Agenda and minutes

Venue: Warspite Room, Council House. View directions

Contact: Ross Jago, Secretary to the Local Access Forum 

No. Item



Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this Agenda.


The following declarations of interest were made by Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct –






Councillor Browne

Plymouth Third Local Transport Plan

(minute 36 refers)

Member of Planning Committee





MINUTES pdf icon PDF 97 KB

The Forum will be asked to confirm the minutes of 27 September 2010.


Agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 27 September 2010 are confirmed as a correct record subject to Minute 26 being amended as follows “Rupert Goddard, LAF Member informed the Forum that Groundwork had been awarded a Rock Environmental Treatment Scheme (RockETS) grant to undertake works within Radford Woods”.



To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.


There were no items of Chair’s Urgent Business.



To receive a presentation from Dave Readman of the Tamar Valley AONB Partnership on the development of the Tamar Valley Discovery Trail within Plymouth.


David Readman of the Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Partnership provided an update on the Tamar Valley Discovery Trail and informed members that –



the Tamar Valley discovery trail runs from Tamerton Foliot to Launceston and has approximately 1km of trail within Plymouth;



the Tamar Valley AONB were looking into ways of promoting and improving the trail as well as trying to increase local involvement in walking the trail;



improvements to the trail included increased and more visible signage and the creation of new check points and marker points;



promoting the trail to local communities was being dealt with by the local Stepping Stones to Nature Project, additionally the Tamar Valley AONB was liaising with Tamerton Foliot School with the aim of them adopting a small section of the trail;



with Natural England funding becoming available for walking for health schemes, local health walk groups were being communicated with to try and set up new walking projects. The overall aim was to increase the number of volunteer walks in the area.


Following questions from forum members it was reported that –



the information about the trail had been passed to the Ordinance Survey mapping agency;



the health walks were only started last year and the information was available in local libraries.


Forum members commented that the Tamar Valley AONB should contact the Plymouth Ramblers Society who could help to promote the Tamar Valley Discovery Trail walks.


Agreed that David Readman would send Tamar Valley Discovery Trail brochures to the LAF secretary to distribute to members at a future meeting of the Forum.


The Chair thanked David Readman for his attendance.



To discuss the consultation on Plymouth’s third Local Transport Plan.


Daniel Forster, Senior Transportation Planner gave a presentation on the Third Local Transport Plan (LTP3) and informed members that –



the timeframe for the LTP3 had been selected at 15 years, which was a longer timeframe than previous LTPs;



the LTP3 had two distinct elements which were to set out a Transport Strategy for Plymouth and a Transport Implementation Plan;



the transport strategy would be used to help the council deliver the city’s growth, carbon reduction and reducing inequality agendas, as well as enabling the authority to prioritise investment and support funding bids;



the LTP3 followed five national transport goals, which were –




supporting economic growth;




tackling climate change;




promoting equality of opportunity;




improving safety, security and health;




improving quality of life;



the five national transport goals led to six local objectives, which were;




to link communities together;




to reduce the negative impacts of transport;




to provide high quality transport standards for a vibrant city;




to make walking, cycling and public transport the desirable choice;




to maximise the transport contribution to Plymouth’s carbon reduction target;




to use transport to drive the local economy;



the Transport Implementation Plan had been developed with a flexible approach as it needs to be able to evolve and respond to funding streams and developments as they emerge;



some of the effects on Transport following the Comprehensive Spending Review included a cumulative 28 per cent saving on local transport revenue grants over the next four years, an 11 per cent saving on transport capital expenditure and a 20 per cent reduction in subsidy (fuel cost reimbuirsement) paid to bus operators from 2012 – 2013;



the consultation for the LTP3 ends on 14 January 2011 with final approval of the LTP3 at Full Council on 11 April 2011.


In response to questions, it was reported that –



the council was very mindful that small scale walking and cycling schemes often provide excellent value for money;



the LTP3 was trying to address a number of issues and the LAF should direct its opinions and comments via the consultation process in order to improve the aspects relating to public rights of way.


Agreed that Forum Members individual responses would be sent directly to the LAF Secretary by 17 December 2010 in order for a response to be collated and sent to the Transport Department on behalf of the Forum before the end of the consultation period.


(Councillor Browne declared a personal interest in the above item)



To discuss the consultation on Saltram Country Park Master Plan.


Members were informed that the Saltram Country Park Master Plan was currently under consultation. It was commented by members that –



the plan had a lot of merit and it was very impressive to see such a large green space being opened up in Plymouth;



the forum should have a position statement in which it directly responds to consultations particularly in regard to public rights of way.


Agreed that if any members wanted to respond to the Saltram Country Park Master Plan consultation they needed to do so as an individual before Friday 26 November 2010.




