Agenda and minutes
Venue: Warspite Room, Council House. View directions
Contact: Ross Jago, Secretary to the Local Access Forum
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this Agenda. Minutes: The following declarations of interest were made by Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct –
The Forum will be asked to confirm the minutes of the 9 August 2010. Minutes: With regard to the minutes of 9 August 2010 members commented that –
Agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 9 August 2010 are confirmed as a correct record subject to the above amendments in (a), (b) and (d). |
CHAIR'S URGENT BUSINESS To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. |
LAF Regional Conference Ray Fairchild, Chair of the LAF informed members that the LAF Regional Conference was scheduled to take place on 20 October 2010 at Bovey Tracey and if members were interested in attending they needed to inform the LAF Secretary. |
Letter from Giles Chichester MEP Ray Fairchild, Chair of the LAF informed members that a letter to the press had been received from Giles Chichester MEP for the South West and Gibraltar explaining that areas of the South West Country Coastline had been designated as potential areas of consultation in line with the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. Plymouth Sound had been identified as a potential area of conservation.
Councillor Wheeler believed that the LAF was not the correct forum to be presenting a letter of political background, particularly as the letter had no impact on rights of way, the Countryside and Rights Of Way Act 2000 or access issues and it was just formal confirmation of the designation. Plymouth Sound had been designated as a candidate special area of conservation for some 15 years.
(Mr Pawley declared a personal interest in the above item)
DRAFT ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2009/10 The Forum will consider the draft Plymouth Local Access Forum annual report for 2009/10. Minutes: Members received a copy of the draft Plymouth Local Access Forum Annual Report for 2009/10. It was commented that –
Agreed that the draft Plymouth Local Access Forum Annual Report for 2009/10 be approved subject to the inclusion of public rights of way statistics and adopting an A5 format. |
RIGHTS OF WAY IMPROVEMENT PLAN The Forum will consider the draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan. Minutes: The forum considered the draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP) and commented that –
After a vote had been taken by the Forum it was agreed that the map on page 41 of the ROWIP be removed and the ROWIP be published as amended. |
RADFORD WOODS - ROCKETS GRANT AWARD The Forum will receive an update on Radford Woods. Minutes: Rupert Goddard, LAF Member informed the Forum that Radford Woods had been awarded a Rock Environmental Treatment Scheme (RockETS) grant. Members were informed that –
Following questions from members it was reported that –
Members commented that –
Agreed that a request be made to the Public Rights of Way Officer to provide a report at the next meeting of the Forum giving an update on the status of public rights of way that were going to be created on council owned land. |
ENGLISH ACCESS FORUM - SUSTRANS MEETING The Forum will receive a copy of the minutes from the English Access Forum – Sustrans meeting. Minutes: Members noted the minutes from the English Access Forum – Sustrans Meeting held on 20 August 2010. |
POTENTIAL RIGHTS OF WAY WORKING GROUP To receive a report from the Working Group. Minutes: There was no report from the Potential Rights of Way working group.
It was commented by members that –
Agreed that at the next meeting of the panel an agenda item be included that aims to identify a practical way forward on how to make the most out of the two working groups. |
PLANNING WORKING GROUP To receive a report from the Working Group. Minutes: There was no report from the Planning working group. |
To consider any correspondence received and note any correspondence sent by the Forum. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Forum commented on the correspondence as follows –
Agreed that a request be made to the PROW Officer asking for information to be provided to all members on what action would be taken in order to clear the footpath referred to in the Definitive Map Modification Order. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Monday 22 November 2010 at 10am in the Council House. Minutes: Agreed that the next meeting of the forum is held at 10:30am on 22 November 2010 at the Council House.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS To discuss any business that, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. Minutes: The following issues were raised by forum members as any other business –
Colin Jones of Natural England was also in attendance and informed members that –
Agreed that –