Agenda item

Plymouth Agreed Syllabus - (Ed Pawson)


Ed Pawson presented the report and highlighted the changes being made to the Agreed Syllabus in coordination with Cornwall, Devon and Torbay SACREs. The Syllabus has been well received by Primary and Secondary teachers. Costing is £35 per school. Please refer to the PowerPoint presentation entitled ‘Plymouth SACRE November 2023’ for full details.


EP went through the changes around Forewords, Introduction, religious and non-religious world views, more visibility for Humanism, non-religiousness, changes to EYFS, addition of more local examples to show more diversity, using updated demographics etc. In response to a question from BK, EP gave a brief note on Humanism definition, perspective, amendments and the content being proposed in the Agreed Syllabus.


KF highlighted the influence of society and community on world views. She also touched on the amendments being made around being religious, non-religious and Humanists and how this should be taught in schools.


KF and BK talked about the importance of teaching about non-religious worldviews in RE, and the way in which Humanism can be used as an example of one type of non-religious worldview being lived out in practice. EP stated that according to National Census figure there are 10,000 Humanists in the UK but a much larger population who are non-religious and that there is a need for RE to explore more about the views of non-religious population.


DE highlighted a potential amendment on point 3.13 ‘What difference does it make to more non-religious in Britain today’. This should be changed to ‘What difference does it make to live as a non-religious in Britain today’. EP agreed to make this amendment. DDS highlighted that Humanism philosophy is quite broad. He also added that RE should not be mixed up with ‘world views’ as world views already encompasses religious views. Chair replied that 1988 Education Act says ‘Religious Education’ so that might be a step too far for our agreed syllabus for June 24th.


EP elaborated on a final report produced by The Commission on RE in 2018 that reflected a shift to a Worldviews approach to RE, away from a World Religions approach. The Commission recommended a new vision for RE, with the suggestion that the subject be reframed as Religion and Worldviews. There's a law which says it's going to be RE so the decision was made to call it ‘religion and world views’. The aim is not to change the subject matter but to change the approach and focus on pupil centred world and substantive content will be about world views that will encompass both the religious and non-religious views. EP informed that they are working with the syllabus writer who is also leading the National Project on original worldview approach due to be published in Spring 2024.


KF elaborated that the new syllabus will be more about RE taking world views approach and taking into account lived realities and diversity. This is to enable getting children ready to experience the diverse communities when they become adults. The new syllabus will address the need to avoid generalised views for e.g. all Christian wear a cross or all Muslims pray five times a day. DV and Cllr SD highlighted the importance of local history and context in the RE teachings.

SACRE members to send their expression of interest to AS if they would like to meet to discuss local history, context in relation to RE.


EP stated that we will effectively break even and the new Syllabus will cost approx. £6000. MH informed that the Launch will take place in Council Chambers in June 2024 and there will be some additional costs to cover lunch and tech but no cost for the venue.


EP and KF pointed out that teachers from outside Plymouth e.g. Devon can also attend the conference. EP also confirmed that access to syllabus will be free for all schools in Plymouth via a website and schools can print a copy. There will be more opportunities for follow up training via SACRE, LTLRE Hub and Marjon and schools will be able to use this training for their CPD’s. GF confirmed that Marjon will be able to lend their support for RE. Cllr SD stated that the new syllabus will help schools and children embrace this new approach. EP advised that local knowledge, history, demographics and census data will be helpful to deliver RE and this will connect Plymouth Civic aspirations evenly across all schools.


EP recommended SACRE members to sign off the syllabus and agree to write off the funding of £6000. Chair advised SACRE members should to look at the budget position first before the above are agreed. MH gave an overview on the budget position.


BK asked if we have more detailed information on the agreed syllabus other than the presentation slides. EP and Chair said that the existing syllabus is the draft syllabus. EP agreed to circulate the draft syllabus to SACRE members but highlighted that this is confidential not to be shared it outside SACRE members. GF suggested that perhaps the reasons behind SACRE not being able to write their own syllabus is due to lack of funding. If this issue gets resolved then the syllabus can be put together with more democratic involvement and representation.


Chair commented that we do have the expertise in the Plymouth SACRE but we might not have the time. She added that we've definitely the best of both worlds in what we're attempting to do now, which is to include those local units that EP talked about. We have a fantastic example of a place of worship in the Jewish Synagogue, which is unique to Plymouth.


AS to share the ‘‘Plymouth SACRE November 2023’ presentation on the changes being made to the Agreed Syllabus with all SACRE members.
KF joined the meeting at the start of this agenda item.

1:36pm - CS joined the meeting remotely and Chair welcomed him.