Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council House, Plymouth

Contact: Helen Wright/Kristin Barnes  Email:

No. Item


To Note the Chair and Vice Chair

The Committee will be asked to note the appointment of the Chair and Vice Chair for the municipal year 2016-2017.


The committee noted the appointment of Councillor Mahony as Chair and Councillor Churchill as Vice Chair for the forthcoming municipal year 2016/17.


Councillor Fry took this opportunity to congratulate the Chair and Vice Chair on their appointments.


Declarations of Interest

Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda.


There were no declarations of interest in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To confirm the following minutes –


Licensing Committee


·         19 January 2016


Licensing Sub Committee


·         19 January 2016

·         12 April 2016

·         17 May 2016

Additional documents:


The minutes of the following meetings are agreed as a correct record, subject to the inclusion of ‘Popworld, 18 Union Street, Plymouth PL1 2SR’ reference minute 35 of the Licensing Sub Committee held on 17 May 2016 –


Licensing Committee  

·         19 January 2016


Licensing Sub Committee

·         19 January 2016

·         12 April 2016

·         17 May 2016



Chair's Urgent Business

To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.


There were no items of Chair’s urgent business.


Licensing Activity Report pdf icon PDF 87 KB

The Committee will receive the licensing activity report.


The Director of Public Health submitted the licensing activity report which provided an overview of the various aspects of the work undertaken by agencies involved in regulating the licencing regimes within the Licensing committee; the report also highlighted future work plans and potential changes in legislation or guidance which would have an impact on the committee.


Laura Juett, Public Health Specialist provided an alcohol overview which highlighted the following main points –



local strategic approach;


local consumption;`


alcohol related violence – assaults not reported to the police;


alcohol related hospital admission;


children affected by parental drinking;


alcohol related anti social behaviour;


alcohol harm mapping;




licensing using the intelligence.


The main areas of questioning from Members related to the following –



whether information relating to Plymouth Against Retail Crime and the street pastor initiative had been included in the alcohol mapping data;




the current situation relating to the Licensing Act fees which had not changed since being introduced in 2005;




the introduction of the Community Events and Ancillary Sellers (part of the Deregulation Bill 2014), the health objective (amendment to the Licensing Act 2003) and the right to work checks (part of the Immigration Bill);





whether the challenge 25 policy could be introduced for all licensed premises;




whether the work being undertaken on the right to work checks would also tackle the issue of modern slavery;




whether the gambling policy included lottery outlets;




whether there had been a signification impact of the introduction of the Scrap Metal Dealers’ Act 2013;




the future funding for the Plymouth PubWatch;




whether the number of alcohol related violent assaults were seasonal, ie freshers’ week.


The committee noted the report.


Information Regarding Delegated Decisions for Applications for the Grant/Variation of Premises pdf icon PDF 54 KB

The Committee will receive information regarding delegated decisions for applications for grant/variation of premises.


The Senior Licensing Officer (Fred Prout) presented a report outlining the delegated decisions of applications for the grant/variation of premises licences under Sections 17 and 34 of the Licensing Act, 2003 which covered the period from 31 May 2016 until 20 April 2016.


The committee noted the report.