Agenda item
Cost of Living
Councillor Rebecca Smith (Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Homes and Communities) proposed the motion on notice on Cost of Living. Councillor Natalie Harrison seconded this motion.
Councillor Jemima Laing moved an amendment to the motion. This was seconded by Councillor Zoe Reilly.
The meeting was adjourned from 5.40pm until 5.50pm.
Following a discussion with contributions from Councillor Smith, Kelly, Penberthy, Harrison the Council agreed to accept the amendment.
For (29)
Councillors Hulme, Poyser, Wheeler, Kelly, Mrs Beer, Singh, Mrs Bridgeman, Briars-Delve, Mrs Aspinall, Coker, Dr Cree, Cresswell, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Holloway, Laing, Lowry, McDonald, Murphy, Penberthy, Reilly, Rennie, Stevens, Tippetts, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent.
Against (23)
Councillors Bingley, Burden, Churchill, Collins, Darcy, Deacon, Drean, Finn, Harrison, Lugger, Dr Mahony, Nicholson, Partridge, Patel, Mrs Pengelly, Riley, Salmon, Shayer, Smith, Stoneman, Tofan, Wakeham, Ms Watkin.
Abstain (1)
Councillor Dann.
Absent/Did Not Vote (2)
Councillors Carlyle and Loveridge.
Councillor George Wheeler moved an amendment to the motion. This was seconded by Councillor Ian Poyser.
Following a discussion with contributions from Councillors Evans OBE, Nicholson and Riley the Council agreed to accept the amendment.
For (27)
Councillors Poyser, Wheeler, Kelly, Mrs Beer, Singh, Briars-Delve, Mrs Aspinall, Coker, Dr Cree, Cresswell, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Holloway, Laing, Lowry, McDonald, Murphy, Penberthy, Reilly, Rennie, Stevens, Tippetts, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent.
Against (24)
Councillors Bingley, Burden, Churchill, Collins, Darcy, Deacon, Drean, Finn, Harrison, Hulme, Lugger, Dr Mahony, Nicholson, Partridge, Patel, Mrs Pengelly, Riley, Salmon, Shayer, Smith, Stoneman, Tofan, Wakeham, Ms Watkin,
Abstain (2)
Councillor Dann and Mrs Bridgeman.
Absent/Did Not Vote (2)
Councillors Carlyle and Loveridge.
The Council agreed to note –
1) The significant impact current energy costs, interest rates and other financial pressures are having on citizens in Plymouth;
2) The existing partnership work which was already taking place across the city to tackle poverty and support the most vulnerable. Further the Council places on record its gratitude to our voluntary and community sector and social enterprise partners working tirelessly in this field;
3) The Cost of Living Taskforce which had been set up to ensure a successful track record of collaboration and partnership continues as they work together to deal with the increased pressures of the cost of living on families, individuals and businesses across the city;
This Council therefore:
4) Pledged to proactively identify those most in need of support and to ensure they had access to all the Government support they were eligible for and to distribute government funding such as the Household Support Fund as creatively and effectively as possible to reach those most in need;
Committed to providing leadership and support across the
city to ensure that the impact of the cost of
living crisis was minimised for all those living in Plymouth. by:
Declaring a cost-of-living emergency;
Instructing Cllr Rebecca Smith (the Cabinet member
responsible) to work with her opposite numbers in the other three
groups in Council and members of the Cost of
Living Taskforce to develop Terms of Reference that would make the
work cross-party and ensure that the Taskforce is able to challenge
the Council, it’s partners and the government on issues
relating to the cost of living emergency without fear of repercussions;
the Chief
Executive write to the new Chancellor
and Prime Minister urging them to create a Local Government Cost of
Living Emergency Fund to help local authorities, including
Plymouth, to tackle the crisis;
Welcomed the increased funding for adult social care
proposed in the Chancellor’s Statement but noted with regret
that much of it was to be raised by allowing the Council to
increase council tax by up to 4.99% before a referendum was
7) Note -
a. That increasing council tax produces less funding in poorer areas like Plymouth than in wealthier ones while the greater need is in the former;
That increasing council tax by 4.99% would add to the
financial pressures on the citizens of Plymouth, described in
earlier paragraphs;
c. Resolved to write to the Chancellor to request he found a fairer way of funding the increase in adult social care provision than through increasing council tax.
For (29)
Councillors Hulme, Poyser, Wheeler, Kelly, Mrs Beer, Singh, Mrs Bridgeman, Briars-Delve, Mrs Aspinall, Coker, Dr Cree, Cresswell, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Holloway, Laing, Lowry, McDonald, Murphy, Penberthy, Reilly, Rennie, Stevens, Tippetts, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent.
Against (0)
Abstain (24)
Councillors Bingley, Burden, Churchill, Collins, Darcy, Deacon, Drean, Finn, Harrison, Lugger, Dr Mahony, Nicholson, Partridge, Patel, Mrs Pengelly, Riley, Salmon, Shayer, Smith, Stoneman, Tofan, Wakeham, Ms Watkin and Dann.
Absent/Did Not Vote (2)
Councillors Carlyle and Loveridge.
Councillors Burden and Collins left the meeting at 6.40pm.
Supporting documents: