Agenda and minutes
Contact: Ross Johnston, Secretary to the Local Access Forum
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this Agenda. Minutes: The following declaration of interest was made by a member in accordance with the Code of Conduct –
The Forum will be asked to confirm the minutes of the 12 December 2011. Minutes: It was commented by members that the resolution for minute 36. Chair’s Urgent Business which stated ‘Agreed that a copy of the email be circulated to all members’ had not been completed.
Agreed that –
CHAIR'S URGENT BUSINESS To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. |
Order of Business The order of business on the agenda was amended as set out below in the minutes. |
TRACKING RESOLUTIONS PDF 30 KB To monitor progress on previous resolutions. Minutes: The Forum noted the tracking resolutions document. Following comments made by members it was agreed that in response to –
SOUTH WEST COAST PATH BROCHURE Members will discuss the draft South West Coast Path brochure.
Minutes: Robin Pearce, Public Rights of Way Officer provided members with a draft copy of the South West Coast Path booklet and informed members that –
It was agreed that Robin Pearce, Public Rights of Way Officer email a copy of the South West Coast Path brochure to all LAF members.
STATUTORY LAND TRANSFER UPDATE PDF 261 KB Members will receive a written update on the Statutory Land Transfers of Ridgeway School and Coombe Dean School. Minutes: Members received a report on the Notice of Statutory Land Transfer for Ridgeway School and Coombe Dean School.
It was commented by members that the update on Coombe Dean School did not detail what was happening with the footpath linking Charnhill Way and Furzehatt Avenue and this was a major concern. It was felt that this footpath should be established as a public right of way.
Agreed that Mr John Emery, LAF member would provide a written response and list of questions to the LAF Secretary who would then use this to formally respond to Mr Ian Gillhespy, Senior Valuation Surveyor (Corporate Estates Team). |
DEFINITIVE MAP UPDATE PDF 2 MB Members will receive a written update on the Definitive Map. Minutes: Robin Pearce, Public Rights of Way Officer presented a report on the Definitive Map. Members were informed that –
Following comments by members it was reported that –
Agreed that Robin Pearce, Public Rights of Way Officer would email a copy of a map of all the woodlands in which paths had been created under the Stepping Stones 2 Nature scheme within Plymouth to all LAF members. |
POSITION STATEMENTS Members will be invited to discuss potential position statements. Minutes: Members discussed the possibility of creating and agreeing position statements and commented that –
Agreed that Ross Johnston, LAF Secretary will liaise with the DCAF Secretary and establish the subjects and matters that DCAF have position statements for and report back to the next meeting. |
LAF REPRESENTATIVES NOMINATED TO OTHER BODIES PDF 74 KB Members will receive a report about Local Access Forum representatives nominated to other bodies. Minutes: Ross Johnston, LAF Secretary submitted a report on LAF representatives nominated to outside bodies.
Ray Fairchild, Chair informed members that the next meeting of the Saltram Countryside Park Stakeholder Forum was scheduled for April.
John Skinner, LAF member provided an update on the Plym Valley Advisory Group. Members were informed that –
It was commented by members that the table of nominations contained in the report should be more comprehensive.
It was agreed that –
PLANNING AUTHORITY UPDATE A senior officer from the Planning Department will provide members with a presentation giving an overview of the planning application process. Minutes: Peter Ford, Head of Development Management and Hannah Sloggett, Community Planning and Partnership Coordinator were in attendance to provide members with a presentation on the Planning Authority, its processes and procedures and changes to future legislation.
Following questions from members it was reported that –
It was commented by members that –
Ray Fairchild, Chair thanked Peter Ford, Head of Development Management and Hannah Sloggett, Community Planning and Partnership Coordinator for their attendance and informative presentation.
Agreed that –
Derriford Community Park Masterplan To respond to the consultation at: Minutes: Members discussed the Derriford Community Park Masterplan consultation and agreed that all individuals who wished to respond to the consultation would send their responses to the LAF Secretary. The LAF Secretary would collate all responses and order the information into one response which will be the LAFs response to the Derriford Community Park consultation. |
WORKING GROUPS To agree any working groups for items on this agenda. |
Annual Report Working Group PDF 62 KB To receive a copy of the Annual Report agreed by the working group. Minutes: The Forum noted the report of the working group. |
To receive the Forum’s Work Programme for 2011 - 2012. Minutes: Members noted their work programme and agreed that the following items be added to the work programme for the municipal year 2012 – 2013:
To consider any correspondence received and note any correspondence sent by the Forum. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Forum noted its correspondence. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING To agree meeting dates for the next municipal year as follows:
Minutes: Agreed that the next meeting of the Forum is held at 10.30am on Monday 18 June 2012. |
ISSUES ARISING FROM FORUM MEMBERS To discuss any issues brought forward by members of the Forum. Minutes: Agreed that the LAF Secretary will email an up to date contact list to all LAF members. |