Agenda item

Primary Care Strategy Refresh


Dr Sarah Wollaston and Jo Turl (ICS Devon / NHS Devon CCG) provided the Board with a presentation concerning a refresh of the Primary Care Strategy for Devon.  It was reported –


·         There were six main pillars in the strategy, these overarching themes would remain but the situation has changed since the initial strategy development. Learning from the pandemic would inform how different primary care could and should be.

·         There had been an extraordinary increase in pressure on system and the opportunity to take stock and revise the strategy was now, to prevent the implementation of a rigid model going forward for many years.

·         The new strategy would recognise what works for Plymouth, which may be completely different to what works in in small isolated coastal communities or even isolated rural communities. It was accepted that one size would not fit all.

·         Through the Integrated Care System there would be a greater focus on co-design and all stakeholders would be involved in the development of the strategy. 

·         Workforce pressures and skill mix meant that primary care would not look the same in the future and would be delivered through a model that works for all the areas dependent on the type of community being served. 

The Board agreed to continue to support the development of the Primary Care Strategy refresh.

Supporting documents: