Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council House, Armada Way, Plymouth

Contact: Lynn Young  Email:

No. Item


Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair

The Secretary of the Joint committee (Ashleigh Sherrell) will invite nominations for a new Committee Chair in accordance with the Joint Working Agreement and a new Chair will be elected from Devon County Council’s Committee members.  The new chair will invite nominations for a new Committee Vice-Chair in accordance with the Joint Working Agreement and a new Vice-Chair will be elected from Torbay Council’s Committee members.


Agreed that in accordance with the Joint Working Agreement Schedule C clause 4 –



Councillor Roger Croad, Devon County Council is appointed as Chair until the first meeting of the Joint Committee after 1 May 2016;



Councillor Alan Tyreman, Torbay Council is appointed as Vice-Chair until the first meeting of the Joint Committee after 1 May 2016.



Declarations of Interest

Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda.


There were no declarations of interest made by members in accordance with the code of conduct.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To sign and confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 23 October 2014.


The minutes of the meeting held on 23 October 2014 were agreed.


Chair's Urgent Business

To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.


There were no items of Chair’s urgent business.


Project Update and Overview of Project Communications

Members will receive a project update from Mark Turner (SWDWP Project Director).


Mark Turner (SWDWP Project Director), provided an update on the project and an overview of project communications.


Members were advised that –



the Acceptance Test Certificate had been received and full service commenced on 10 September 2015;



electricity was now being exported to HMNB Devonport;



a minor snagging programme for the remaining works was in place;



the plant had been taken off-line several times due to feedstock composition, one occurrence of which had attracted media interest;



odour issues continued to be investigated;



MVV continued to take a proactive lead on communications and had carried out leaflet drops, produced newsletters and held site visits for interested groups;



in the last six months there had been –


·         eight media stories

·         47 complaints (38 odour complaints, nine noise complaints)

·         six enquiries from local residents

·         five compliments from members of the Incinerator Liaison Committee/local residents.


The Chair thanked Mark Turner for his update.



MVV’s Managing Director, Uwe Zickert, will update Members on the performance and status of the EfW facility.


Uwe Zickert (MVV’s Managing Director), provided members with an update on the performance and status of the EfW facility.


Members were advised that –



during commissioning the facility had passed a series of thorough tests and on 15 May 2015 the first waste was lit in the boiler;



the final stages of commissioning took place in early October 2015;



77,000 tonnes of waste had so far been diverted from landfill, resulting in a significant reduction in waste miles and carbon emissions;



finishing works were underway, including the landscaping and creation of a drainage swale and wildlife pond to the north west of the facility.


The Chair thanked Uwe Zickert for his update.



MVV’s Community Liaison Manager, Jane Ford, will update Members on communication and liaison activities.


Jane Ford (MVV Community Liaison Manager), provided members with a presentation summarising the community liaison update.


Members were advised that –



MVV continued to engage with local schools, colleges and the wider community to offer site tours and waste, energy and environmental workshops;



the facility incorporated a purpose-built visitor centre and a roof garden;



the woodland adjacent to the facility was accessible from the site, and allowed visitors to participate in nature trails and outdoor activities;



bespoke workshops and tours to link with topics covered in the new National Curriculum (in addition to local, national and international initiatives) were on offer to local primary and secondary schools;



work experience and placements were available to those who wished to pursue a career in the industry;



site tours could be arranged via Jane Ford;



the visitor centre was available for community groups to use for meetings and events (free of charge to community groups).


The Chair thanked Jane Ford for her presentation.



There is a site visit scheduled for 28 January 2016.


There was no proposed date for the next meeting.  A date would be circulated when it was set.