Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council House (next to the Civic Centre)

Contact: Mrs Katey Johns, Democratic Support Officer 

No. Item



Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda.


The following declarations of interest were made in accordance with the members’ code of conduct –









Member of the National Union of Teachers


Councillor Stevens



Devon and Cornwall Police Employee


Councillor Nicholson


Babcock Marine Employee




MINUTES pdf icon PDF 145 KB

The Management Board will be asked to agree the minutes of the meeting held on 30 June, 2010.


Agreed that the minutes of the 30 June 2010 are approved subject to the following amendments, that:-


(1)   regarding minute 2  Councillor Wildy’s interest be amended from Personal to Prejudicial;


(2)   minute 17 (c) be amended to reflect that Councillor Williams proposed a task and finish group in respect of the criteria for trips outside the local authority area for Member and Officer development.


It was noted by the board that regarding minute 8 (a) there was no information presented to the Cabinet meeting of 13 July 2010 regarding the Invest to Save Scheme. It was reported by officers that the information was correct when communicated to the Board, but the Cabinet agenda was subject to change.




To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.


The Chair reported that there would be a significant impact on the way in which scrutiny will need to work in order to address the issues raised in the Queens’ speech and subsequent white papers.


Agreed that -


(1)   the Chair and Vice Chair of the Scrutiny Management Board together with key stakeholders, plan a series of workshops to develop revised scrutiny and governance proposals to address the changing legislative and partnership agenda;


(2)   Councillor Williams would be included as the Labour representative in the planning of the workshops.




The Management Board will monitor progress on previous decisions.


The Board considered their tracking resolutions, it was commented that with regard to -


  1. (94 (a) 3), members of the board had not yet received any information on Children’s Locality Teams;


  1. (29a (3)), the report in its new format would be presented at the next meeting.  Although the board had received information on the council’s 2009-2010 outturn position, it was felt that waiting until September for further financial information could prevent effective and timely scrutiny of the budget and the Cabinet during this  difficult financial period;



Agreed that:-


(1)   the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel add Children’s Locality working to their work programme and report back to the Management board on any outcomes;


(2)   the new quarterly Finance and Performance report would be circulated to members of the management board as soon as it was available;


(3)   the interim external audit report recently presented at audit committee would be provided to members of the management board;


(4)   with regard to 91 (2) a Project Initiation Document (PID) is prepared by the Customer and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel and that authority to approve the PID delegated to the lead officer in consultation with the Chair.




Members will be advised of urgent executive decisions that have been taken since the last meeting of the Management Board (30 June, 2010).


The Board considered the urgent executive decision - Cessation of the free swimming initiative for over 60’s and under 16’s. It was commented that -


  1. the financial implications appeared to be exaggerated;


  1. there would be cost implications, particularly when considering that free leisure passes for looked after children would continue.




To consider the annual scrutiny report for the year 2009/10.


The Annual Scrutiny Report was presented to the Board. It was commented that -


a.      the report did not sell the scrutiny process or contain enough detail about the role of the Management Board and that the format should be reviewed for the publication of the next report;


b.      Future annual reports should be available at the beginning of the municipal year.


Agreed that -


(1)         Panel Chairs contribute to the Annual Scrutiny report throughout the year by highlighting successful areas of work to their lead officer;


(2)         section 3.2 would be developed to highlight how scrutiny involvement in the preparation of the Corporate Plan was a good example of the scrutiny process at its best;


(3)         section 3.3 would be reworded to better reflect member development achievements;


(4)         a list of Task and Finish groups which had taken place during the period that the report covers would be included in the report.




To endorse any proposed changes to scrutiny terms of reference with a view to making recommendations to City Council on 2 August, 2010.

Additional documents:


The Head of Policy, Performance and Partnerships outlined changes to the Terms of Reference for the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board, the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel and the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel.  It was reported that changes to the terms of reference reflected the changes in the statutory functions of the Scrutiny panels and took account of partnership working.  Members highlighted the differences between the role of the co-opted member and the members of the board who were not chairs of panels and felt that this should be reflected in the terms of reference.


