Agenda item

Questions from Members of the Public

To receive questions from members of the public, as set out in the constitution.


There were four Questions from members of the public:



Will the Joint Committee please confirm the location of the Mount Edgcumbe Archive, its condition and how it can be accessed for research?


Thank you for your question: There is no single public archive in existence at Mount Edgcumbe. Any historic documents that survived the bombing would be held by the Edgcumbe family. The main historic archives of the Edgcumbe family and estate of Mount Edgcumbe and Cotehele are held at Kresen Kernow, the Cornish county archive service. Their catalogue is available here: . Some artefact and succession records are held at The Box in Plymouth however, the majority of items in The Box collection are copies of items in Kresen Kernow or hotographs/prints/publications or records relating to PCC’s involvement. See: Archives Catalogue Search (



In the best interests of democracy and open debate, I ask that citizens (many of whom, on the subject of the conservation of MECP, are knowledgeable, experienced, and offering to help) are encouraged to speak at JC meetings so that they and the JC members engage in meaningful discussions.


Thank you for your question: The Mount Edgcumbe Joint Committee is bound by the regulations of the 1972 and 1985 Local Government Acts, as amended by Localism Act 2011. As such, every committee meeting is open to the public, except when the public is excluded because of confidential business. Only Committee members and supporting officers may contribute during the course of a meeting. Public participation at the Joint Committee is enabled through the submission of public questions. The Joint Committee recognise the value of public participation, skills and experience. Should members of the public wish to contribute knowledge/ideas, they can submit them to the Joint Chairs (Councillor Kate Ewert & Tom Briars-Delve) or alternatively, to Council Officers.



In relation to the proposed plan for Mount Edgcumbe, can you say who will be the specialist in conservation, who will be consulted and whether or not what is envisaged is a Business Plan or a Conservation Management Plan, which are entirely different (all HLF stipulations)?


Thank you for your question: The Development Plan will be an overarching strategic document that collates management plans, business plans and conservation plans that are currently in existence, along with several new documents. In terms of the historic buildings and landscape, consultation will be undertaken with expert partners including the statutory body Historic England, along with Cornwall Councils Historic Environment Team and Historic Environment Planning Team.




To my amazement, in July 2023 I was informed that the responsibilities of the Joint Committee, as laid down in its Constitution document, are not mandatory?? So, given that the Joint Committee apparently has no responsibilities whatsoever, can you explain what the function of the Joint Committee actually is?


Thank you for your question: The Mount Edgcumbe Joint Committee is a Committee of Plymouth City Council and Cornwall Council, first formed in 1973, and comprised of 7 members from each authority. The Councils formed the Joint Committee “for the purposes of the management of the Country Park” within the budgets approved by the Councils on an annual basis and in line with agreed terms of reference about the general ethos of management of the Country Park and House. The Joint Committee is responsible for monitoring performance, management, finance, and compliance, as well as undertaking inspections of the Mount Edgcumbe Country Park. As a Joint Committee of the Cabinet of each Council, the Committee considers annual reports on the Parks performance, and recommends actions to the relevant Cabinet Members within Plymouth and Cornwall Council’s.