Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council House, Plymouth (Next to the Civic Centre)
Contact: Lynn Young Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda.
Minutes: The following declarations of interest were made in accordance with the Code of Conduct –
The Forum will be asked to confirm the minutes of the 16 June 2014. Minutes: Members reviewed the minutes and commented that minute 10(d) should read ‘the land at former RM Turnchapel had been purchased by Yacht Haven and would be used for engineering purposes. The South West Coast Path would oppose any proposal to close access to the road to the site’.
Agreed that subject to minute 10(d) being amended as above the minutes of the meeting held on 16 June 2014 are confirmed as a correct record.
CHAIR'S URGENT BUSINESS To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. Minutes: There were no items of Chair’s urgent business. |
TRACKING RESOLUTIONS PDF 28 KB To monitor progress on previous resolutions. Minutes: The tracking resolutions document was discussed and updated.
Rosemary Starr (Smarter Choices Manager) advised the Forum that Jon Shaw, Professor of Transport Geography at Plymouth University had agreed to attend the LAF meeting in March 2015.
Agreed that Rosemary Starr (Smarter Choices Manager) would contact Pauline Burrows (Parking Systems Manager) requesting an update for the Forum at the December meeting. |
PLYMOUTH PLAN Jessica Vaughan, Planning Officer, will provide members with an update on the Plymouth Plan. Minutes: Jessica Vaughan (Planning Officer, Neighbourhood Planning Team), gave a presentation on the Plymouth Plan consultation process. Members were advised that –
Agreed that a meeting would be held in the week beginning 13 October to discuss the Plymouth Plan. A Doodle meeting request would be sent out to all members to determine the most suitable date.
The Chair thanked Jessica Vaughan for her report. |
To discuss any issues arising from the July and August editions of Huddle Hot Topics.
Minutes: The Forum noted the latest version of Huddle Hot Topics. |
WORKING GROUPS To agree any working groups for items on this agenda. Minutes:
LOCAL ACCESS FORUM (LAF) RECRUITMENT PROPOSALS The Public Rights of Way Officer will provide members with a verbal update on the proposals for recruiting new members to the Forum. Minutes: Robin Pearce (Public Rights of Way Officer) advised the Forum of the proposed recruitment proposals.
The Forum was advised that –
LOCAL ACCESS FORUM (LAF) TERMS OF REFERENCE PDF 233 KB The Forum will review their Terms of Reference (ToRs). Additional documents: Minutes: Robin Pearce (Public Rights of Way Officer) advised the Forum that the Terms of Reference (ToRs) needed to be updated as the current terms had been drafted on the 2003 regulations and did not take account of the 2011 regulations.
Both the current and proposed ToRs were discussed, and members recommended several changes. |
To receive the Forum’s Work Programme for 2014 – 2015. Minutes: The Forum reviewed and updated its Forward Work programme. |
To consider any correspondence received and note any correspondence sent by the Forum. Minutes: The Forum noted the submitted correspondence, and discussed the findings contained therein.
The Forum was advised that in relation to the Modification Order application for the ‘Addition of a footpath from Lulworth Drive to Tavistock Road’, the Planning Committee agreed had followed the officer recommendation and declined to make any Order; the formal resolution being –
‘Agreed that the Committee do not make the Modification Order in relation to Lulworth Drive to Tavistock Road as evidence submitted by the applicant was not robust enough to support the view that public rights subsist or could be reasonably alleged to subsist’.
The Public Rights of Way Officer advised the Forum that several Modification Orders were being progressed and would be ready to go to Planning Committee in the near future.
ISSUES ARISING FROM FORUM MEMBERS To discuss any issues brought forward by members of the Forum. Minutes: Forum members raised the following issues –
· John Emery advised that the LAF pages were still showing incorrect membership information. Robin Pearce (Public Rights of Way Officer) advised that the pages would be updated to reflect the correct membership;
· Dave Pawley advised that he was still waiting to hear who owned the land at the Cattewater rail spur. Robin Pearce (Public Rights of Way Officer) advised that Plymouth City Council had written to Railtrack to determine their long term plans for the site;
· Dave Pawley advised that there was a proposal to continue the South West Coast Path around Millbay Port. A resident of Millbay Marina Village had been in contact with the South West Coast Path Association regarding this proposal and had been advised to contact Plymouth City Council. Rosemary Starr (Smarter Choices Manager) advised that this proposal was pledge number 38 of the 50 pledges published by Plymouth City Council in May 2014, and was an active project currently being worked on by her team. Robin Pearce (Public Rights of Way Officer) advised that there were currently two proposals for this new path, but there were a number of issues involved. The Smarter Choices team were due to meet with the Planning team to discuss this issue;
· John Emery advised that the LAF had not been consulted on Plymouth City Council’s proposals for The Ride, even though the Forum were a statutory consultee. The LAF Secretary advised that the consultation document for The Ride had been circulated to Forum members by e-mail.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held at 10.30 am on Monday 15 December 2014 at the Council House, Plymouth. Minutes: Agreed that the next meeting of the Forum is held at 10.30 am on Monday 15 December 2014. |