This page lists the meetings for Safer Executive Group.
Earlier meetings. Later meetings.
The Safer Plymouth Partnership
The Safer Plymouth Partnership operates within a statutory framework with responsible authorities expected to work with other local agencies and organisations to develop and implement strategies to tackle crime, disorder, misuse of drugs and other substances, anti-social behaviour in their areaincluding:
Safer Plymouth Partnership is responsible for overseeing the delivery of the Safer Plymouth Partnership Plan and priorities arising from annual Partnership Strategic Assessments (local and Peninsula) to ensure effective action and partnership collaboration to address community safety issues in Plymouth. This includes crime & disorder, substance misuse, and anti-social behaviour.
Members that make up Safer Plymouth Partnership are representatives of the Plymouth City Council, Devon and Cornwall Police, NHS Clinical Commissioning Group, Devon and Somerset Fire & Rescue, Devon and Cornwall Probation Trust and The Police and Crime Commissioner.
Questions from the Public
Members of the public can attend Safer Plymouth Partnership meetings (except where confidential or exempt information is likely to be discussed) and may ask questions at each meeting (up to two questions per person per meeting and up to 100 words per question) that are relevant to Safer Plymouth’s business and functions. At the start of each meeting 30 minutes will be allocated to questions asked by members of the public.
Responses may be oral or written. Questions must be put in writing to the Community Safety and Partnerships Manager at Plymouth City Council at least five clear working days before the Safer Plymouth Partnership meeting.