Agenda and minutes

Venue: St Paul's Church, Torridge Way, Efford, Plymouth, PL3 6JG

Contact: Judith Shore, Team Leader, Democratic Support  Email:

No. Item



Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this Agenda.


There were no declarations of interest made by members in accordance with the Code of Conduct.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 44 KB

The Committee will be asked to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 10 September, 2009.


Please note any questions relating to these minutes can be asked under question time for members of the public.


Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 10th September 2009 be approved as a correct record.



To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.


The Chair informed Committee of proposals for a traffic management scheme at Drake Circus.  Members were advised that although the area affected fell outside of this particular Committee’s remit, details of the proposals would be circulated to them for information as the proposals would affect a neighbouring ward.


(In accordance with Section 100(B)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the Chair brought forward the above item of business because of the need to inform Members).



Representatives from the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary will report on any relevant local issues.


A representative from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary reported on relevant local issues highlighting that overall crime levels were down on the same period last year.  In considering each area individually, the Committee was advised that –






·         there had been a 15% reduction in anti-social behaviour

·         criminal damage was down 26%

·         incidents of theft were down 27.5%

·         currently aiming for a 25-30% reduction in crime overall

·         problems at Thames Gardens – there had been 3 calls in the last month which had been dealt with by local patrols.  The situation would continue to be monitored

·         Kennet Close – Units continued to attend but officers were looking for a  long term solution and considering other measures






·         there had been a 17% reduction in anti-social behaviour

·         there was a youth provision deficit in the Efford and Lipson area and local officers were looking at what else can be done, particularly in Foxfield Close

·         Lipson Park PACT Priority – there had been one call this month which resulted in youths being spoken to (no alcohol involved).  The local PCSO’s were engaging with schools on litter picking




Mount Gould


·         there had been a 31% reduction in anti-social behaviour

·         Speeding (PACT priority) - 4 Fixed penalty notices issued on 18th October 2009

·         Drugs (PACT priority) - recorded offences had increased by 212%. This was as a result of the problem being particularly targeted

·         Tothill Park (PACT priority) - only two calls received in the last month. These were not anti-social behaviour related which did not seem to be a problem in the park. PCSOs continued to be highly visible in the area




East End


·         there had been a 15% reduction in anti-social behaviour

·         PACT Priority - Street Litter – the Council’s street cleaning team had been contacted in this regard but to date a response had not yet been received

·         Pact Priority – Dog fouling – the Council’s Dog Warden had been contacted in this regard but to date a response had not yet been received


The Committee also heard that the Central Neighbourhood team were planning a ‘School Speed Watch’ project which would involve taking Year 6 children out onto the streets and equipping them with Laser Speed Guns and Radios. The aim of the project was to greatly enhance the impact on driving behaviour by having children speak directly to offending motorists.


An update was also received in respect of the case surrounding Little Teds Nursery and recent inaccurate press coverage.  Members were advised that since the court appearance, no individual families had been identified or contacted and Vanessa George had not been re-interviewed.



Representatives from the University of Plymouth will be in attendance to report on a community engagement project.


The Committee received a presentation from the University of Plymouth Active Communities Co-ordinator and the President of the Student Union.  The presentation highlighted the good work of student volunteers and the University’s commitment to engaging in its surrounding community.  Members noted with interest the “Jigsaw Garden” project which was to be sited on wasteland north of Drakes Circus shopping mall and due to open in June 2010.


The presentation was welcomed but a number of concerns were raised regarding student behaviour, particularly around parking.  Assurances were given that those concerns would be reported back to the University.



A representative of the Director for Development and Regeneration will attend to update the committee on waste matters, including problems being encountered in the lane to the rear of Embankment Road.


