Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council House. View directions

Contact: Helen Rickman

No. Item


Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair

The Committee will appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair for this particular meeting.


For this particular meeting, Councillor Partridge was appointed as chair, and Councillor Allen was appointed as vice-chair.



To receive apologies for non-attendance submitted by Committee Members.


There were no apologies submitted for this meeting.


Declarations of Interest

Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda.


There were no declarations of interest in relation to items in the agenda.


Chair's Urgent Business

To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.


There was one item of chair’s urgent business:


The Chair, Councillor Partridge, forwarded an opportunity for members of the Licensing Committee to shadow Sergeant Moore (Devon & Cornwall Police), to view the enforcement and patrolling of the night-time economy.


Grant of Premises Licence - Brunel View, 7 Barne Road, St Budeaux, Plymouth, PL5 1EF pdf icon PDF 672 KB

The Director for Public Health will submit an application for the grant of a license for: Brunel View, 7 Barne Road, St Budeaux, Plymouth, PL5 1EF.

Additional documents:


Thecommittee having:


1.    Consideredthe reportfrom the Directorfor PublicHealth


2.    Heardfrom theapplicant asfollows:


·         The conditions of the Police/Fire Service and the PCC Environmental Health Department were accepted


·         Brunel View used to be a working men’s club - trading for 103 years. The applicants is a brand new business with new management and significant investment refurnishing the premises


·         Theintention isit willbe anasset tothe communityby havinga bar,restaurant and entertainment.It isalso the intentionto providefacilities fordarts and pool teams and a venue for a book club. It is intended to be a family venue.


·         All members of the staff (it is anticipated there willbe 30 members of staff) will be trained to a high stranded particularly in relation to Challenge 25 and recognising drunkenness. The business will join Pubwatch which will ensure people who areknown tocause issuesin licensedpremises areexcluded from theBrunel View.The DesignatedPremises Supervision(DPS) hasa significant experience in running family restaurants/public houses (Frankie and Benny’s and Weatherspoons)


·         They take the issue of crime and disorder seriously and this commitment is demonstrated by the installation of a £80K CCTV system which covers the inside and outside of the premises


·         In relation to door supervisors and security within the premises the business accepts the policecondition (Para7). Inaddition therewill bea riskassessment by the DPS regarding the provision of security.


·         In relation the garden – the Environmental Health suggested conditions were read out to the applicant. Those conditions were accepted.


·         Itwas acceptedthere wouldbe somenoise fromthe beergarden. Theapplicant agreed the fence surrounding the garden could be 5 feet high – he explained any higher would not affect the noise being heard because the noise would travel upwards.


·         Therewill beno outdoor music


·         The noise will be contained from the bar and restaurant areas because there are lobby doors

·         Anti-social behaviour will be taken seriously. There will be signage requesting customers to be respectful of neighbours when they leave the premises – customers will also be told to be quiet.


·         The applicant has a zero tolerance to anti-social behaviour and quoted an exampleof complaintsfrom residentsregarding foullanguage froma contractor – he spoke to the contractor about it but did not rectify the issue so he was dismissed.


·         The applicant has tried to engage with the local community and knocked on residents doors listens to concerns and objections – he has tried to address any concerns


·         The applicant noted the concerns over street parking but stated that the premises ison anearby bus routeand it is plannedfor a localtaxi company to provide a dedicated phone booking line to the premises


·         Regarding hours the applicant’s prediction would be Monday – Thursday and Sunday nights would not be particularly busyso the premises is likely to close at 10.30pm.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Exempt Business

To consider passing a resolutionunder Section 100A(4) ofthe Local Government Act1972 to exclude the press and public from the meetingfor the following item of business on the groundsthat it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information asdefined inparagraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, asamended by the Freedom ofInformation Act 2000.




There we no items of exempt business for this meeting.