Agreed -


(1)               to add the following sentence 'The Overview and Scrutiny Management Board has co-opted representatives whose tasks and duties will be determined by the Chair on a case by case basis;


(2)               to rename the section headed 'training' to 'Development and Training' and to amend the sentence to specify that development and training would be provided ‘where appropriate’;


(3)               to add the following under Development and Training

·        Budget and Finance

·        Corporate Plan                                                                                       

·        Partnership working


(4)               that the Scrutiny Terms of Reference are recommended to Council for approval.





To receive new items from the Forward Plan with a view to identifying items for scrutiny pdf icon PDF 76 KB


The Board received a new item for the forward plan in respect of City Priorities. It was commented by members of the board that eight days was not sufficient to make representations. It was reported by officers that items should be in the plan for twelve weeks; however this item was a voluntary addition to the forward plan and not a key decision.


To consider the format of the proposed new forward plan template pdf icon PDF 48 KB


The Board considered the new forward plan template. It was reported that representations can be made by any member of the public. The board were also informed that, following comments at the last meeting, an option to subscribe to updates would be made available to members of the public, this option would allow a user to select topics which were of interest to them and then receive email notifications when an item which related to those topics is published.



To receive and consider recommendations from panels, Committees, Cabinet or Council.

Additional documents:


The board considered panel recommendations, it was agreed -


(1)   that the management board did not require an update  on Support Services minute 19 08/07/10,locality working and the appointment of neighbourhood officers;


(2)   to approve the appointment of the nominated co-opted member to the Support Services Overview and Scrutiny Panel (minute 8 08/07/10 refers);


(3)   to approve the appointment of the nominated co-opted member to the Customers and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel (minute 8 08/07/10 refers);


(4)   that with regard to Growth and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Panel minute 5 14/06/10, Community Services is removed form the work programme;


(5)   that with regard to Growth and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Panel minute 8 14/06/10, the review of the Hoe foreshore is acknowledged as completed.  Board Members commented that the reduction of risk from ‘red’ to ‘amber’ and the investment of around £406,000 as a result of the panel’s review should be welcomed;


(6)   that the Growth and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Panel is requested to scrutinise homelessness and housing needs issues and add this to its work programme. (Minute 17 (iii) 12/07/10 refers);


(7)   the Growth and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Panel undertake a Task and Finish group to scrutinise the community events and road closure policy (minute 21 12/07/10 refers);


(8)   the Children and Young People panel prepare a PID for a two day Task and Finish group in October focusing on young carers in the city,(minute 23 (1) 15/07/10 refers);


(9)   the red risk item of the inability of Carefirst to meet business requirements in terms of changes to service provision’ is referred to the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel and that the Assistant Chief Executive is asked to brief the panel regarding the issues (Audit Committee 23/07/10 refers).





To consider and approve work programmes for each of the Panels, including receipt of a work programme update from each panel Chair pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


The Management Board considered the Panels work programme.


Agreed that -


(1)   with regard to the Children’s and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel’s work programme, local democracy week be removed and adult and community learning be added;


(2)   Scrutiny Resource and Housing Needs be removed from the Support Services Overview and Scrutiny Panel’s work programme;


(3)   Customer and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel would add an update from the Safer and Stronger Theme Group to their work programme and invite the Chief Superintendent to attend the panel;


(4)   the quarterly invitation to the Leader of the Council and Chief Executive be added to the work programme of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.



To receive Task and Finish Group Reports pdf icon PDF 414 KB


Pauline Purnell, former Chair of the Children and Young Peoples Overview and Scrutiny Panel and Councilor Mrs Watkins former Chair of the Health and Adult Social care Overview and Scrutiny Panel presented the report of the Task and Finish Group ‘ A Focus on reducing teenage conceptions rates in the city’. It was reported that:-


  1. there was confusion between conceptions and live births. The task and finish group did not receive information on conception rates broken down to postcode levels for reasons of anonymity.


