Agenda item
PCC - Cost of Living Action Plan
Councillor Dann (Cabinet Member for Customer Services, Sport, Leisure & HR, and OD) gave an introduction to the PCC Cost of Living Plan and highlighted the following points-
a) Labour were aware of many rising cost pressures across the city, including food, fuel, energy and health, and recognised the need to offer help and support to those entering and experiencing crisis; many of these households had never required support before. Labour had launched the Cost of Living Action Plan in August, and had established the Cost of Living Hub, incorporating support offered by key stakeholders across the city;
b) A workshop had been held in July to coordinate support available across the city with over 70 organisations in attendance, including banks, employers, and the voluntary and community sector;
Ruth Harrell (Director of Public Health) and Rachel Silcock (Community Empowerment and Operational Lead) delivered a presentation on the Cost of Living Action Plan and highlighted the following points-
c) The Cost of Living Action Plan included 4 main pillars; Offers and discounts, making money go further, crisis support, and asks of Government.
d) Considerable communication and signposting had been undertaken to ensure support was available and visible across the city. The Cost of Living Hub detailed how to access support for finances, energy, food, families, housing, employment and skills, mental health, and warm spaces;
e) In August alone, 2,000 people had accessed the online Cost of Living Hub, and social media posts had been viewed over 200,000 times, receiving 7,000 engagements. A media toolkit had been distributed to partner organisations to ensure their support and advice was communicated;
The Board agreed to-
1. Note the Cost of Living Action Plan;
2. Thank partner organisations for the continued support, and encourage all organisations across the city to continue striving to offer cost of living support.
Supporting documents:
Cost of Living - Cover Sheet, item 51.
PDF 160 KB
Cost of Living Plan - Report, item 51.
Equalities Impact Assessment - Cost of Living, item 51.
PDF 126 KB