Members were informed that the Central Park Draft Master Plan was currently under consultation. It was commented by members that the planned changes were impressive and they would likely improve the amount of activities offered and the participation levels within Central Park.


Agreed that if any members wanted to respond to the Central Park Draft Master Plan consultation they needed to do so as an individual before Friday 26 November 2010.



To receive a presentation and led discussion from the forum Secretary on proposed changes to the running of the Plymouth Local Access Forum.


Ross Johnston, Secretary of the Local Access Forum (LAF) and Robin Pearce, Public Rights of Way Officer gave an update on the future of the Plymouth LAF and outlined some proposed changes to the LAF. Members were informed that –



there were a number of changes happening to many public sector organisations and bodies, and the LAF also needed to change;



one change to the LAF had already been implemented with web links attached to the agenda where possible, rather than hard copies of consultation requests;



the changes proposed were to enable the LAF to become a more effective, efficient and focused body, particularly with regard to their role in advising section 94 bodies;



the proposed changes were to the agenda and the administration and delivery of the LAF;



the changes to the agenda included –




replacing the agenda item ‘Any other business’ with a new agenda item called ‘Issues arising from Forum members’;




including two new items onto all future agendas; the items would be called ‘Tracking resolutions’ and ‘Work Programme’;



replacing the ‘Any other business’ item would remove any ambiguity that surrounds this item and make the agenda item focus solely on issues that have arisen from Forum members since the last meeting;



adding an item called ‘Tracking resolutions’ on to the agenda would enable Forum members to understand what actions had been taken since the last meeting and if there were any outstanding actions that hadn’t been dealt with;



the ‘Work programme’ agenda item would allow Forum members to become more focused on strategic issues that the Forum could deal with;



the changes to the administration and delivery of the LAF were more complex and as a result each Forum member would be able to have their say on the proposals by filling in a consultation questionnaire.


Agreed that –



if the agenda has a web link attached Forum members should view the content and make comments so that they are prepared for the meeting;



that all proposed changes to the agenda be implemented for the next meeting of the LAF;



that all members complete the evaluation questionnaire and return them to the LAF secretary by Friday 10 December.




To receive a verbal update from the Public Rights of Way Officer on the works taking place in Radford Woods.


Robin Pearce, Public Rights of Way Officer gave an update to the forum on the Radford Woods RockETS Funding Project. Members were informed that –



Groundwork and other volunteers were doing some amazing work at the Radford Woods project and the feedback received so far had been excellent;



the project had created new public rights of way, a nature trail, a circular path and had also improved signage and fencing;



the new public rights of way that were created had recently been signed off and would be added to the Definitive map;



drainage issues within Radford Woods had been targeted to for improvement.


Following questions from members it was reported that Plymouth City Council was looking into the possibility of delivering an on-line mapping tool, similar to that which was offered on Devon County Council’s website.


Agreed that the LAF Secretary would send to all Forum members a link to the mapping tool available on Devon County Council’s website.




Future of the Working Groups


Agreed that, following the discussion on the future of the Plymouth Local Access Forum, the future of the Working Groups would be postponed until the next meeting of the Forum after the responses to the consultation questionnaires had been received.


Potential Rights of Way Working Group

To receive a report from the Working Group.


There was no report from the Potential Rights of Way working group.


It was commented by members that a work placement opportunity could be offered to a University student to review and collate the findings from the ramblers’ map task.


Planning Working Group

To receive a report from the Working Group.


There was no report from the Planning working group.



To receive a petition by Mr John Emery on his concerns surrounding the South West Coast Path.


John Emery, LAF Member gave an update to the Forum regarding the South West Coast Path. Members were provided with a briefing paper and informed that –



having the South West Coast Path as an item on the LAF’s agenda was a good way of highlighting the continued closure of the section of footpath at Jennycliff and Staddon Heights;



the footpath was closed in February 2010 as a result of a landslip, since then further small landslips have led to Plymouth City Council commissioning a ground stability survey, the results of which have yet to be published;



the closure of the footpath could have had negative ecological impacts as well as a negative impact on health of local residents and tourism.


Agreed that –



a letter be sent to Asset Management asking for an explanation to be provided as to the continued closure of the Jennycliff and Staddon Heights section  of the South West Coast Path;



the South West Coast Path would be added as an agenda item for the next Forum meeting.




To consider any correspondence received and note any correspondence sent by the Forum.


There were no items of correspondence.



The next meeting will be held at 10.30am on Monday 24 January 2011 at the Council House.


Agreed that the next meeting of the forum is held at 10:30am on 24 January 2011 at the Council House.



To discuss any business that, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.


A member of the Forum raised an issue around the Yacht Haven footpath, Oreston.


Agreed that the Public Rights of Way Officer would communicate directly with the Forum member regarding the issue.