Agenda item

Tracking Decisions


The Chair introduced the Tracking Decisions item and advised the Committee that:



the actions greyed out in the table were complete and that actions still unshaded had yet to be finalised;



a response for the following action from a previous meeting was required otherwise the Chair would involve the Chief Executive of the Council:




1 December 2021 – Minute 25 ‘Finance and Capital Monitoring Report September 2021: Members were advised that a written response would be provided detailing the risk and affordability of the Council’s business cases, specifically regarding construction’.


The Committee discussed –



some of the actions from the 29 June 2022 meeting that related to minute 9, specifically regarding Plymouth’s low recycling rates which were below the national average, why the council disposed of waste other than recycled it, and if the garden waste collection service would be reintroduced in 2023;



what position would the council be in if it did not achieve targets set by the Government in terms of its recycling?



29 June 2022 minute 9 (5) ‘a workshop is held so Members can understand and help to positively influence the process of target setting regarding key performance indicators and discuss what performance information is most appropriate for the scrutiny function’. The Chair wanted to ensure that scrutiny were involved in setting KPIs;



if the information requested under the following minute was made available as it had not been sent to Councillor Laing’s panel: minute 10 (4) ‘information, as a result of the deep dive into Children’s Services by the Strategic Director for Finance, the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Children’s Services. And the Shadow Portfolio Holder for Finance, would be provided to Members of the panel as well as the Children and Young People scrutiny panel’;


minute 6 (2) ‘an update on the Government’s £300m commitment to local authorities to prevent youth offending would be provided to Members when available’; it was confirmed that the response was chased and that the Council had received a small part of the national amount. A response had been drafted and would be provided to the panel shortly;



minute 12 (1) ‘a report would be provided at the next meeting to consider financial profit and loss for each leisure facility, including membership details, investment information and opportunities and risk’ – it was highlighted by the Chair that a written report had not been submitted despite the requested made at the previous meeting and the impact this would have upon Members ability to scrutinise.


The Committee agreed that –



the tracking decisions document was noted;



more information on the action plan relating to question 1 was sought, specifically with regards to how recycling rates could be increased: (Minute 9 – ‘a written response would be provided to Members providing more detail as to why there was a 39% target set for recycling as this was considered rather low’;



more information on action (4) ‘a written response would be provided to Members regarding if the Council received revenue from composting’ and confirmation as to why the Council disposed of its waste other than recycling it?



a response would be provided as to if the garden waste collection service would be reintroduced in 2023;



a response to Minute 6 (2) ‘an update on the Government’s £300m commitment to local authorities to prevent youth offending’ would be followed up and provided to Members;



all tracking decisions from previous meetings would be followed up and actioned.





Supporting documents: