Agenda item
Corporate Plan Performance Report - Quarter 1 and RIsk Update
Ross Jago (Head of Governance, Performance and Risk) presented the Corporate Plan Performance Report – Quarter 1 and Risk Update.
The following key points were highlighted:
(a) |
the second part of the report focused upon risk; this was a recommendation from the Audit and Governance Committee that risk was appropriately considered at scrutiny meetings. Both the performance information, and risk information in the report was due to be updated in November when submitted back to scrutiny for consideration;
(b) |
good performance in the last quarter included the increase in the employment rate which was now rated green, the reduction in repeat referrals to childrens social care and some improved adult social care outcomes;
(c) |
performance challenges included the increase in children that were subject to multiple child protection plans, the full time equivalent days lost to sickness as well as the spend against the budget;
(d) |
in terms of risk, there were three red risk items on the strategic risk register which included the spend against the budget, cyber security (mitigations were included in the report), and supply chain issues and lead-in time for technology IT equipment. |
In response to questions raised it was reported that –
(e) |
information regarding multiple protection plans and the childrens services budget would be better discussed at the Education and Childrens Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee scheduled for Thursday 13 October 2022; it was considered helpful that the outstanding tracking decisions responses relating to childrens services be available for this meeting;
(f) |
in order to provide assurance, the risks and mitigations surrounding the workforce and the impact from sickness rates, covid and flu on their ability to deliver services would be further considered by the Cabinet Member and officers;
(g) |
key performance indicator (KPI) 15 (public satisfaction with traffic flow) was not rag rated because it was currently being reviewed;
(h) |
the Cabinet Member for Finance and Economy committed to providing a written response to the committee on the implications upon the budget of the potential loss of grants/ fines/ the impact on household waste and Plymouth waste collection sites/ if garden waste was disposed of or recycled, due to stopping the garden waste collection service;
(i) |
a written response would be provided from Community Connections as to what the Council was doing to try and close the gap in anti-social behaviour interventions and the increase in anti-social behaviour; this related to KPI (7) - anti-social behaviour incidents reported to the council, KPI (8) - number of early interventions to antisocial behaviour and KPI (9) – residents who felt safe in the city during the day’;
(j) |
it was considered that an accounting solution had been arrived at in terms of the council’s pension fund deficit – this was being considered by the Audit and Governance Committee at every meeting and a further update would be provided in November – an update would be provided to this committee when available. |
The Committee agreed –
(1) |
to note the report;
(2) |
the three amber risks contained within the risk register regarding insufficient workforce resilience, the health, safety and wellbeing of the workforce, and the staff resilience at time of pressure would be included in the update on the Return to Work Safely – The Big Listen Update report at the 30 November 2022 scrutiny meeting. These risks would also be updated in the risk register when presented to the November committee;
(3) |
a written response on the implications upon the budget of the potential loss of grants/ fines/ the impact on household waste and Plymouth waste collection sites/ if garden waste was disposed of or recycled, due to stopping the garden waste collection service would be provided to Members;
(4) |
a written response would be provided from Community Connections as to what the Council was doing to try and close the gap in the downward trend of anti-social behaviour interventions and the increase in anti-social behaviour;
(5) |
cyber security (in terms of attack, supply of equipment and data security) would be added to the committee’s work programme. |
Supporting documents:
Corporate Plan Performance Report Q1 22-23 Cover, item 22.
PDF 156 KB
Corporate Plan Performance Report, Q1 2022-23, item 22.
PDF 155 KB
PER RISK, item 22.
PDF 467 KB