Agenda item

Cost of Living Update


Councillor Rebecca Smith (Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Homes and Communities) presented the report and highlighted –


a)    The Council was in the process of putting together the package of items that would be delivered;

b)    The Cost of Living Taskforce had been set up to bring together a wide-range of key stakeholders who were experts in delivering alleviation to specific aspects of poverty, but had joined together for a consistent approach;

c)    A cost of living framework was being delivered and the taskforce would focus on taking action and not just analysing the problem, and The Council would lead in ensuring support was delivered;

d)    There was a hope to provide a consistent and sustainable approach to food support with multiple partners;

e)    A strategy plan would be put in place to inform people about what was already happening in the city, and what was coming.


Ruth Harrell (Director of Public Health) added –


f)     The types of households who would be affected by the cost of living crisis were broad but included those on low incomes, single person households, older people, younger people setting out on their own, households with an unexpected significant event and people with disabilities including significant mental health issues;

g)    Even short-term winter issues could have a lasting impact on households including finances with debts and high interest rates, as well as for people living with illnesses who could be at higher risk living in a cold home;

h)    The aims of the cost of living taskforce were to work with Partners across the city to help co-ordinate activity that was already happening between organisations working with their communities, building on existing relationships the Council had;

i)     Vital that the messages to promote awareness and improve access were clear; there was already a Cost of Living Hub on the Council website;

j)     First theme was managing finances which included education to help ensure people were aware of benefits they were entitled to, support to find affordable repayment plans, awareness of high risk-high interest loans etc;

k)    Second theme was managing at home which included heating and eating and ensuring that people had access to low-cost, affordable, healthy food in moments of crisis and longer term, as well as poor quality housing and how people would be supported as it was a factor that could exacerbate the impact of fuel price;

l)     Third theme was supporting mental health and well-being and the need to recognise the impact the crisis could have on this and that signposting was there to support people facing difficult choices and how could they be helped so the choices add to their long term health;

m)  Had to be a graduated response with urgent crisis support as well as targeted support to at-risk households and building resilience;

n)    Household Support Fund was about to enter its third phase which provided funding to support organisations in getting support to their communities and some direct support to some households across the city;

o)    A warm spaces development plan would be looked at to link a range of spaces that might already be warm to save people heating their own homes, as well as what employers can offer staff with the Council having schemes such as well-being champions, PAM Assist as well as financial wellbeing workshops and the Council would be encouraging other businesses to do similar;

p)    Key resources were Cost of Living page on the Council website,, Citizen’s Advice’s Benefits Checker and Qwell (Mental Health Support);

In response to questions it was highlighted –


q)    Work was being carried out with the 3 universities to understand what support was in place for students with strong provisions for mental health, finance and housing support;

r)    Work was being done with the Trading Standards team on resources around scam-busters and loan shark prevention and getting that information on social media and it would be included on the Cost of Living Hub too;

s)     Important that Members share the information available with their residents too.

The Committee agreed to note the report.


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