  1. teenage conception rates were very much a social issue rather then a health issue and despite this the majority of funding to tackle teenage conception rates went to health agencies;


  1. it was identified that early intervention was key, those performing non-teaching roles in schools, such as Parent Support Workers could help to identify vulnerable groups or individuals;


  1. the media played a large role in the sexualizing of underage girls. Magazines could be considered explicit in their content. It was accepted that this was a difficult area but could be tackled by raising parents awareness of magazine content;


  1. there was a very small amount of time in schools to provide sex education, teachers could be supported in identifying at risk teenagers and Children.



In response to questions from members of the board, it was reported that:-


  1. within the difficult financial climate there was little funding for a new programme of work in this area. The task and finish group found that Educational Welfare Officers are lacking training in this area which is one issue which could be addressed with minimal costs.  Although recommendations within the report are not costed, it was likely that a high level of funding would be required to deliver a programme on sexual health resulting from the recommendations


  1. information on conception rates was requested from the NHS, for reasons of anonymity, the information received was not broken down to postcode level which made it difficult for the group to understand how conception rates differed across the city. This information was available in other cities with anonymity maintained by providing a sample over a longer period of time.


  1. although witnesses were not called from outside the city, a large amount of written information from other local authorities had been received. The task and finish group would had like to have received witnesses from outside the city, however this was not possible due to time constraints.


Agreed that:-


(1)   the Board thanks the members of the task and finish group, officers and witnesses for providing the report;


(2)   the report and its recommendations are commended to Cabinet;


(3)   accurate timely relevant statistics regarding conceptions in the city are provided by Health agencies and that the Chief Executive of the Primary Care Trust or his representative is invited to a future meeting of the Board to discuss data sharing between agencies;


(4)   for future task and finish group reports a list of background reports and written responses is inserted into the final report.


(5)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27b


To agree Project Initiation Documents / Task and Finish Groups pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


Agreed to approve-


(1)   the Project Initiation Document on the Modernisation of Adult Social Care;


(2)   the Project initiation document on a Review of Community Events and Road Closure Policy.





The Board will consider ‘The State of Plymouth Report’, a high level analysis of needs and capacity within the city, which has been produced as a basis for integrated planning across the Local Strategic Partnership.  This report will be considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 10 August, 2010.

Additional documents:


The Board considered the draft State of Plymouth report. Jonathan Fry, Policy and Performance Officer reported that:-


a.      the report presented to the Board was a early working draft;


b.      the purpose of the report was to draw together the large amount of information from strategies and reports from across partner agencies in Plymouth into a core document on which to base priority setting and planning;


c.      the document was a living document and would be continuously improved;


d.      the report set out the current state of the city against the level of its ambition;


e.      the report painted a high level picture on which to steer the future of the city.


In response to questions from members of the board it was reported that -


f.        the document was intended for management groups in partner agencies, the local strategic partnership and its theme groups and Plymouth City Council management teams;


g.      work would continue on the format of the report.  Work had already been undertaken to make the executive summary stronger;


h.      the document was the first of its type in the country;


i.        the document was not intended to be an advertisement for the City, rather a research document on which the council and partner agencies could base service planning.


Agreed -


(1)   That the Scrutiny Management Board welcomes the State of Plymouth   report and recommend that Cabinet review the Corporate Improvement Priorities in light of the State of Plymouth Report with emphasis on the following issues:-


  •  Supporting the city's growth agenda, including skills development
  • Addressing health inequalities
  • Delivering efficiency savings
  • Providing increased customer focus
  • Promoting the role of community, voluntary and not-for-profit organisations



(2)   that the finished document is provided to Scrutiny Panels in order to inform the scrutiny work programme.




To consider passing a resolution under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the press and public from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that it (they) involve(s) the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) … of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


There were no items of exempt business.