Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council House. View directions
Contact: Ross Jago, Secretary to the Local Access Forum
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this Agenda. Minutes:
The Forum will be asked to confirm the minutes of the 5 October 2009. Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 5 October 2009 be approved. |
CHAIR'S URGENT BUSINESS To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. Minutes: There were no items of Chairs urgent business. |
To consider any correspondence received and note any correspondence sent by the Forum.
(i) Natural England Coastal Access Audit Report (ii) Natural England No Charge Report (iii) South West Local Access Forum Regional Conference summary report
Additional documents: |
NATURAL ENGLAND COASTAL ACCESS AUDIT REPORT Minutes: The Panel received the Natural England Coastal Access Audit report. It was noted that at the Eastern and Western end of the Plymouth’s coast path was highlighted red indicating there was no satisfactory, legally secure path. In response to questions from the Forum the Rights of Way officer reported that-
Resolved that a letter is sent to the rights of way officer recommending a new guide for the coastal path and offering the services of the Local Access Forum in this matter.
NATURAL ENGLAND REPORT 'NO CHARGE' Minutes: The forum noted the Natural England report ‘No Charge’. |
SOUTH WEST LOCAL ACCESS FORUM REGIONAL CONFERENCE SUMMARY REPORT Minutes: The forum received the summary report of the South West Local Access Forums regional conference. Eleven out of twelve LAFs were represented at the conference and points raised in the workshop were contained within the report.
Resolved that-
DEFRA DRAFT GUIDANCE PATH FURNITURE PDF 837 KB To consider draft guidance to local authorities on path furniture (gaps, gates, stiles) in relation to the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. Minutes: The forum considered draft guidance from DEFRA on path furniture. This guidance is being drafted to deal with the impact of disability discrimination legislation.
Resolved the forum will provide a response when formal consultation begins.
LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 3 The Panel to receive a verbal update from a Local Transport Plan Officer. Minutes: A Senior Transport Planner attended and provided a verbal update on the Local Transport Plan 3.
It was reported that-
Resolved that –
RIDGEWAY SCHOOL PUBLIC PATH EXTINGUISHMENT ORDER (TO FOLLOW) The Panel to review consultation documents on the proposed Extinguishment Order. The Panel will receive a presentation from the Headteacher of Ridgeway School. Minutes: The forum considered a presentation from the Head Teacher of the Ridgeway School on reasons for requesting a Public Path extinguishment order. Following the presentation in response to questions, the Head teacher reported that-
A forum member presented photographs of the site highlighting open gates and sections of fencing which had been removed from the footpath the head teacher commented that-
Resolved that a site visit would be organised for members unfamiliar with the path.
POTENTIAL RIGHTS OF WAY WORKING GROUP To receive a report from the Working Group. Minutes: It was reported that there had not been a meeting of the Potential rights of way working group since the last meeting of the LAF.
Resolved that the working group would meet to discuss maps on the morning of the 15 February at 10:30 am. |
PLANNING WORKING GROUP To receive a report from the Working Group. Minutes: The Planning working group requested that the forum members take note of orders as and when they were published in the newspaper. |
DEFRA ACCESS NEWSLETTER - ISSUE 42 PDF 125 KB To receive Defra’s Access Newsletter – Issue 42.
Minutes: The DEFRA Access Newsletter was noted by the forum. |
BOVRIL GREAT OUTDOORS REVIVAL To receive a verbal report on Bovril's Great Outdoors Revival campaign. Minutes: The Rights of Way Officer highlighted the Bovril Great Outdoors Revival Programme and encouraged members to enter should they require funding for any small scale projects. As a business, the city council was not eligible to apply. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Monday 8th February 2010 at the Council House. Minutes: Resolved that the next meeting of the forum be held at 10:30 am on Monday 8February 2010 at the Council House. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS To discuss any other business that, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for consideration. Minutes: There were no items of other business. |
LOCAL ISSUES Minutes: There were no local issues raised by the forum. |
INFORMATION AND NEWS Minutes: There were no items of information or news raised by the forum. |