon PDF 313 KB


Emily Bullimore (BID Street Operations & Trading Manager) introduced the report, providing a general summary including the purpose and recommendations contained therein.


In response to questions it was explained:


a)     The locations of various street trading areas, which were positioned only within the City Centre and on the Waterfront;


b)    Ice cream venders were usually sole trader, although the existence of an Ice Cream Alliance organising body existed;


c)     Four years previously, fees were levelled across all sites as the quantity of footfall was approximately equally distributed;


d)    Street Traders were only signed to a licence for a single year. As profits needed to be balanced annually, adjustments suggested on a longer term scale would not have directly impacted traders;


e)     Whilst a nil increase in fees had been considered, the fundamental impact of price rises necessitated an increase;


f)      Shared Prosperity Funding had been obtained to fund lighting and traders using power within the Waterfront. Whilst this had commenced during the Summer, as of the time of the meeting only a single trader had been receiving this power.



The Committee agreed:


1.     The Consent dates for 2025/2026 were approved as 1 April 2025 – 31 March 2026.


2.     The Consent fees for 2025/2026 as set out in Appendix A, were approved.


3.     The Service Director for Economic Development had delegated authority to approve, within Committee policy, the issuing of Consents to existing city centre traders seeking to continue trading.


4.      The Service Director for Economic Development had delegated authority to approve within Committee policy the issuing of Consents to new traders or contested sites for city centre sites in consultation with the Chair of the Licensing Committee and Lead Opposition member.


5.     The Service Director for Economic Development had delegated authority to approve within Committee policy short-term street trading Consents in association with other city centre events and commercial activity.


6.      The Service Director for Economic Development had delegated authority to approve and set fees for ad hoc street trading applications, within Committee policy.


7.     The Service Director for Economic Development had delegated authority to approve within Committee policy the issuing of Consents to existing ice cream traders seeking to continue trading.


8.     The Service Director for Economic Development had delegated authority to approve within Committee policy the issuing of Consents to new traders or contested sites for vacant ice cream sites in consultation with the Chair of the Licensing Committee and Lead Opposition member.


9.     The Service Director for Economic Development had delegated authority to approve within Committee policy the issuing of Consents to existing Hoe and Madeira Road Waterfront trading sites seeking to continue trading.


10.  The Service Director for Economic Development had delegated authority to approve within Committee policy the issuing of Consents to new traders of contested sites for vacant Waterfront trading sites in consultation with the Chair of the Licencing Committee and Lead Opposition member.


11.   To grant the ability to move traders to new/ temporary sites to facilitate the continuation of trading amidst  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Mediation Report pdf icon PDF 200 KB

Additional documents:


Marie Price (Senior Intelligence Officer) introduced the report, providing a summary.


The Committee agreed to note the report.