The Committee received a verbal report from the Waste Services Manager outlining that -


  • 12 new waste collectors would be recruited to reduce dependency on agency workers
  • the number of missed collections had significantly reduced
  • there had been a reduction in repeat calls regarding waste problems
  • Notices were being placed on cars blocking access to rear lanes.  Once three notices had been issued the Police would be called to remove the offending vehicles
  • the garden waste collection had now finished and a further 12,000 properties would be added to the collection round next year


In response to questions raised, Members were advised that –




the department did listen when particular problems were identified and were not opposed to making changes where appropriate;




a smaller vehicle was now being used for collections along Salcombe Road and crews had been instructed to walk bins out if the vehicle was unable to gain access;




a number of smaller vehicles had been purchased to load to larger vehicles where access had been a problem.  However, this system had not proved to be a useful as had been anticipated;




pavements which were being persistently being blocked by bins on collection day should be drawn to the department’s attention in order for appropriate action to be taken.  However, with only 3 enforcement officers covering the whole of the City, enforcement action was often threatened but rarely pursued;




the Council did provide the University with information regarding recycling as well as attending the Freshers Fayre.




A representative of the Director for Development and Regeneration will attend to update the Committee on any licensing matters affecting the three wards.


The Unit Manager for Safety, Health and Licensing was in attendance to update the Committee on licensing and taxi related issues in the area.   


With regard to miscellaneous licensing matters –


·         a Designated Public Place Order (DPPO) had been enacted for large parts of the City Centre and outlying areas.  This Order gave Police the right to stop people drinking within these areas and remove alcohol from them (a map indicating the areas affected is attached to these minutes)

·         a cumulative impact policy was in place to curb the increasing numbers of new licensed premises and a full review of this policy would take place in 2010.  Members of the public were encouraged to participate in the consultation process

·         the department was represented on the VIPP group which had been looking at neighbourhood crime statistics to identify those which may be alcohol related.  Some interesting stats had been produced, for example in one area stats appeared to suggest that up to 50% of all alcohol-related crime took place between 8-9 p.m.

·         there were mandatory conditions being considered nationally which included a proposal to ban drink offers and minimum pricing, however, no details had yet been produced and no implementation date announced


With regard to taxis –


·         there was currently a problem of over ranking on Mutley Plain.  However, a complete review of taxi ranks was shortly to be undertaken which would hopefully address the problem

·         there would be more joint enforcement on this in conjunction with the Police and any necessary action required would be taken


In response to questions raised, Members were advised that –




anyone wishing to sell fireworks had to hold the necessary license to do so, store them appropriately and ensure they were sold within the limited time period;




in incidences where alcohol has been bought for those who were underage, both the shop selling the alcohol and the adult making the purchase were culpable. 






The Committee will consider requests from individual Committee Members for future agenda items and identify items that are still outstanding from previous meetings.


Resolved that the following items be included on the agenda for the next meeting -


  • Eastern Corridor Update
  • Update on the future of Citybus
  • Parking Problems in Efford - Chudleigh Road/Laira Park Road, Salcombe Road and Old Laira Road (rear of Old Laira Road and Pike Road)
  • Update on 20 MPH zone outside schools



The Committee and Officers will respond to questions from members of the public attending the Committee.  Any question not answered shall be the subject of a written response within ten working days.


The committee considered questions raised by members of the public on the following matters –




road safety at Torridge Way/Blandford Road;




parking and access problems at Salcombe Road, Chudleigh Road and Old Laira Road;




the sale of Citybus;




future of Paternoster House.


Responses were provided as follows –




with regard to (i) above, the Cabinet Member would be invited to attend the Committee but was under no obligation to attend;




with regard to (ii) above, the issues would be included on the agenda for the next meeting;




with regard to (iii) and (iv) above, written responses would be sought from the relevant departments.




The next meeting will be held on 21 January, 2010, at the East End Community Resource Centre, 37a Cattedown Road, Plymouth, PL4 0PG.


The committee was informed that the next meeting would be held on Thursday 21st January, 2010, at the East End Community Resource Centre, 37a Cattedown Road, Plymouth, PL4 0PG.



To consider passing a resolution under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the press and public from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that it (they) involve(s) the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 


There were no items of exempt business.