Agenda item
Habitat Banking Vehicle Business Case
Councillor Tom Briars-Delve (Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change) introduced the item and highlighted:
State of Nature was the
most comprehensive report on
UK biodiversity published by leading
conservation charities and it had painted a stark picture and had found that in the UK
151 documented animal species had already become extinct and
nearly 1 in
6 of remaining species were threatened with
Nature recovery needed
to be at the centre of what council did and this would be
assisted by the Climate Impact
Assessment Tool which would assess and mitigate the impact of
The 2021 Environment Act
(2021) required developers from January 2024,
to show a biodiversity net gain of at least 10%,
with a 30-year maintenanceperiod;
The Habitat Banking
Vehicle concept was a way of ensuring that when on-site
improvements weren’t sufficient, the council could
assist developers in
investment into the enchancement of nature in Plymouth’s green
Ocean City Nature, the
collect of companies that would run the vehicle, had already been
set up and the business case asked for
approval for £500,000 investment as a loan in the ambitious
The pilot would enhance
nature on three council green-sites
in a measurable way with DEFRA
The improvements would
be theoretically split into ‘biodiversity units’ which
would be tradable tokens that could be sold to developers who
would need to
show they had developed a certain level of biodiversity net
It is hoped that this
UK-leading pilot would show the viability of the habitat banking
vehicle model as an effective means of channeling millions of pounds of funding into
local green spaces;
i) The habitat banking vehicle had the potential to be the best opportunity for the council to give nature recovery in Plymouth the support it needed.
Kat Deeney (Head of Environmental Planning) added:
The Habitat Banking
Vehicle was a local solution for delivery against biodiversity net
gain policy, maximising benefits for local nature and local
Wanted to ensure, like with Section
106 monies, that the impacts
of development were mitigated
Further explained the
process of funding and biodoversity
units as a circular
The three pilot sites
would be Cann Woods, Ham Woods and
Chelson Meadow,
all in different areas of the city and incorporating different
habitat types;
By having the habitat
banking vehicle in place, there would be no
delays in developments due to the new
The financial modelling
had taken inflation into account;
p) Doing nothing would result in a loss in money for nature in the city because Section 106 would no longer exist, and the plans would benefit nature and keep people close to nature as well.
In response to
questions, it was further
Benefits would vary from
site to site and so types of planting would vary, but would
encourage more animal life to thrive in the
Increases in
biodiversity would be measured against DEFRA’s
Despite recent changes
in attitude towards net zero from national Government, the plans
were still due to go ahead, it had been
previously delayed, but this was in relation to not being ready for
The team would be
looking for involvement and engagement from
local communities as the aim was to
improve these areas for their benefit and welcomed
the suggestion of involvement with
u) It built on important work already being undertaken in the city, and it was innovative, with other local authorities looking to Plymouth on this.
Chris Avent (Green Estate Manager) added:
v) It was a new and innovative way of gaining funds to support wider work across the city.
The Cabinet agreed to:
Approve the business
case and approve £0.5m loan to Ocean City Biodiversity for
the delivery of the Habitat enhancement activities across the 3
pilot sites and operation of the
2. Confirmed that the appointed PCC Member Rep, David Northey, as Interim Strategic Director for Finance, would be responsible for implementing the loan agreement at a suitable point in time,and for reviewing and monitoringthe repayments from OCB to PCC.
Councillor Tudor Evans OBE (Leader of the Council) asked for information on both this project, and dentistry action group, to submit as to the LGA Labour Groups list of 100 Innovations of Labour Councils.
Supporting documents:
- 231004 Habitat Bank_Committee Report_Cabinet, item 56. PDF 208 KB
- 231003 Briefing Report_Plymouth HabitatBank_FINAL, item 56. PDF 714 KB
- 231003 HBV_Full Business Case_2023_v4, item 56. PDF 579 KB
- 231004 EqIA_HabitatBank, item 56. PDF 121 KB
- 231004 Habitat Bank_Cabinet Presentation, item 56. PDF 5 MB