Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council House, Plymouth (Next to the Civic Centre)
Contact: Helen Rickman Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this Agenda. Minutes: The following declarations of interest were made in accordance with the Code of Conduct –
The Forum will be asked to confirm the minutes of the 14 December 2015 Local Access Forum meeting. Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 14 December 2015 are confirmed as a correct record subject to the following amendments:
· Minute 35 “King Weir” should read “Kingswear” · At minute 35 “Collins Park” should read “Collings Park”
Members discussed New Waste (Dartmoor National Park). Action: Mr Pawley to draft a letter to express the PLAF’s concern about the access to the moor and to the position as regards public access.
CHAIR'S URGENT BUSINESS To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. Minutes: There were no items of Chair’s Urgent Business.
TRACKING RESOLUTIONS To monitor progress on previous resolutions. Minutes: Members discussed the tracking resolutions document and updates were provided.
WORKING GROUPS To agree any working groups for items on this agenda as well as providing feedback on working groups undertaken since the last LAF meeting. Minutes: Chairs of the appointed Working Groups provided progress reports on their work and agreed actions
Weston Park road to Churchill Way working Group: Mr Pawley provided an update on progress and the following actions were agreed: -
Agreed that the Public Rights of Way Officer ascertain ownership of the footpath between Weston Park Road and Churchill Road using part of the £50 award from the Plymouth Plan Pt 2 response. PLAF will approach the owners to see if they will be willing to enter into a voluntary agreement
PUBLIC PATH DIVERSION ORDER - FORMER DOWNHAM SCHOOL SITE, HORN LANE, PLYMSTOCK Forum Members will be provided with a verbal update on the Public Path Diversion Order – Former Downham School Site, Horn Lane, Plymstock. Minutes: Members considered consultation on the above Public Path diversion Order – No actions arising.
DMMO APPLICATION, THE KLOOF, ST BUDEAUX Forum Members will be provided with a verbal update on the DMMO Application, The Kloof, St Budeaux. Minutes: Members were briefed on the above definitive Map Modification Order – No Actions Arising
To receive the Forum’s Work Programme for 2015 - 2016. Minutes: Members noted the work programme and discussed priorities for the following year. Action: No priorities for the next year were suggested by members. All members to consider the need to meet less frequently.
To consider any correspondence received and note any correspondence sent by the Forum:
· Response sent to the LAF regarding the closure of the Hoe for the MTV Crashes event. Minutes: The forum noted correspondence received.
DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS Dates of future meetings will be reported following confirmation of the programme of Council meetings at full Council on 20 May 2016. Minutes: Agreed that the Secretary would put forward dates for future meetings to be agreed at the Council’s Annual General Meeting.
ISSUES ARISING FROM FORUM MEMBERS To discuss any issues brought forward by members of the Forum. Minutes:
Mr Pawley raised that there was to be a planning application involving the Cattewater Spur railway section. He had suggested that a path should run along the top of the bund that was proposed to be built there. Agreed Mr Fairchild and Mr Pawley to write to the landowner regarding the implementation of a path along the Cattewater Spur Railway.