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Community Well-being Scrutiny Committee

This page lists the meetings for Community Well-being Scrutiny Committee.


Information about Community Well-being Scrutiny Committee

Terms of reference of the overview and Scrutiny Committees will be, within their particular area of responsibility, to:



act as a check and balance on the Executive by reviewing the effectiveness of the implementation of Council policy by the Executive and other Committees of Council



assist the Council in the development of the future policy of the Council.



carry out Best Value Reviews to significantly improve service delivery.


The Community Well-being Scrutiny Committee have responsibility for scrutiny of the following specific areas of council operation:-



·        All aspects of community leadership


·        Local Agenda 21 strategy


·        The Community Plan “City Strategy”


·        The Council’s Corporate Plan


·        The Capital Strategy


·        Health and Safety and Emergency Planning


·        Youth Justice Plan


·        Community Safety


·        Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy


·        Central Services, Corporate Centre and DSD of the Council


·        The operation of Area Committees


·        The Portfolio and actions of the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Performance, Strategic Partnership working, Central Services and Industrial Relations


·        Food Law Enforcement Plan


·        Trading Standards Enforcement Plan


·        E-Government Strategy


·        The Portfolio and actions of the Leader


·        The operation of the Licensing Committee


Policy Development



assist the Council in the development of its Budget And Policy Framework by in-depth analysis of policy issues;



conduct research, community and other consultation in the analysis of policy issues and possible options;



consider and implement mechanisms to encourage and enhance community participation in the development of policy options;



question members of the Executive and chief officers about their views on issues and proposals affecting the area, and



liaise with other external organisations operating in the area, whether national, regional or local, to ensure that the interests of local people are enhanced by collaborative working.





promote the better delivery and integration of those services that fall to be scrutinised by this Scrutiny Committee.



review and scrutinise the decisions made by and performance of the Executive and Council officers both in relation to individual decisions and over time;



review and scrutinise the performance of the Council in relation to its policy objectives, performance targets and/or particular service areas and carry out best value review as agreed in the Best Value Performance Plan.



question members of the Executive and chief officers about their decisions and performance, whether generally in comparison with service plans and targets over a period of time, or in relation to particular decisions, initiatives or projects;



make recommendations to the Executive or appropriate committee and/or Council arising from the outcome of the scrutiny process;



review and scrutinise the performance of other public bodies in the area and invite reports from them by requesting them to address the Scrutiny Committee and local people about their activities and performance; and



question and gather evidence from any person (with their consent).




The Overview and Scrutiny Commission will exercise overall responsibility for the finances of the scrutiny function. It will delegate specific budgets to each Scrutiny Committee who will exercise responsibility for those delegated budgets.


Annual report


The Overview and Scrutiny Commission must report annually to full Council on their workings. Each Scrutiny Committee will also have an Annual Report to the Commission.


Lead Officer


The Lead Officer is to be appointed.


Substitute Members


Any Member other than a member of the Executive may act as a substitute member provided that they do not have a personal and prejudicial interest in the matter under review.